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The politics of apology and the laws of compensation : Comments
By Nilay Patel, published 14/2/2008Many international conventions binding on Australia recognise a right to an effective remedy for the stolen generations: but what are the legal issues?
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Posted by KGB, Wednesday, 20 February 2008 3:16:37 AM
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Just in case anyone is concerned that the previous government wasn't spending enough money on indigenous affairs, go to David Posted by VK3AUU, Wednesday, 20 February 2008 7:32:15 AM
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I await your decision. I've had it with this kind of race-porn; I will take it further if OLO though yourself thinks it is acceptable. Because if you DO, it will be an endorsement of racism.” Ginx 17 Feb “Tomorrow morning I shall be making formal moves to get that defamatory piece of nonsense on page 4 removed.” Ginx 18 Feb “object to White Supremacist crap, and I am trying to: 'restrict peoples fundamental right to freedom of speech'!!” Ginx 18 Feb “As to what I did today; you don't know what that was do you? DO YOU??” It is now 20 Feb. For all the bluster and bombast by Ginx the item which he said on 17 Feb he would get removed, it is still there. Ginx you might think you are entitled to 'restrict peoples fundamental right to freedom of speech'!!” but I guess beyond the authority of your own bed, your despotic ranting does not count for much. As for “You don't seriously believe for a split nanosecond that I give a Gnu's gonad's for your opinion do you?” I doubt you have the cognitive ability to focus your limited comprehension for more than a spilt nanosecond. As to the genitals of a wildebeest, you probably need to recruit those into conversation to cover for your own anatomical shortcomings, if the general quality of your posts is any guide. I would observe, it is those with the smallest minds (and wedding tackle) who are first to demand their will over others in the typical way of either shouting them down, as you have tried here or censorship, as you have clearly tried and failed here. The quality of your success can be summed up in two words Ginx you are an “impotent loser”. I do look forward to your next post. Posted by Col Rouge, Wednesday, 20 February 2008 9:49:41 AM
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Col Rouge,
Ginx may have asked Graham Young to remove the racist junk but his request was knocked back. I've found, myself, that Mr Young does not readily accept criticism of the quality of OLO. What does it prove that the racist postings remain in place? That Ginx was not sufficiently persuasive? That Graham Young does not mind a bit of racist nonsense on his site? That Mr Young is of the view that it's better to flush out the racist sewers than to let their putrid smell come out in other places? That Mr Young is powerless to hold back the flood anyway? That Mr Young needs the sheer quantity of contributions to OLO to be upheld for the sake of convincing OLO advertisers to continue their sponsorship? Whatever hypothesis is correct (and I haven't exhausted all the possibilities), one thing remains clear: No matter how triumphal you are that Ginx has not been able to have the racist garbage removed from OLO, it remains just that - racist garbage. Being published on OLO is no endorsement of quality. Posted by FrankGol, Wednesday, 20 February 2008 10:37:23 AM
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That'll do nicely, thank-you FrankGol.
(Crouge; I still don't give a Gnu's Gonads for your opinion! But I do appreciate that you give way more than that to mine;......anyone who goes into that attention to detail has actually taken notice. Good lad.) Posted by Ginx, Wednesday, 20 February 2008 12:14:48 PM
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Rehctub here
Well I must confess that I did in fact lower myself to take a shot at someone, for that I am sorry and I formely withdraw that comment. I don't usually do that. On the other hand I have checked out the site for the 2007/08 indiginous budget which I must say does not surprise me. Particulaly the part where houses in remote areas cost $600K to biuld and last as little as 10 years. THEY DON'T ROT YOU KNOW, THEY ARE DESTROYED! What the budget really highlights though is the fact that when you take away the 'model citizens' from within the indiginous comunity, and there are plenty of them, this budget spending is amplified in such that it is spent on a really small percentage of our population. Now I am not a racist, nor do I support generside as some of you put it but unless you are completely unreasonable and one sided in your views, there is quite simply no way you can denie the real facts and that is that the allocation of funds for indiginous welfare is more than adiquate considering the small number or recipients. I say again, we don't give them booz or petrol to sniff, nor do we force them to live in poverty. They are given money and simply can't manage it. So please do not keep saying that we are all on a 'level playing field here' and that the welfare is distributed evenly between white folk and our indiginous cousins as this is clearly fulse and misleading. And lastly, to all of you who accuse me of being a 'racist' I urge that you don't take my appology as a back down, I am quite simply man enough to admit when I have done wrong and I am not afraid to admit it. I invite you to do likewise! Posted by rehctub, Wednesday, 20 February 2008 10:01:36 PM
When your financial benefits arrive, maybe you will hand them over to the Aboriginal people personally if the govt & courts rule against compo (the Rudd govt already has ruled it out). If so, kudos to you.
We are not “committing genocide on the Aborigines”. The phrase is pernicious nonsense. Proof?
We are not “continuing to benefit from any previous genocide", aka mistreatment of Aborigines in the past. In what ways are we benefiting from the mistreatment? You say they are subsidizing our current lifestyle? Creative spin. If I choose to go live in the outback & live an isolated existence, using your reasoning I would be subsidizing urban Aborigines? Utter nonsense.
Are we “continuing to benefit because we took their land”? It wasn’t their land to begin with. They were roaming pockets of an incredibly vast & sparsely populated island continent, doing nothing with it, never advancing in 40 000 years, comprised thousands of only at best very loosely-connected tribes speaking over 2000 different languages - and the land was going to be their’s forever more? Only in a make-believe world. Which is why the concept of a treaty is ridiculous. A treaty with who? Geograpahically distant tribes knew nothing about one another. The prime reason for a treaty is for more financial gain.
My ancestors did not choose to but were forced to come to Australia due to draconian penal laws in England. Due to blood sweat & tears they, like others, carved out a living for themselves in a barren land that other Europeans & Asians saw but didn’t want to touch with a barge-pole. The settlers made something of it & now the Aborigines want a free ride on top of that wealth. As I said before, they would have to be the most priveleged indigenous group of people on earth with the handouts relative to their productivity (as a group).
The acid test is whether the Aborigines would take life now, including the 59yr life expectancy, or pre-1788 lifestyle. And I wonder what their life expectancy was pre-1788. I’m guessing well below 59.