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The politics of apology and the laws of compensation : Comments

By Nilay Patel, published 14/2/2008

Many international conventions binding on Australia recognise a right to an effective remedy for the stolen generations: but what are the legal issues?

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Glod!!.! I'm really running out of patience here!

Are you two complete blithering idiots?? WELL?

I DO really do, understand what both of you say semantically, but you know EXACTLY what I'm calling racist. YOU KNOW, you little weasels!

The tone and content IS designed to stir; it IS addressed to the non-white with complete disdain; and it WAS put here by an embittered little prat who is determined to be racially provocative, whilst blithely stating that we are ALL racists. More bleedin' semantics.

For Petes sake!, don't be such spineless cowards, and resort to hair splitting. Strewth! people like you must live on a diet of hate!
Posted by Ginx, Thursday, 6 March 2008 10:36:19 PM
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Those who lumped David display their own racism. He is merely stating a point and didn’t encourage racism for so far I could see. If this comparison makes a person to be a racist then you lot don’t understand what racism is about.
My wife’s late husband was a racist and ended up in a nursing home being cared for by “coloured people”. Now to him that was the worst kind of punishment for him!
My wife is a racist, and admit this, and even goes on about the fact that one of my daughters (not her daughter) married a person from India, but to me all that is relevant that my daughter is happy in her marriage.
My wife makes clear that Australia is being swamped by “coloured persons” and it is a problem to her, but to me it makes not one of iota difference.
I like the article that David wrote and intent to republish it because it is the message he gave within it that brings out the racism by the very people who so often themselves claim there is racism but then practice it themselves.
David is entitled to make his point of views known as is any other person who post their views, and nothing in his post could be seen to endorse or incite racism. All the man did was to expose how those who so often complain about racism would themselves be racist if a “white” person did no more but what they did.
Do not portray exposure of the truth as being racism. Evaluate his writing for what it stands for and not what you desire to make out of it.
It is indeed sad that people who are small minded cannot even tolerate to have a person expressing his views without being called a racist, regardless if he admit to being so, as it is those who cast their criticism are more likely to be racist then those who are the subject of their criticism.
Posted by Mr Gerrit H Schorel-Hlavka, Friday, 7 March 2008 5:22:27 AM
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The tone and content IS designed to stir; it IS addressed to the non-white with complete disdain.
I don't think you know what racism is. let me enlighten you. A racist is a person who discriminates against another purely on the basis of race. That is a sad & stupid attitude.
You're confusing attitude & mannerism with racism. If I, a white, accuse another white person of being a dimwit or a crook then I am expressing my perception of that person. If I did that to a non white person I'd get accused of being racist. That's what you do & you're the one who's tone is designed to stir. To state one's discontent about another person's attitude is reflecting on their BEHAVIOUR, not their race. I have never learnt english in a school , have you ? If you did then may I suggest to go & do another term in English so you can learn the difference & meaning between attitude & race.
ps. the practice of deliberate & opportunistic misinterpretation is one of the most hypocritical indeed & one of the lowest form of human behaviour.
Posted by individual, Friday, 7 March 2008 6:42:52 AM
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Trust me Indy, I know a lot more about racism than you do. You do not change in your bigoted approach and your little mate Gareth Snorkel doesn't either.

You Gareth are a sad little man. Your patronizing attitude to me stems DIRECTLY from the disappointment I expressed that you could make such eloquent posts and thoughtful posts, yet when it comes to this subject, you are totally one-eyed.

Just be honest about your attitudes.

I oppose .hit stirring. I have expressed that. You then twist that around and accuse me of racism! That's how desperate you people are.
Posted by Ginx, Friday, 7 March 2008 7:09:06 PM
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That is "the pot calling the kettle Black" if ever I have heard it.

Incidentally Indy, it wasn't particularly non-whites I was trying to stir (apparently successfully), but anyone else who wished to rise to the bait. They come in every time. Just shows you what makes the world go round.

Posted by VK3AUU, Friday, 7 March 2008 8:03:07 PM
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Trust me Indy, I know a lot more about racism than you do.
that's obvious. Judging by your posts it would be a safe bet to describe you as an expert racist.
What is it that makes you miss the point in racism vs attitude. I never have & never will make derogatory remarks about someone's race. No-one & I mean no-one has any right to denounce someone on the basis of race. I have said it before & always will say that racism is one of the most disgusting & stupid afflictions.
Ginx, I'll try again to get through to you although my chances are getting slimmer with every post.
To make a STATEMENT based on FACT is NOT RACISM. Unacceptable manner is not unique to any particular race of people. I think yours & my dilemma is that;
1; I believe that no-one is a racist because they remark on a misdeed or hypocritical remark by someone not of their own racial background.
2; You appear to believe that criticizing someone from a different racial background to one's own for a misdeed or hypocritical remark is racism.
Ginx, I don't know what your background is & quite honestly it really doesn't matter but you MUST learn about those vital differences. The core of this debate is that whenever someone makes a factual remarks on indigenous issues you holler out racism. It really isn't you know.
You accused me on living on a diet of hate. You couldn't be more off the mark if you tried. I could assume but I don't think that you live on a diet of indoctrinated ignorance. You're just one of those who are allergic to reality & refuses to take medicine & opts for baseless blaming instead. Just another unfortunate fact.
Posted by individual, Saturday, 8 March 2008 7:16:01 AM
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