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Love and other acts of human kindness : Comments
By Audrey Apple, published 18/1/2008Relationships are difficult, frustrating, fraught with temptation, blame and sometimes pain - especially when it is time to say goodbye.
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Posted by HRS, Sunday, 20 January 2008 12:44:16 PM
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Why is that at all perplexing HRS? I see no reason at all.
Perhaps it's because it's not controversial. Everybody knows that this is the case - there's nothing in this article to disagree with, but that's not to say it's not right. That's the key point here HRS. You keep saying "oh! Those nasty feminists must all hate men! They're not saying we're great in all their articles! How dare they!" When in actuality, the truth of the matter is, everybody knows men have positive attributes, except the dumb few hardcore fringe feminists who are extinct outside a few academic institutions. The only reason why they're heard at all, is because their stupid comments are controversial. Now you come bopping along, clearly with some past grudge against one of these hardcore feminists, and say "all feminists must be evil - why, they're not commenting on sweetness and goodness of men!" Bulldust HRS. Weak as water. Not everyone has time to sit around, extolling the virtues of man. There's more worthwhile things to write articles about, because the vast majority of people are well aware of the fact that men have virtues. That's why there's not many comments here. I read the article, agreed wholeheartedly and found it beautiful. There was no real need to comment, until you popped in to say "Yah! No feminists are saying how great love (and it's clear what you really want to hear is how great it is that men can love) is! Must be part of the conspiracy." Bulldust again. It's just that it's a given HRS, but you construe that silence as being indicative of something it's not. Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Sunday, 20 January 2008 4:06:49 PM
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HRS, I think it's really sad that you have taken what is simply a reflection on death, loss, love, grief and hope and tried to co-opt it into some kind of attack on feminism simply because I wrote it. I'd ask you politely to transfer your attacks on me to the other (apparently immortal) thread and to leave this topic simply as it is: an homage to the strength of love and passion two people can hold for one another, and the inevitable loss of self that comes when one person dies. Even JamesH (who disagrees with much of what I say) can recognise this thread is not really the place for childish demands and pigheaded retaliations.
Posted by audrey apple, Sunday, 20 January 2008 4:25:35 PM
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I loved this article, HRS, but commented directly on Audrey's site. To be honest, I found your hostility a bit scary and neurotic, and didn't want to fan any flames. I still don't understand why you don't get the snails reference - it comes from a nursery rhyme. A couple of people have pointed this out - perhaps you could google it? But, you are, of course, entitled to find it offensive if that kind of thing offends you.
Posted by Vanilla, Sunday, 20 January 2008 4:25:35 PM
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Audrey Apple,
I think that when boys hear someone say that they are made of slime and snails, then a part of them dies. But you would obviously know more about children and boys then I would. Still waiting on loving feminists to comment about the love between a man and a woman Posted by HRS, Sunday, 20 January 2008 8:44:00 PM
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Audrey, it was a lovely article that most normal people would have appreciated.
I wouldn't pay too much attention to HRS, who is a sock puppet for the former troll user "Timkins" (, who was banned from OLO some time ago. Posted by CJ Morgan, Sunday, 20 January 2008 10:38:45 PM
It is very perplexing that so few feminist lovers have not commented on the article.
There are many feminist lovers that post onto OLO, but perhaps there aren’t that many feminist lovers that believe in love between a man and a woman.
Audrey Apple is fully aware of the situation. Audrey Apply writes that she is a feminist, but I don’t think any self-respecting male has made Audrey Apple put the banner “Boys are made of slime and snails” onto her blogsite.
She has done this of her own accord, and maybe she has put the banner onto her blogsite, in the hope of attracting other feminists to her blogsite.