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Darling of cultural warriors : Comments

By Irfan Yusuf, published 29/6/2007

Can't the Islam-haters out there find a more credible 'insider' to promote their cause than Ayaan Hirsi Ali?

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"Most Muslims, like yourself, are dishonest cowards and won't admit that Islam, and monotheism generally, are the greatest intellectual frauds ever burdened on humanity."

What about polytheism? Btw, tone down the Muslim hate. Islam is an incredible religion. You just reveal your ignorance in slandering it. All it is is a little more conservative than what you are used to. What's ironic is the recent history of Australia.
"However, the Commonwealth legislation excluded all Aboriginal men and women from the Commonwealth franchise, which in theory some of them had enjoyed in 1901 (state Parliaments generally had property qualifications for the franchise, which in practice few Aboriginals would have met). This was not corrected until 1962"


By contrast New Zealand,
"In New Zealand politics, the Maori Seats, a special category of electorate, give reserved positions to representatives of Maori in the New Zealand Parliament. That parliament first set up Maori Seats in 1867, after Britain established Westminster-style parliamentary government in New Zealand in 1852."

Posted by Steel, Monday, 2 July 2007 1:12:55 AM
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What's the connection between Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Islam and culture warriors. Is Islam now being inferred by Irfan to be a culture?
And why in Irfans mind is Ms. Hirsi Ali not a credible witness to her own experience with Islam? I'm afraid the whole thing smells of burnt offerings. Somebodies God or prophet needs a fresh sacrifice. Throw another one on the old OLO barbie Irfan.
Posted by aqvarivs, Monday, 2 July 2007 9:06:32 AM
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Leigh - my point was, the article's about the fact that Ayaan Hirsi Ali is held up as a conservative poster child for anti-muslim sentiment.

In your attacks on the author, I didn't see you mention Ali once. Nor have many posters here, come to think of it.

My post may have been self-righteous, but I'm of the opinion that once you start attacking people for who they are instead of what they say and do, you're no longer part of the debate - just another screeching voice. I quite frequently see Irfan criticised, yet I never hear reasons - the content of his articles are often left unanalysed in favour of attacking the author, simply because he speaks out on behalf of muslims.
Sometimes other reasons are offered, but I never see anything but the most spurious reasoning behind it. If you've got something constructive, something similar to the assessment Irfan has offered of Ali to base your estimation of the author on, by all means, post it, but I'm somewhat sceptical.

Yes - extremist Islam is indeed a threat, but will refusing to listen help the situation?

You can claim I'm just suppressing your view all you want, but the truth is you haven't provided anything here but empty rantings, so I feel fine about it.

As for Ali - it's an interesting analysis, and I find it quite odd that her background hasn't been held up for closer scrutiny... if this article is true, it does indicate that Islam is perhaps in need of a conservative spokesperson that is more accurate, but perhaps a little less aggressive...
Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Monday, 2 July 2007 10:31:23 AM
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You are correct in stating that Islam is an incredible religion. Unbelievable is probably more apt.
Conservative? Better to say prehistoric, in outlook, if not age.
There is no place for "self" in Islam. Man exists to serve Allah. Not as an individual mind you but as one of a mindless collective whose soul purpose is to convert or kill unbelievers. (Witness the persecution and killing of the Chaldeans and Assyrians, the true indigenous people of Iraq by both sunnis and shias right now!) They even have months set aside for it!
Women are viewed as chattels and subjugated. All equal in the eyes of allah,huh. Hmmmmm.....
Islam is not a religion at all. It is a political entity. Anyone who thinks different is fooling no-one but themselves.
Any, and I mean ANY, person purporting to be a muslim and not following the commands of the koran TO THE LETTER is NOT a muslim.
Do not kid yourself Steel. There is no xenophobia in what I say. I'm repeating islamic teaching principles. Read the koran objectively. Check out Mohammed. He started as a failed illiterate wannabe and resorted to the sword when his brain and mouth proved ineffective.

Irfan, you are still a wombat. Like most students of law, you cherry pick that which you can best twist to your advantage and you hope to deceive the majority. There are still a surprising number of people a lot smarter than you, and me. And if I'm not deceived, then neither will they be.
Berate this woman all you like. It doesn't change the truth about islam, does it? Your usual lack of response will confirm your acquiesence.
Posted by tRAKKA, Monday, 2 July 2007 10:38:24 AM
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Irfan:I did state that I had condensed the story the headmaster did well, that is he acted like a sane responsible human being.
I cannot just work out what you are getting at here: "Who is more representative of religion and common sense, the teacher or h/master?"
Are you inferring that the teacher lacked religion and common sense that's the one beaten to death by the brave islamic warriors? Then you go on about bullying at a Catholic school then ask:" Who is more etc (read irfan's post) I may have it are you saying that this brave headmaster is more a representative of islam than the gutless savage islamic murderers? If so then looking at the world and seeing craven islamic bombers/terrorists in every nation these pagans have settled in I would have to say that that these murderous, gutless moslem psychopaths are the true representatives of bloody, as in gory, islam.
Again I am perplexed by your Somali-born atheist -what has that to do with anything. "Some people are just determined to see a giant islamist conspiracy"- err yes irfan. Especially when your rat-bag imans preach against Australian values, call all non-moslems infidels or pigs and monkeys, call for Oz to be made a moslem nation that is have the freedoms of other islamic nations,plant bombs continually. Of course these bombs are solely to cause fear and panic and kill innocent atheists, Christians, Jews and fellow moslems whether they be men,women,children or even babies so long as there are many killed and wounded. Yes irfan I do think that there is a conspiracy by brutal,lying pagan islam to conquer this world. You finish off with: "It doesn't take much inteligence to hate" Your islamic brothers and sisters hate the west and are for ever planting bombs so you are correct. regards, numbat PS You didn't answer: would a pig or monkey or even an atheist be in danger of being beaten to death if he/she handled a koran here in the fair land of Oz?
Posted by numbat, Monday, 2 July 2007 1:19:19 PM
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Steel, you mentioned polytheism. What about it? Why should belief in multiple gods be any less credible than a belief in one god? Same dog different leg as they say. I think that you are blinkered against polytheism because that is how you have been brainwashed.

Let's face reality Steel. The mythologies at the core of Islam are just as infantile as polytheistic mythologies. As a child I used to believe that Santa could travel around the globe in ONE night to deliver presents. Most Muslims believe that Mohammed travelled to Jerusalem from Mecca then to heaven in ONE night on a winged donkey thing called al-Buraq. Santa has Rudolf, Muhammad has al-Buraq. Same thing really.

Hirsi Ali has rightly pointed out that Islam dresses itself up in a cloak of serious academic scholarship but in reality Islam is just a bunch of infantile stories strung together by 1st century AH Muslims. And having considered the mythological 'Night Journey' with its Rudolf the red nosed Buraq I would tend to agree.

In short Steel, Hirsi Ali has far more credibility than any of the nonsensical stories found in the Islamic canon. Next you'll be telling me that angels exist and have names like Gabriel.
Posted by TR, Monday, 2 July 2007 1:32:30 PM
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