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Abortion back on the agenda in Victoria : Comments

By David Palmer, published 13/8/2007

Abortion is bad and there are far too many of them. What are our politicians doing to reduce the numbers?

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you seem to have developed quite a negative world view.
Surely, many people are somewhat anxious about life and their future.
But even anxious people -the ones who have not been brainwashed into thinking that they are doomed unless they’re one of the 144,000 chosen ones who exclusively have their future reserved in utopia- can at the same time have a positive outlook.
Anxiety and positivity are not oxymorons.
Groups as well as individuals can have goals and ideals without having to resort to conspiracy. I’m sure that most are realistic enough to accept that not all of their goals can be reached because there are others with different goals. We must make sure not to invade others’ freedom to be able to reach our own goals.

If you were called called a Nazi nutcase it must've been DESPITE the fact that you’re a supporter of good sex-ed and contraception; not because of it.

I’m glad that you helped a lot of women who asked for help. I agree that it is sad if there have been women who were pushed into having an abortion. However, women who need help need to hear all views so that it’ll be easier to make up their mind.
It doesn’t really matter what WE think is best for a pregnant woman; all we can do is help with non-biased counseling if they ask for help.

“Proper sexual education might in some instances prevent females to become pregnant ….”
I don’t agree.
There is plenty of evidence that with proper sex-ed and contraception the abortion rate can be reduced to around 0.5% That means education works in a preventative way.

I agree with what you say about the Vatican. The RCChurch is also partly responsible for the spread of AIDS especially in Africa. I have a friend who was a counselor for AIDS sufferers in Africa and most of the soldiers were NOT using condoms with prostitutes because of the influence of the Vatican. Why would having protected sex with prostitutes be more sinful than unprotected sex? My mind boggles.
Posted by Celivia, Wednesday, 14 November 2007 2:25:55 PM
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Shocka, with all that woofing and ding a linging, I sure
hope that they don't issue you with a gun license :)
Posted by Yabby, Wednesday, 14 November 2007 6:33:02 PM
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Shockadelic, could you clarify something for me? On your website, ( one of your stated objectives is;

"There are really only two principle laws:
1. Don't harm me.
2. Don't harm my property.
Any laws that don't correlate to one of these principles should be repealed. Any laws that do correlate, and that we want to retain, should be simplified as much as possible."

So why are you against decriminalising abortion by removing it from the crimes act? Since your two principle laws aren't contravened by abortion, shouldn't the existing abortion laws be repealed under your proposed reforms?

Shockadelic: "The feminist, socialist and environmentalist movements have publicly stated their utopian aims."

What utopian aims have the feminist "movement" publicly stated? Equal wages, respect, an end to sexual discrimination, freedom to choose when and whether to have children? Are these what YOU would call utopian aims? I'd call them basic human rights.
Posted by crumpethead, Wednesday, 14 November 2007 11:45:31 PM
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Nice detective work, Agent Crumpethead.

But what part of the phrase "Don't harm me" do you not understand?

Are you not "harming me" if you rip my body to pieces?

Are you not "harming me" if you insert a device into my skull and suck out my brain?

Are you not "harming me" when despite already existing (not *preventing* me from existing beforehand) and despite having caused no harm to another, you terminate my life for no reasons but my inconvenience or perceived defectiveness?

Regarding feminists: Did I not already state that utopians cloak their agendas with labels like "rights"?

Are they not "forcing utopia" when, despite the *scientifically verifiable* differences between the sexes, practical application of differentiation is *legally forbidden*.

Are they not "forcing utopia" when they change everyday language (chairperson, not chairman) and *require* the Boy Scouts to accept girl germs, even though girls already had their *own* scouting organisation.

Are they not "forcing utopia" when they protest that a pinup on the nose of a military plane is "sexual harassment in the workplace".

Are they not "forcing utopia" by demanding that women are 50% of *everything* (well, everything prestigious):
50% of doctors, 50% of lawyers, 50% of MPs, regardless of what percentage of women are actually *interested* in doing these things?

Are they not *hypocrites* by not making the same demands for 50% men in nursing, 50% men in teaching, 50% men in childcare?
Or not arguing for 50% female participation in "nasty" jobs like garbage collection.

Feminists are one of the *most* dishonest, manipulative, indoctrinating groups ever!
And they're the ones insisting on the right to "kill on demand".

Most ordinary non-feminist women view abortion as a regrettable, unfortunate event; a last resort.

Feminists go to conventions to view the footage of the lastest abortion techniques, and after viewing the grisly scenes, stand up and *cheer*!
I rest my case.
Posted by Shockadelic, Thursday, 15 November 2007 3:13:38 PM
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Good evening, I'm George Beegus.
And this is "The Beelletin", the current affairs program that examines issues of concern to the bee community from a rational scientific perspective.

First on tonight's show: Honeycomb Design.

Most beehives have traditionally formed their owns designs, ranging from triangular to free-form abstract.

However, at the recent Honeycomb Convention in Zurich, two designs won acclaim from the distinguised panels of experts.

The first, a circular design by Issac Beeton, and the second, a radical hexagonal design by Albert Beestein.

The latter has been shown in several studies to be the more efficient design.

The overwhelming consensus among experts on the suitability of hexagonal honeycomb has led MPs in Canbeerra to submit a controversial bill to Parliament that would standardise all future honeycomb construction in the hexagonal mode.

More on this issue after the break.
And later in the program, another controversial issue within the bee community:
Reproductive Females: Is Monarchy Outdated?

We'll be right back after these messages.
Posted by Shockadelic, Thursday, 15 November 2007 3:24:41 PM
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It is becoming too bothersome to get to this thread.

the debate has been worked through.

I commend my fellow pro-choicers on their stirling reasoning and logic.

I commend Gerritt for his tenacity.

All I can say about Shocka is, based on his more recent posting here

A song released many years ago by a recording artist named "Napolean XIV", best describes Shockas long deserving fate.
Posted by Col Rouge, Thursday, 15 November 2007 7:14:14 PM
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