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The Forum > Article Comments > Bra Boys: 'When Being A Man Is All You’ve Got?'* > Comments

Bra Boys: 'When Being A Man Is All You’ve Got?'* : Comments

By Darlene Taylor, published 17/1/2008

Sunny Abbertons's film, 'The Bra Boys', illustrates how important class still is in Australia.

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Vanilla,to update your knowledge,
The Sex Discrimination Commission is a part of the HREOC, and there have been very few men actually employed in the Sex Discrimination Commission. There have been about 7 permanent Sex Discrimination Commissioners, all female except for 1 male who was there on a temporary basis, so there is definitely sex discrimination in the Sex Discrimination Commission.

Most universities have some type of equity department (or an anti-discrimination department). You would be extremely lucky to find equal numbers of males to females in any equity department in any university, and quite lucky to find 1 male employed in an equity department of any university in the country. So there is definitely sex discrimination occurring in the equity departments of universities.

To say that there is sex discrimination in the Office for Women is simply understood.

If you want to study tribalism, just join a sporting club. I’ve seen the situation of a group of women who would sit in one stand, and not associate at any time with another group of women who sat in another stand. Maybe a feminist could take a film of that.

I’ve also seen the situation with many soccer clubs where girls are allowed to play in the boy’s teams (which normally means that other boys have to sit on the side lines and only play part of a match), but no boy of any age or level of ability is allowed to play in a girl’s team, even if the girl’s team is short of players.

Maybe a feminist could get a video camera and take a film of that, to show just how much patriarchy there actually is in Australia.

Feminists can always invent their own sports if they don’t like men’s sports or men, and if you do make a film, make sure it tells the whole story, and not just the feminist version.
Posted by HRS, Saturday, 19 January 2008 9:37:41 PM
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Excellent points, Kellyanne? I am sorry but they have been few and far between on this post. Unless describing something as "crap" and presuming a person doesn't know what they're talking about just because you disagree with them is regarded as the height of intellectual discourse these days.

It seems that something can be described as "prejudice" if you disagree with it. As for "sheer stupidity", well, you're free to make that point, but where do you get off attacking my responses when you have resorted to such cheap abuse?

Come on, I assume you're an adult and I assume that if we were talking offline you'd be more civil. Why should I respond to someone (not you) who uses silly tired old phrases like fem-bot-Nazi. The only response to such folly is to cite a very funny satirist. Next the phrase "latte-lover" will come up.

As for working class youth, as I pointed out I was one. Of course, I am not a youth anymore, but I remember the following very well: the feeling of not knowing what the hell to do with my life, of dropping of school with nothing to show for myself but some really crap grades, of unemployment and wondering if life was worth living. Stop making presumptions and read my comments.

As for the Aboriginality thing, what's your point? The Bra Boys (using the narration of Russell Crowe) tried to make a connection between the Boys and Aboriginal people. There are Aboriginal members of the Bra Boys. The Bra Boys are multicultural in focus, but they are still exclusive. They still think they "own waves" (as if anyone can own a wave?). And as someone pointed out, the notion that a grown man has to resort to joining a group like the Bra Boys to feel like a man or to belong is sad, sad, sad.
Posted by Darlene_Taylor, Tuesday, 22 January 2008 8:14:56 AM
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HRS, I agree with your point about women and the way they can act like raving snobs at sports events. You might note that in an earlier comment, I mentioned that my previous post for this site was about the Megan Meier case (the case of the young girl who was bullied online by some peers and possibly the mother of one of her ex-friends). A classic case, as I said, of the negative feminine. Women can be bullies and behave badly as well. Of course, little feminist me would never argue that (err, except I have).

As I said (why do I have to keep repeating myself on this comments thread?), I don't have a problem with sport as such. I have a problem with tribalism, of gangs and pathological groups.

And for those who use the word "feminist" like it's an insult, you should know that it's a compliment. You'd have to be a strange bod indeed if you don't believe in equality.
Posted by Darlene_Taylor, Tuesday, 22 January 2008 8:17:44 AM
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From what I have heard of the Cronulla riots, certain groups of people were frequently hassling the girls on the beach, and eventually the surfies stepped in.

The concept that feminism is for equality is a very thin piece of propaganda. There is no equality in organisations such as the Sex Discrimination Commission, equity departments in universities, or the Office for Women, and they are all synonymous with feminism (and also soak up the taxpayer’s dollar)

You don’t have to join a sporting club to see the cliques formed by women. Any business company will do. Also open any women’s magazine to read articles on “How to bring out the real woman in you”.

So far as sport goes, look at sports such as soccer where the girls are allowed to play in the boy’s teams, but the boys are not allowed to play in the girl’s teams. That happens Australia wide every weekend. So who owns the soccer fields.

More equal than equal is the actual motto of feminism, but I've rarely known a feminist to tell the whole story.
Posted by HRS, Tuesday, 22 January 2008 10:10:13 AM
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Darlene, you haven't responded to any of the legitimate and specific responses to your article about the Bra Boys. Why not?

One must surmise you are a useful fool, giving feminism a bad name to boot.

Just ask Mark Bahnish.
Posted by Kellyanne, Wednesday, 23 January 2008 7:22:17 PM
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Kellyanne, once again you have expected me to address issues when you have responded by using insults. I don't know you from a bar of soap. Handy to use such insults while just using your first name. When you can tell me what issues I should be addressing (and do so in a civil manner) than I might do so. I'm hard pressed to find much worth responding to. I can just as easily say that you didn't read my response to you because you certainly didn't respond to anything I said in it.

HRS, the Cronulla riots is another issue altogether. Certainly there was bad behaviour going on, and evidently some people didn't feel that they was being addressed by the authorities. The beach, of course, should be for everyone (or everyone who is willing to behave themselves and not have a go at others).

HRS, my feeling is that gender is certainly not the only cause of social disadvantage (although this might be less so in developing nations). For example, a working-class or unemployed man certainly has less social status in the West - in the general community - than an educated woman with money.

I'd hardly be supportive of women's magazines, and there constant stupid ideas about what a women should be.
Posted by Darlene_Taylor, Thursday, 24 January 2008 7:43:02 AM
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