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Darling of cultural warriors : Comments

By Irfan Yusuf, published 29/6/2007

Can't the Islam-haters out there find a more credible 'insider' to promote their cause than Ayaan Hirsi Ali?

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The author begs the question -"I left the interview feeling sympathy -for her, after all the terrible suffering she went through as a child, but more so for all the Islam-haters out there who could not find a more credible “insider” to promote their cause."

Irf is 100% correct - this lady is for idiots when there is the case of Lina Joy in our own backyard!

What say you, Irf et al, on this 'credible insider?'
Posted by Reality Check, Monday, 2 July 2007 2:48:21 PM
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Some good points are raised by Irfan. Perhaps Hirsi
Ali does in fact have some flaws in her arguments. I
don't see that as an issue however, as the more debate,
the better for all of us, as issues are thrashed out.

The problem is not the Irfans of this world. The
problem is that with just about any religion, we
seem to have a hard core of extremists, who lose
all ability to reason and wander off to the deep end.
Muslim extremists are worse, because it seems that they
are more violent then others. In the West, secular forces
eventually reigned in Xtian extremists. The same needs to
happen in Islamic countries.

Irfan, there are some great critics of Islam, perhaps
you have read "23 Years" by Ali Dashti. He would have
known more about Islam then you do. He waited until
after his death, until his book was published in English.
Meantime he still died in Kohmeini's jails. So speaking
out about Islam is not an option for most people who live
in Islamic countries. Countries like Pakistan and others
still carry out the death sentence for apostates etc.

So you are fortunate to live in a secular state, where you
can say what you think. That option does not apply in many
Islamic countries and that is the crux of the problem.
If people were not threatened with constant death, for saying
what they think, there would be many more and perhaps
more talented Hirsi Alis. So its your religion that is once
again the problem. Perhaps you should become a Buddhist :)
Posted by Yabby, Monday, 2 July 2007 2:50:18 PM
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TR: "What really irritates Irfan is that a women has shown real individualism and asserted her rights as a free women over the religion of Islam."

Actually, I have no problems with AHA expressing her views and abandoning her ancestral faith. Further, I agree with numerous things she has to say.

For instance, I agree with her that the conservative Christian teaching of absolutely prohibiting abortion is wrong and a danger to women. While abortion shouldn't be treated as a contraceptive, it should and must be made available to women for whom pregnancy would mean almost certain death.

Further, I agree with her that Creation science should not be taught in schools alongside evolution theory. However, I disagree with her when she claims that people who teach Creation science should be put in jail.

I also cannot find fault with her in principal on the separation of religion from state.

Now could all the Islam-bashers please advise where they sit in relation to Creation science and abortion?
Posted by Irfan, Monday, 2 July 2007 2:53:35 PM
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I heard by a Moslem friend that the Burqa can only be worn by a woman who is FULLY circumcised (infibulation not just clitoral and labial mutilation).

The other point about FGM being cultural or Islamic - in Islam what is not forbidden is therefore allowed - as long as the male sexual appetite is fully satisfied. Women are not supposed to enjoy sex as much as making sure her male partner is always fulfilled.

Great recruiting tool for men I guess.


Here is Jesus’ Da’wa to you FH. Jesus has died on the cross to save you. He is standing at your door and asking you to invite Him in. Why are you so stubborn and prefer to try to save yourself and continue to ignore God's saving grace?

There is no valid reason this side of the cross to revert to self-help law-obeying religious mumbo-jumbo.

That is what is so frustrating and unbelievably insulting to Jesus who died for you.

Jesus, the same Jesus talked about in your holy books, has fulfilled ALL the requirements of the law.

Mohammad was misinformed, (to give him the benefit of the doubt), and has taken post Crucifixion Arabs back to the Law of Moses. Tragic act of Spiritual Terrorism and Biblical vandalism.

Mohammad had access to Bibles, to Christians, and to Jews. But like you, he preferred to ignore the facts and go for fables.

Islamic Da’wa is alive and kicking in Australia – the entrapping of innocent unbelievers into the Islamic web is continuing – mostly unchallenged “yet” by the Authorities.

So please revise your misleading notion: “The difference between Islam and Christianity is hair thin.”

Islam is the spirit of the Anti-Christ. Islam rejects everything God has done through His Son Jesus.

How can this not aspire to animosity?

You want PEACE? Stop following a religion which holy texts incite hatred of other religions, namely Christians and Jews.
Posted by coach, Monday, 2 July 2007 2:58:35 PM
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@coach our western culture carries out MGM against defenseless children, so when you use FGM to show how barbaric Islam is, it's hypocritical and ironic.
Posted by Steel, Monday, 2 July 2007 3:04:01 PM
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Steel argues,

"@coach our western culture carries out MGM against defenseless children, so when you use FGM to show how barbaric Islam is, it's hypocritical and ironic."

MGM is hardly the same as FGM. Please read more about it my friend.

I do not condone MGM either... unless for rare medical reasons.

MGM is NOT a Christian requirement. Un-circumcised Christian males are allowed to touch / swear on the Bible, hold a Government Ministerial position, and even become preachers.

Not in Islam. Oh No!

What's good for Mohammad, his friends, his wives, slaves, and concubines must become therefore LAW for all his followers.

All males MUST be clipped on the 8th day (to be different from the 7th day for Jews) after birth.

It's the Islamic LAW.

Back to the subject at hand is FGM.

But then again for someone who believes Islam is so wonderful - maybe you should move to Iran or Pakistan... or just hang around and watch the previews at a mosque near you.
Posted by coach, Monday, 2 July 2007 4:00:00 PM
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