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Immoral equivalence : Comments

By Peter Wertheim, published 5/2/2008

When Israel fulfils its obligation to defend its citizens from attacks aimed at civilian population centres the anti-Israel hate squad cries foul.

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Thanks for link Lev but no thanks. I’ve read enough hair brained schemes to know what you’re advocating is about anything but peace and reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians.

As always with Israel/Palestine it's almost impossible to get a rational discussion especially when the likes of Ms. Shepherd arrive and call for Israel's destruction with arguments based on the usual falsehoods. Who were the Palestinians before 1948? They were Arab and Jewish (the only ones who called themselves Palestinians those days were the Jews) and the United Nations resolved that the British Mandate should end and two states be created in its place - one Arab and one Jewish. Sixty years later the peace lovers among those populations want an Arab State and a Jewish State which would allow each to achieve their national aspirations (Hanan Ashrawi even won a peace prize here for advocating just that!). Your solution does neither and is a recipe for further disaster. Marilyn's answer is even worse, but that's fascism for you and after all, what the topic of "immoral equivalence" is all about. At least Mr. Wertheim's article has brought the grubs out of the woodwork!

As always with Israel/Palestine, the Israel bashers and Jew haters must have the last word, so I'll hand it over to you guys for more of your spin and spiteful rhetoric.
Posted by AVG, Thursday, 7 February 2008 7:08:13 AM
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you said:

"it's attempt at the overthrow of a democratically elected Palestinian government"

and you accuse the author of 'ignoring the reasons for the rockets'

Marylin in fine form.. (welcome back M) defies all the laws of debate gravity by placing her post right after Logics... who spelt out some very concrete aspects of the issue totally ignored by M and Keith and other socialist hounds of the Palestinervilles.

Keith.. *pinch*.... DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED? (x100)+ 50 exlamation marks!

All that means, is that the majority of Palestinians in Gaza at least, share the same genocidal views that Hamas does in its founding charter! or.. have you missed the REPEATED (yes..clearly caps are needed here to drive the point home) quotes I've provided from their charter showing that compromise and discussion are in fact unthinkable for them based on "Islamic Theology".
1/ They ADMIT the country was stolen/conquered by force by the Caliph.
2/ They then justify this. (well shock horror.. Israel is thus justified in taking it BY FORCE.. don't even THINK about speaking of 'occupation'.. the Muslims have been occupying stolen land for muchhhhh longer, so.. which 'occupation' is right and which is wrong?)

So... given that most Palestinians in Gaza support the prinicples of Hamas, Israel is quite justified in declaring total war on them.. let me repeat that- TOTAL WAR.. as in..'final solution'.. (there..I said it again)
Just as if Indonesia had a referendum on its consitution, where the alteration stated "Australia forms a natural part of the coming Islamic Caliphate of South East Asia, and as such, its infidel leaders must be subdued, defeated and the country incoporated into Indonesia, would justify our calling in the Anzus treaty to finish them off.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Thursday, 7 February 2008 7:43:17 AM
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You claim that "everyone" ignores the fact that some Jews were forced out of some Arab countries (and we may add, subsequent to the establishment of Israel). Actually that is not true; in such discussions I have referred to it several times.

Claiming equivalence between Singapore, Taiwan and Gaza is quite illogical (although you may wish to check the relative power of Singapore and Taiwan's military). Singapore and Taiwan are independent states with economic freedom. Everything that goes in or out of Gaza is subject to Israel's control. The suggestion that they should simply put up with it simply impossible. Would you put up with it?


You ask a very serious question. I have already provided a link to what I would do in Israel's position. One secular, democratic state of Israel-Palestine is what I support. Evidently AVG considers such a proposal as "Jew hatred" - nothing could be further from the truth! - and asks whether the Palestinians even existed prior to 1948. AVG may consider reading Herodotus!

Also, Spy, I would have a second look if I were you on the actual quantity (number, explosive weight and effectiveness) of who has fired rockets from Gaza to Israel - and the reverse.
Posted by Lev, Thursday, 7 February 2008 8:35:34 AM
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Lev-good one. I agree with your solution to the problem. The problem is made impossible to solve because of religious bigotry and a stupid disregard of history, as shown by the pernicious lies in the article in the first place and the idiot comments that ignore history in this thread.

The analogies with Taiwan and Singapore are so blatantly ridiculous as to be not worth commnetary.
Posted by HenryVIII, Thursday, 7 February 2008 10:54:33 AM
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Has anyone an Atlas at hand? Look at it. Gaza has a border with Egypt. How does Israel control this? Egypt once considered it part of their territory.

Talk to some of the refugees from Arab lands. Christian, Baha'i and Druze as well as Jews. The forgotten refugees. Apparently bleeding hearts reserve their critiques for Israel alone.

Pressures on Jews and other non Muslims occurred in the Arab world long before WW2 and the establishment of the Jewish state. Petition was also proposed long before the UN session. The presence of Israel does not explain pressures on Christians.

Its a pity there is difficulty in distinguishing between a penny cracker and a missile however primitive.

But I cannot counter blind hatred and prejudice.

Taiwan and Singapore are relevant. Some countries have picked themselves up after colonialism. But you selectors of convenient articles don't want facts to affect your prejudices.

So be it. You only serve to prove the correctness of the article.
Posted by logic, Thursday, 7 February 2008 1:06:48 PM
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2 points. First, I'm aware of the type of rocket fire coming from Gaza and the small number of casualties. However, there is still significant disruption to daily life in Sderot and other areas of the Negev. Let's remember that Hamas, Islamic Jihad and co. would love to get their hands on more firepower with which to inflict greater damage. Fortunately, they've so far been unable to do so - largely as a result of the Israelis imposing strict controls on what comes in and out of Gaza.

Second, the single-state solution is unworkable. To expect that a secular state could be crafted out of the current mess is pie in the sky stuff. Demographically the Palestinians would become a majority within a couple of decades. This would spell the end for the Jewish population. The Israelis know this and will therefore never agree to a single state.

The only sensible solution is a 2 state solution. This is what the moderates on both sides are working towards and this is what the majority of people on both sides are in favour of. Sadly it's radical elements on both sides that are attempting to hijack this.

BTW, i'm still waiting for answers to my questions about what you'd do in Israel's position in response to rocket attacks from Gaza
Posted by spy, Thursday, 7 February 2008 6:29:59 PM
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