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Hard to believe, but apparently even feminists can be sexy … : Comments
By Audrey Apple, published 3/1/2008'Zoo' magazine’s latest stunt is designed not to, as it argues, appease critics but to poke fun at women who disagree with their childish behaviour.
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Posted by HRS, Thursday, 3 January 2008 10:03:40 AM
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I have to say I agree with HRS here. I'd never heard of Zoo magazine until I read this opinion piece and by all accounts I was better off for it.
Although in the interests in supporting Audrey's just cause I promise never to buy it. Posted by Lev, Thursday, 3 January 2008 10:38:41 AM
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Articles like this make me understand why some people have such contempt for the "Left".
"What really gets me here is the predictable and tired joke that’s being had at the expense of feminism..." Unfortunately some proponents of feminism make a joke of themselves by misreading a situation and demonstrating an almost complete lack of understanding of the attitudes and ideals of not only significant proportion of men, but also a significant proportion of women. "Zoo would have you believe that these women are compliant...sexually adventurous...and sexually explicit when it comes to their personal tastes." Many women are like that (in general, not specifically the women in Zoo). Men enjoy sex; women enjoy sex; females are typically biologically wired to be submissive more so than males; hence the common theme in many sexually orientated publications. " so vehemently seeks to desexualise any woman that expresses opposition to their practices..." They seek to get 'feminists' to pose in lingerie. Isn't it doing the exact opposite? "Zoo demonstrates complete and abject disdain for the rights of women to coexist outside of this fantasy world." I disagree. They're asserting that it's their magazine, their fantasy world; that you're free to have your opinion of it and play along but no-one's forcing you into it. Is what they're doing childish? Yes. Having a bit of fun? Yes. Over exaggerated stereotypes? Yes. But that's the ethos of the magazine. It's not meant to be taken a serious discussion of gender roles in society. "Feminist", in it's negative sense, is a label given to women who deny that some women enjoy sex and being sexy. It's given to women that criticize a woman's sexuality because in their twisted logic sexiness implies a lack of all other values. I happen to agree with the final view on sexiness, however I also acknowledge that others a free to find sexiness where they choose. Feminism should be about freedom; the freedom to have a professional career; to be treated as an equal; to be stay at home mom; or to pose for pictures in a men's magazine. Posted by Desipis, Thursday, 3 January 2008 2:07:24 PM
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I've got to agree with Desipis on this one - this is the sort of (over)reaction that give feminists a bad name.
Yes, this is in poor taste - there is little question about that. But from a magazine like Zoo, or Ralph or any of the other smutty magazines, what do you expect - they pitch the content of their magazine at their target audience. Feminism is about women having the same choices as men. So, exercise that choice - if you don't want to be photographed in your underwear, don't pose. If you don't want to see those photos, then don't buy the magazine. But equally, if there are others who want to be photographed (and I've come across plenty who are willing to prance around in front of the camera if far more lewd settings than these magazines show), then let them exercise their choice. Posted by BN, Thursday, 3 January 2008 2:21:46 PM
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'... females are typically biologically wired to be submissive more so than males; hence the common theme in many sexually orientated publications.' Says who?? Sexist biologians, pulp romance editors and four thousand years of patriarchy, no doubt. I suggest you read up on 'internalised sexism', which is far more insidious in our society than sexism itself. BN 'Feminism is about women having the same choices as men.' Which includes the CHOICE of feminists to speak out against the way in which news articles of this kind, as well as their amplification by mainstream media outlets such as News Ltd, degrade women and subvert their struggle for equality. In passionately reacting against this article, Ms Apple is exercising her CHOICE to question the messages our society is sending women and girls about what constitutes female sexuality. Audrey Brilliant writing. Keep up the passion. Posted by SJF, Thursday, 3 January 2008 3:59:55 PM
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I wonder what is “female sexuality” Is it this? “Hhmm – not bad, huh?! Think you know someone hotter? Then why not dob them in to and you too could be in the running to score a prize pack filled with loads of goodies from Clinique, valued at $584!!” Or this? Bitch, ditch or delight him by putting him on display in Cosmo's man shop! Upload E-Male. Or this? “Enter to win the ultimate handbag and shoe collection worth $250,000 .” I don’t think Zoo magazine is widely read, but Cleo, Cosmopolitan and Marie Clare certainly are. Shame on Audrey for picking on such a nondescript magazine such as Zoo, when women's magazines are much more widely read, and in such bad taste. Save the males and females. Posted by HRS, Thursday, 3 January 2008 4:44:32 PM
Never heard of it before, or seen it in any newsagency.
But about 50% of the women’s magazines I have seen have numerous pictures of women's cleavage, and if someone wants to look at pictures of women’s cleavage, then buy a women’s magazine.
Normally there is also an article on cosmetic surgery and boob jobs somewhere in a women's magazine, although cosmetic surgery and boob jobs would have to be the pinnacle of self-centeredness in a rather self-centered society.
Germaine (look-at-me) Greer would know all about seeking attention.