The Forum > Article Comments > Abortion back on the agenda in Victoria > Comments
Abortion back on the agenda in Victoria : Comments
By David Palmer, published 13/8/2007Abortion is bad and there are far too many of them. What are our politicians doing to reduce the numbers?
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It realy is simple Dave if you don't like Abortions then don't have one. Let your silly eithics based on the suposed teachings of a supernatural sugar daddy guide your life and lets others get on with theirs.
Posted by Kenny, Monday, 13 August 2007 10:22:22 AM
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Man's heart is so corrupt now that we fail to call the murder of the unborn what it is. No wonder false religions like Islam are on the rise when they easily point to the immorality of the West where we murder babies simply for convenience. Soon we will be giving out awards to the participants. Thank God their is escape from our depravity in Jesus Christ (the only undepraved One).
Posted by runner, Monday, 13 August 2007 10:50:58 AM
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"...most Victorians are concerned about late term abortions and if confronted with the statistic of more than one abortion for every three live births, would say 20,000 abortions each year in Victoria were too many."
Is there survey data to go with this claim, or is this the case of one man trying to project his opinion upon a whole state? "...the general public ... will begin to think of abortion ... as morally right" Changing the laws have nothing to do with morality. Given the significant public debate on the issue it's unlikely that there will ever be consensus on the morality of abortion. The purpose decriminalising abortion is to give the individual the ability to decide on the morality for themselves. "One practical consequence of the change...would be that it will become much harder for a woman to resist calls from her boyfriend..." It's unlikely that the legality would influence a woman's ability to think and act independently, however the threat of prosecution would add significant stress to an already difficult time. "There is no requirement to make available to any woman considering an abortion, suitable material displaying colour pictures of the growing child in the womb, or better still an ultrasound view of the developing unborn child in the woman’s own womb." Emotional torture is generally not encouraged in this country. "There is no requirement for independent pre-termination counselling from someone who is not an advocate of abortion..." The isn't anyone out there who is pro-abortion in that they want to see more unborn fetuses killed. The counselling should be done by someone who acknowledges all options as valid. "...give the right for a doctor to refuse to undertake an abortion for the sake of conscience..." People should not be in a job which involves doing things they consider morally wrong. If a doctor accepts the responsibility of providing medical care, then it is their role to make the medical decisions and leave the patient make the moral or ethical ones. Posted by Desipis, Monday, 13 August 2007 11:02:33 AM
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Of course their are to many abortions.
One of the principal legacies bequeathed to one and all by the "church" is widespread ignorance re EMOTIONAL-sexual matters and the fact that sexing has always been equated with sinning, and that the body is shameful, disgusting and dirty, and that even bodily pleasure is a "sin", and that should feel guilty about even being alive in and as the body, and that true "happiness" is away from here when we go to "heaven". Despite our seeming sexual "freedom" these Puritan subscripts are still very, very strong. This double-minded emotional-sexual script is the root cause of all of our seemingly intractable social problems including overeating, drug abuse, over-population and even warfare. The only way to really do anything about is a comprehensive multi-dimensional program in EMOTIONAL-sexual education. This is all addressed in an essay titled The Taboo Against the Superior Man 1. We also live in an extremely pleasureless world in which the only kind of pleasure most people can get is via sexing. It is also the only activity (apart from drugs) which enables people to merge (however briefly) with something/someone greater than their usual solidly defined self. Posted by Ho Hum, Monday, 13 August 2007 11:08:09 AM
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Everyone is entitled to their beliefs, opinions and thoughts. My opinion is that it's horrible! I believe that it is murder. Babies are fully formed, in most cases,before the mother even knows that she is pregnant.
Posted by V.Amberlee, Monday, 13 August 2007 11:17:27 AM
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David Palmer: "Abortion is bad: there are far too many of them"
Says David Palmer, with absolutely no evidence beyond the usual emotive and hysterical claims put forward by the anti-abortion lobby. I could just as accurately claim that abortions are good on the grounds that there are too many people already, and that there aren't enough of them because there are clearly many people born that our society would be better off without. Except, I wouldn't - because such a claim would be as baseless and idiosyncratic as Palmer's claims on behalf of the rest of us. Abortion is neither 'good' nor 'bad', and pontifications about how many there should or shouldn't be are irrelevant, because women will continue to have them at exactly the rate that they need. The only difference with this legislation is that it will clarify the lawfulness of their actions and provide enhanced legal protections for them and their doctors. Posted by CJ Morgan, Monday, 13 August 2007 11:27:36 AM