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Racism for the mainstream : Comments

By Mustafa Qadri, published 9/5/2008

The vilification of Islam, particularly in the West, has developed into something of a pseudo-intellectual industry.

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You know what I am going to say, Boaz, don't you?

>>We want an Australia which is focused on ONE thing..'being Australians' without reference to ethnic or cultural tags<<

Please, cast your mind back to the time when you were a missionary.

Did you assimilate into their culture, or did you remain true and steadfast in your beliefs?

>>Now..I'm going to annoy you here -ONE Nation, ONE Race, ONE culture...full stop!<<

But you don't actually believe that, do you? Except when it is YOUR culture.

It still hasn't occurred to you, has it, that your aims and the aims of those you perceive as your Islamic enemies are identical?

Apart, I mean, from the homophobia, the subservience of your womenfolk and your willingness to beat your daughter... I'm referring to your desire that everyone worships the same God that you do, in exactly the same way that you do.

You even share the same God, so I'm told.

Is that why they scare you so much?

After all, everyone tends to hate in others that which they hate most about themselves.
Posted by Pericles, Wednesday, 14 May 2008 6:21:15 PM
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I agree. Extremists of any kind (be they Muslim, Christian or the authors of the first few posts which I scanned briefly) are narrow minded, unacceptable and downright dangerous. Hate/fear mongering in any form is reprehensible. It seems that these folk are insecure, frightened beings, unable to cope with anyone or any concept remotely different to themselves and their tunnel-visioned thinking. Sad and unfulfilled lives for the lot of them, I should think. Embracing the unusual and learning about new things are a couple of the things that make life worth living. Try it guys!
Posted by Bambi!, Wednesday, 14 May 2008 9:33:59 PM
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The arguement that, the West is inherently Racist, is fraut with the danger that everything said by a person who is not a Muslim about Islam, or it's followers, is Racist. I don't believe this to be so in the main. In some cases yes, but mostly no.

On the other hand, I have not heard anything but unkind remarks about Westerners and their customs by Islamist people of Middle Eastern origin. Even to the point that, because Westerners are Kaffa, they are not even human, therefore are not to be respected in any way.

If that remark was made by a Westerner all hell would break loose, as it did in the Danish press. So, one could, very rightly claim that Muslims are Racist also.

The he said, then he said, is a circular arguement. It's going nowhere and intensionaly stirs up all sorts raw emotions. People of Middle Eastern origin are inherently more emotional than Westerners, therefore rage with more passion. Whereas Westerners tend to let most unkind remarks slide. Therein lies the difference in reactions to any unkind remarks.

People on both side have the right to voice an opinion, weather right or wrong. It's just an opinion. Muslims who get over emotional over someone in the Wests personal opinion worrys everyone in the West because they feel it could lead to a bombing. This fear then leads them to make an unkind remark. Again a circular arguement.
Posted by Jayb, Wednesday, 14 May 2008 10:35:53 PM
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<<Please, cast your mind back to the time when you were a missionary.
Did you assimilate into their culture, or did you remain true and steadfast in your beliefs?>>

Straight and facts-based thinking is needed. If X is a missionary then X’s objective is to convert others to X’s religion, otherwise X would not be called a missionary.

Labels of ‘racists’, ‘Islamophobes’, ‘Christian extremists’, etc are not helpful to the Muslims. It would not improve their position. We have to examine the historical facts Islam plays in bringing chaos to this world. Islam breeds poverty, ignorance, violence and lawlessness. This following observation comes from secular Muslim, Syed Akbar Ali,

“Not wanting to admit their [Muslims] weaknesses or wanting to recognize the real enemy within, they wildly lash out at everything else without thinking. The West, non-Muslims, Muslims with different views, Zionists, Christians and just about anyone else who is different from them can become a convenient scapegoat for their anger and helplessness…And after decades and centuries of hope and yearning they are still unable to achieve the same levels of competency as non-Muslims. Their despair turns to anger at the non-Muslims.”

If we consider the success of India and the failure of Pakistan and Bangladesh, we realize that Islam is the downfall of these countries. India is a success story whereas Pakistan and Bangladesh are failed states. Racially there are practically no differences between the people of these countries. They were all part of India under the British, but Indian Muslims wanted a country where they can implement the full range of Islamic practices, so Pakistan (later Bangladesh) was founded. 60 years down the road and with full Islamisation, nothing seems to work except chaos, lawlessness and the list of religious superstitions gets longer. Muslims have no choice but to migrate to the West to have a better life.

This pattern is repeated in many Islamic countries. The Muslim-majority would persecute, rape and get rid of the non-Muslims then eventually Muslims will kill Muslims and very soon the country becomes a failed state.

Lebanon is becoming a failed state.
Posted by Philip Tang, Thursday, 15 May 2008 1:47:27 AM
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"Ginx: WHAT would OLO be without you ? :) classsic.

<<You really are a repulsive little slug aren't you, John Sleazefield?>>

You did more in that little sentence for 'Right Wing' causes than the Right Faction of the Liberal party over a decade mate :)

SUSAN P/GY.. even though GINX has committed the grievous sin of 'FLAMING'
please don't ban her.. she is good value, and adds color (if not information) to the otherwise sometimes rather clinical discussions and is a great testimony for what some of us are saying."

Sorry BOZO, my mistake, I got the wrong guy.
(You really have a thing about what I say don't you? Even when I'm not addressing you, you make room in many of your posts for a shot at me. Halleberri praise the Lord!)

Sleazefield, you want a constructive post from me? Excuse me??

Take a look at your 'constructive' posts! And you and the Slug judge me!! HA!

As for lack of information in my posts....,- is ANYONE really reading what others are saying?

The irony of a Right/Left balanced forum is a kind of 1 take 1 = 0.

Without question, it has made for a very successful site. But we are kind of cancelling each other out. At the moment I am physically and mentally drained, and haven't the energy to do the OLO Dance.

So;- take your shot BOZO...another Cancer shot?

I WILL take you on, even if at the moment I do it from a kneeling position
Posted by Ginx, Thursday, 15 May 2008 1:43:49 PM
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"Islamophobia?" ROFLMAO. Are you people on drugs? A "phobia" is an IRRATIONAL fear about something. There is NOTHING irrational about hating/loathing/fearing Islamists. In fact, for a Westerner not to loathe and fear Islamists is irrational.

Like most Australians I am sick to death with their moronic whingeing and victim mewling.

As for multiculti, again are you peeople on drugs? It is precisely multiculti that we Australians have saved the likes of Keysar Trad and this Mustafa Qadri. We saved them from REAL multiculti societies like Lebanon.

If the Muslims want multiculti let then go back to Lebanon. I am sure we could get together enough people to spring for the taxi fare to the airport and a (one-way) ticket.

Just for once I would like to see OLO post a Muslim wrtiting about economics, science, anything apart from how freaking badly done by the Muhammadans are.

Boo Freaking Hoo!
Posted by John Greenfield, Thursday, 15 May 2008 2:01:28 PM
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