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The Forum > Article Comments > Hard to believe, but apparently even feminists can be sexy … > Comments

Hard to believe, but apparently even feminists can be sexy … : Comments

By Audrey Apple, published 3/1/2008

'Zoo' magazine’s latest stunt is designed not to, as it argues, appease critics but to poke fun at women who disagree with their childish behaviour.

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Oh botheration, it is a racing certainty that, by deliberately opposing the monocular views of feminists, one will find someone who thinks they are “smart” and tries to apply sarcasm to we detractors.

My original comment was from the heart and is essentially an eternal and steadfast defence of free expression, regardless that both minorities and majorities might sometimes be “offended”.

I see you have risen to the bait.

Your footnote comment “you'd find plenty of brainy feminists willing to talk about gender responsibilities.”

leaves me with only one problem,

It is my experience that, those who expect discourse on the matter of the “responsibilities” of others are, invariably, ignorant to the “rights” of others.

Therefore, in all fairness, when a “feminist” is prepared to discuss “male rights” (as well as “gender responsibilities”), I will be prepared to engage, with view to maybe, just maybe, generating some meaningful philosophy on the topic, despite “meaningful philosophy” most often, being the refuge of oxymorons.

Until then I will treat the whole issue of “feminism” with the same disregard as dearest Margaret (Thatcher) who, uttered another quotable gem back in he 1980’s viz

“The battle for women's rights has been largely won.”

Oh and back to the subject matter “Zoo Magazine” and Audrey’s veneer of feminist moral outrage, I will depart this post with a small offering from dear Oscar (liberally extending the definition of “books” to include “magazines”)

“There is no such thing as a moral or an immoral book. Books are well written or badly written.”

So Audrey, the truly “moral” (feminist) would simply ignore the bad and thank God for being blessed with better taste.

Until another opportunity presents itself (not long to wait, no doubt).
Posted by Col Rouge, Thursday, 10 January 2008 12:37:40 PM
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Col: "My original comment was from the heart and is essentially an eternal and steadfast defence of free expression, regardless that both minorities and majorities might sometimes be “offended”."

Who do you imagine disagrees with this?

Are you suggesting that Audrey's fun-making of Zoo magazine should not be allowed because it could indicate that she was "offended" by Zoo? If so, why do the rules of free expression that apply to Zoo not apply to Audrey?

I'm not suggesting you are anything other that a heroic warrior of free speech, I just want to know who you believe is attacking it?

"It is my experience that, those who expect discourse on the matter of the “responsibilities” of others are, invariably, ignorant to the “rights” of others."

May I suggest new friends? Yours sound dumb.

I like your Oscar Wilde quote. But, although you may think this should inspire Audrey to ignore Zoo's bad taste, free expression cuts all ways, even if you don't like what they say.

From someone who "thinks" they are smart.

Posted by botheration, Thursday, 10 January 2008 12:57:30 PM
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Its easy to tell which women in a women’s magazine have had a boob job. Just ask a woman, as they seem to know.

I did once, and the conversation went like this:-

HRS - How many of these women have had boob job’s.
Her :- Probably all.

HRS:- It can’t be all.
Her (flicking through pages): - She’s had one, she’s had one, and her, they look normal, they aren’t, she’s had one etc.

I’ve never heard of a woman being forced to have a boob job, and I don’t think most men really like them.

So feminists have got it wrong yet again. It’s the women who want boob jobs, and also like looking at photos of women in low cut dresses who have had boob jobs..

So that clears that up, but there still remains the question of why the adorable, kind, considerate, generous and caring Audrey Apple has put this article under the title of “Boys are made of slime and snails” in her blogsite, and why she didn’t say “Boys and girls are made of slime and snails”.

I would think it is because she is a bigoted, prejudiced and discriminatory individual who wants to call herself a feminist, and also wants to state that boys are made of slime and snails.

However I could be wrong, as I don’t believe in an “ism”, or like to call myself an “ist”.
Posted by HRS, Thursday, 10 January 2008 5:48:24 PM
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HRS, I'm endlessly amused that you keep banging on about one of my blog labels. Anyone in their right mind can see that I didn't sit there thinking, how can I best describe boys? What do I *really* think of them! I know! I'll make something up ALL BY MYSELF!

Seriously, get over the fact that it is a nod to an old nursery rhyme. I have a lot of male readers, and I'd wager 99.99% of them 'get it'.

But think what you want. You're statistical reasoning has been ace thus far. There was that whole bit about hardly any feminist across the WHOLE WORLD writing anything positive about men. And then that bit just recently where you went on the word of your female friend flicking through one magazine to come up with the hard fact that more than 50% of women in women's mags have boob jobs. Great detective work Sherlock.

As for Whitty, women who believe in gender equality and not being valued primarily for their looks are 'unsexy', we shouldn't care about those things for fear that the boys won't like us? Battling for gender equality and trying to ensure that young girls grow into strong, independent women is the equivalent of a man sitting in his jocks scratching his balls? Thank you for so perfectly reinforcing my position.
Posted by audrey apple, Thursday, 10 January 2008 9:50:46 PM
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Audrey Apple,

What is gender equality?
How do we define it?
How do we measure it? So that we know when it has been achieved.

I often hear about how men do not respect women, yet at the same time I find women do not respect men.

Frankly I do not believe that gender equality is possible until women allow men to be equal.

Here you are criticising HRS for criticising one of your blog labels, yet on the other hand you are criticising Zoo magazine over it's choice of promotion, which was more than like deliberately run to get under the skin of feminists like yourself!

And it truly succeeded.

There is an interesting book availble on the internet titled "If men have all the power; How come women make the rules?" (Google it). Another book I think truly worth reading is "The rantings of a single male" by Thomas Ellis. If you are game enough to read it, may I suggest that you take some blood pressure pills and a tranquiliser, otherwise you are more than likely to burst a blood vessel.
Posted by JamesH, Thursday, 10 January 2008 11:07:32 PM
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Dear Audrey Apple, sweetness and light.

It is pleasing to see that you have cleaned up your blogsite, and removed all trash, profanity and discriminatory material.

For a while there I thought that you may be aiming for the dizzy heights of such noble feminists as Maureen Dowd with her “Men have no more value than ice cream”, or queen Germaine with her “Men are surplus to requirements”

It would be even more pleasing to see on your blogsite statements by feminists that say something positive about the male gender, as it was males that invented computers and the internet, and also blogsites.

But perhaps that would be going too far, and you may lose too many of your readers.
Posted by HRS, Friday, 11 January 2008 9:07:02 AM
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