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Creator of Heaven and Earth : Comments

By Peter Sellick, published 4/2/2008

The assertion that God is the agency behind the material world leads us into a morass of theological and scientific problems.

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“ --the gods or god were not in this world but were in another place."

I can’t agree with that one. The Greeks seemed to thrive on the close presence of their gods; even had them nipping down to have a bit of nookie with the locals from time to time.
Posted by colinsett, Monday, 4 February 2008 9:51:17 AM
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With this sort of rot it is no wonder people are deserting the Anglican church in droves. Peter writes 'the assertion that God is the agency behind the material world leads us into a morass of theological and scientific problems that continue to embarrass the Church in its attempt to speak to the world of natural science' It is not the true church of Jesus Christ who should be embarassed but those who have swallowed the the hopelessly flawed theory of evolution. Anyone who sees more evidence for evolution than the obvious fact that we were designed needs therapy to come out of denial. I suggest people you Peter either repent and have your eyes open or find another job. The church needs men of God not men who compromise with pseudo science. IT sounds like the blind leading the blind. Thank God that their are still many who hold to the truth of Jesus Christ being the Creator of all things.
Posted by runner, Monday, 4 February 2008 10:29:27 AM
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Once again you claim that evolution is hopelessly flawed. You avoided my response in another thread, so I shall ask you here.

On what basis do you make this claim? What would convince you otherwise? What do you offer as a testable alternative?
Posted by Lev, Monday, 4 February 2008 11:13:22 AM
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Poor Sells stuck in the absurd dilemmas of his own provincial "religious" mind and his fear saturated meat-body personality.

As though the mythological stories invented by a small tribal cult in Israel/Palestine over 2000 years ago have some kind of binding effect on the totality of Humankind in 2008.

And yes the Jewish "creation" stories do provide some extraordinarily profound ESOTERIC Wisdom re the appearance and structures of both the human body-mind and "creation" altogether.

Unfortunately Sells is very much trapped within the meat-body mortalist/materialist paradigm which has defined Western "culture" for over 200 years now. A paradigm which makes it almost impossible to even begin to Understand the ESOTERIC secrets contained in the Biblical "creation" stories--or any other creation story including that of quantum physics.

And what about the rest of the Great Tradition of Humankind and its multifarious "creation" stories. In this day and age the Great Tradition altogether is our collective inheritance and we are obliged to go to school and de-provincialize our minds from our inherited TRIBAL and entirely cultic belief systems.

There is a book in my local library that features brief descriptions of over 2000 names of God from all culturs, times and places.

And what about quantum physics that tells us that everything is just an infinite beginningless and endless eternal play or dance of Primal Energy in which all forms appear, are modified, and then disappear. Primal Energy being always constant.

And what about Consciousness which is THE FUNDAMENTAL REALITY (the Radiant Sea of Conscious Light) in which all of this playful energy and its infinite variety of forms appear.

Sells doesnt even begin to write about Consciousness and Energy.

He is essentially religiously illiterate---a purveyor of (perhaps) comforting fairy stories which do not provide any kind of substance or basis for a truly adult life in this day and age.

They never did of course.
Posted by Ho Hum, Monday, 4 February 2008 1:20:20 PM
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'On what basis do you make this claim? What would convince you otherwise? What do you offer as a testable alternative'

The simple answer is that the theory of evolution has and will never be proved. Out of the millions of fossils found not one backs the theory. It is a theory that requires more assumptions ( along with the big bang) than most theories. Text books have to be continually rewritten as each 'missing link' turns out to be a fraud. It is a shame that many more scientist have not got the integrity and courage to say what they really believe when it comes to the evolution myth.

Evolution has failed the testable theory test in that it can't be validated by true science. Many honest scientist who are smarter than you and me will testify to this.

No scientific theory has been able to explain the existence of our planets. Common sense points to a designer. Faith in that designer is a choice. Most don't choose to believe and thus try to patronize those who do with the ridiculous flawed theory of evolution.
Posted by runner, Monday, 4 February 2008 1:38:55 PM
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A good article, likely to attract the ire of both militant fundamentalists and militant atheists.

While in my experience most Christians today accept scientific explanations for the origin of the earth and evolution of life, it leaves some in a rather embarrassed relationship with the Genesis stories, as if these were crude attempts of a primitive people to explain what we now understand scientifically, rather that being crafted with a quite different purpose in mind
Posted by Rhian, Monday, 4 February 2008 1:58:41 PM
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