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Mass delusions and their consequences : Comments
By John Perkins, published 4/11/2008The god delusion is pathological. Not only America, but the whole world, has been forced to pay the price.
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Posted by Oliver, Monday, 17 November 2008 6:28:11 PM
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If only Paul of Tarsus had written 'justification by logic' instead of 'justification by faith', we wouldn't be caring two hoots in a hollow log about this religious nonsense.
Frank Blunt Posted by Frank_Blunt, Tuesday, 25 November 2008 10:08:45 PM
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Well, despite a pretty solid effort, ol Ludwig just couldn’t get the discussion on Christianity versus sustainability rolling on this thread. So he started a new thread:,
and lo and behold, the discussion rolled… not least with both posters that he was trying to engage! Velly stlange! Posted by Ludwig, Wednesday, 26 November 2008 7:36:18 AM
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Philip Tang
[QUOTE] ..>>We atheists have evolved into a higher order than the religionists,so our minds are cleared of‘conscience’. Since we dance according to the dictates of our DNA, don’t fault us for anti-social behavior..<< dorkins[not the physisist dawkins]is a figure head[A-soundlike]'authority [who espouses belief,that flat fish'evolved'because one eye moved out of the mud,despite its fry[young]looking like normal fish,a huge[lloll] further he is of the school that HATES life[wars-ON-god] feeling their better and WE'are'worse[and that he as an a-thiest [blueblood?]has the right to dispose of lessors[lesser beings] going as far as killing whole rivers[poluting water supplies[our airs and waters[while they consume the'pure'thing out of bottles]and have their underground bases to hide in while their servants[athiests] cleanse the earth of the[to their mind[viral dna QUOTE...>>All the millions killed by the world’s great leaders (mistakenly called dictators by some)Stalin,...<< who using the'bolchovics'murdered 25 million xtian's? who control over georgia[as well as their homeland in the mid east[formilly called palistein?]##but you are revealed by your list of heroes ...>> Mao,Hitler,Omar al-Bashir(Sudan’s president,indicted for crimes against humanity),Milosevic and others down the century should be of no worry and concern to us[atheists) ...>>>[LOL]a fools paradox my bro you drink the'metal fluerides and femail horemoans in your water you eat the same transfats,poisens,gm food you get the same mercury'PRESERVED'medication's the same neural programing via tv and the same dna mutations via cell_phone-towers you too get mercury in your teeth breath the micro/particulate from our fuels[laced with a known carSINo-gene's] ...<<as they were acting out their belief system or,as Dawkins might say“they were dancing to their DNA”.... i would say not allowing our dna to dance because they hope to controle the tune then stop the music[between now and jan 26] just to bring on their'MESS-i-ah_ya-ya][via hollow-gram and or a fake alian[suppirior genes you know]via a fake/alian'landing'. and their latest czars or bird flue pandemic godd luck to your supporior genes bro luckly zion got the zion'star war'offensive system and their bunker bombs[and cluster bombs[made in usa] REGARDLESS;only the blue-bloods survive [nothing below under-secertary] or 28 th rank-KING in masonry [sub-order of the teutonic_zionista mos-t-sad]] Posted by one under god, Thursday, 27 November 2008 10:11:35 AM
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one under god
Did u sniff paint as a teenager? Posted by runner, Thursday, 27 November 2008 11:53:45 AM
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typical non response runner
see we live in times of treason where bankers are owned by coorperations and coorperations controle other corperations they were bought using fiat currency bankers have bought up the world with paper created by an iou that was turned into a security well that sold so well they collateralised anything signed a ticket , a bail order, a application to vote application to register marrage, children or a drivers licence councils , state govts collateral-ised our assets [into securities] greating 2 quadrillion of fraud they[bankers coorperations] quickly secured into 'real'asset's knowing via hyper inflation they 'repay ' the 'debt' back in deflated value [when we enter hyper-inflation shortly [like nigeria HYPER-inflation like german HYPER_inflation where the fraud is systematic and control over the media ,science, law , courts policing etc is absolute we need media distraction now a 911 fear to get our leaders secure enough for the gene-ocide, see other post, to rid the 'bad' dna selling us the delusions via the media well the consequences are red flag distractions and the murder of law, civil rights and finance needing THE NEXT WAR i have been exposing them for a long time hoping THEY wake up so i speak my truth in code just because the code gives you flash/backs is no excuse to put it back on me your post reveals more about thee than me Posted by one under god, Thursday, 27 November 2008 3:50:56 PM
Did I say that killing was morally wrong? I was drawing a parallelism. I pointed out that said God routinely commits acts, to which, I feel you object. I assumed it was you whom stated that killing the unborn is wrong, and, by way of extension, my posit, said God.
Or,would you have a pater familaris, wherein an Ancient Roman man held the power of life and death of his children, because he created them? Is creation of life a moral justification for taking the same life?
Thus, relatedly, your posit, does beg the question, if a God is the Creator; Does being the Creator, automatically affix absolute morality upon this entity? And by what authority?
Can God using using a Bic pen and sheet of paper draw a perfect circle, without changing the qualities of the pen and paper, or changing the physics of space-time? Remember a perfect circle does not only have to be perfectly round, as Plato (Perfect Forms) would have it: A circle in 3-D space is a spiral once the dimension of time is added.
Could God envisage a task God could not achieve as God? Notice, I said could and not would.