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Abortion back on the agenda in Victoria : Comments

By David Palmer, published 13/8/2007

Abortion is bad and there are far too many of them. What are our politicians doing to reduce the numbers?

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On artificial wombs.
I had a better scenario in mind, Shocka:

A woman has an abortion.
Outside the clinic, there’s the anti-abortion clan, each member holding its own, child non-resistant artificial womb.
Shockadelic is next in line.
Shockadelic eagerly hands in his womb, and the aborted embryo is transplanted to it.
Shockadelic gets an instruction leaflet with his womb to take home.
About 9 months later, Schocka the proud father of a newborn baby that he now can look after for the next 21 years.

“We still have this nonsense about women rights over their own bodies”
We still have this nonsense about men’s rights over their own bodies. For equality's sake, we could deny men the right over their sperm; so why don’t we just ‘snip’ all little boys routinely?
When men are ready to become fathers, they could then apply to have their vasectomies reversed. How would you feel about men losing the right to choose over their own sperm wastage? A vasectomy is a far simpler and quicker procedure than giving birth, so it's not that unreasonable a suggestion.

Yabby, “Let mothers have babies when they are loved and wanted” Exactly!
“we could flood you and George Pell with sperms and ova, as many as you want. You could then nurture and feed them all at your expense,”
Please reserve my ticket- I won’t wanna miss that event!
Posted by Celivia, Sunday, 23 September 2007 4:20:38 PM
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"Here we go with the population growth nonsense, which wouldn't occur if we stop immigration."

Population is a global issue, not an Aussie issue. Do you really
think that when Indonesia heads for 500 million, it won't have an
effect on Autralia? Think again

So far no intelligent philosophies from you at all, just a bit
of good old tribalism, quite common in primitive tribes.
So you want to force Anglo Celtic women to have babies or
hand them over to orphanages, to get over your tribal hangups.
Get used to it, Australia is a potpourri of genetics from
around the world and that will continue. There is nothing
so special about Anglo Celtics to suggest that it should remain
dominated by Anglo Celtic genetics.

"We could colonise other planets or live in space or under the sea."

Umm, lets just deal with this planet and get it right perhaps.
The rest is dreaming, so no point banking the future on it.

Darwin certainly has not been replaced. Biology still dominates
here and now and Darwin still dominates biology, as taught at
every university.

The problem seems to be you. If you are not preaching fairy tales,
you are carried away with outer space voodoo.

Hey feel free to act like a nutcase lol. I'll stick to the rational
to understand the world.

Luckily the majority of Australia agrees with me and people like
you are more likely to be locked up, then have any say in our
future. Whew!
Posted by Yabby, Sunday, 23 September 2007 4:35:07 PM
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Let's get metaphysical!

Nominalism: Abstract concepts like "women" or "foetuses" don't exist.
Only real individual things exist.
You, a particular "woman" and your particular "foetus".
No "laws", no "rights".

Idealism: Reality is thought, not matter.
Your foetus is an *idea*.
You're pregnant because a doctor or pregnancy test *told* you so.

Pantheism: God is you. God is your foetus. God is your immune system attacking it.

Taoist: Your pregnancy is exactly as it should be.

Utilitarianism: Abortion is good or bad depending the overall outcome, not your "rights".

Skepticism: Nobody knows if abortion is "good" or "bad".

Empiricism: You cannot make judgements based on another's reported experience of abortion or childbirth, only your *own* experience.

Panpsychism: All *matter* (including your foetus) is part of a universal mind.

Legalism: What's right is what the law says is right.

Dualism: Mind exists *separately* to matter.
Perhaps your foetus only becomes *aware* of its mind once it develops a brain, but mind may *predate* brain formation.
Brain damage may not alter mind, only its *expression of behaviour* in the material world (speech, movement).

Existentialism: Only individuals create meaning for themselves.
Your concept of "abortion" isn't mine.
Mine is what I say it is.

Parallelism: Your mind thinks "I want an abortion".
Your brain makes your mouth tell your doctor "I want an abortion".
The two events are *not* connected.

Fatalism: Your "choice" has already been made.
Whatever happens is the only thing that *could* happen.

Relativism: Cultural context creates the "morality" or "immorality" of abortion.

Absurdism: Abortion and childbirth are equally absurd. Flip a coin.

Nihilism: Whatever you do, it's meaningless.
Why not "abort" yourself and stop suffering.

Capitalism: Sell it.

Physicalism: Your thoughts *are* your brain processes.
Can you "choose" if your brain has false or missing data or is malfunctioning?

Surrealism: Why abort your foetus? Abort a jigsaw puzzle!

Determinism: You can't "choose".
Whatever you do is *inevitable*, determined by prior events.

Darwinism: Your foetus was a genetic mutation with *superior* abilities.
Shame it's now dead.

Still think there's only *one* way of seeing this issue?
Posted by Shockadelic, Monday, 24 September 2007 3:05:14 PM
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Shocka, there are lots of ways to see or imagine lots of things,
the world is full of fruitcakes after all. Most mental
institutions have a few, who claim to be Jesus Christ reincarnated.

You are free to go off on your little fantasy trips, just don't
try to drag the rest of us with you.
Posted by Yabby, Monday, 24 September 2007 3:59:54 PM
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A response within 54 minutes, Yabby?
Just how much thought did you give *any* of these concepts?

And I'm not the "fruitcake" who invented these "little fantasy trips".

They are the invention of noted philosophers and scientists throughout history.

If you'd given it *any* thought, you'd see most of the concepts could challenge people on *both* sides of the debate!

And you claim it's your opponents who are the stupid and ignorant ones!

I think you just proved to everybody just how much you, Yabby the expert, fit that description.

Go back and read each theory.
Apply it to both sides of the debate.

You might be surprised how interesting it is to actually use your brain instead of chanting slogans.
Posted by Shockadelic, Monday, 24 September 2007 4:13:23 PM
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Shocka, I spent 30 years giving those things thought and
consideration, then realised that if you really want
to understand people, learn how the mind works. Neuroscience,
primatology, biology, evolutionary psychology, all subjects
based on evidence here and now, not mindless speculation.

But dream on....
Posted by Yabby, Monday, 24 September 2007 4:42:03 PM
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