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Infidel : Comments

By Shakira Hussein, published 1/6/2007

Hirsi Ali's statements that Islam allows violence against women do not help her cause.

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I understand Islam bashing is your purpose in life, but at least you don't need to feel so hot under the collar and resort to nastiness and name calling. If you google Muslim christian debates “deedat vs swaggart” you will see the art of interfaith dialogue: no name calling or nastiness.

A question to the 'fellowship' of the ring: if Heresy Ali wrote her book in the critique of the bible or the Old testament to explain why Rwandan Christians murdered 800,000 Non-Christian 'infidels a decade ago, could she have got the same cheering and 1/2 page in the Australian?

Talk about the Australian value of 'fair go'!
Posted by Fellow_Human, Monday, 4 June 2007 4:32:58 PM
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Irfan I find radical Christians have as much about them to dislike as any radical religion.
In my country Australia I think every view should be heard free speech must be protected.
However how many Muslim country's would let me speak of my view religions are man made fables?
Posted by Belly, Monday, 4 June 2007 4:42:13 PM
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Frankly, it seems to me most of the posters here are agreeing on most of the issues.
In brief:

*) The Federal Government shouldn't be banning the visits of anyone on the grounds that the visitor is divisive. It's unwarranted censorship, of which Australia has a proud tradition.

*) Religious (in fact, any) fundamentalism is loathesome.

*) Alan Jones is a divisive dick

*) The Australian newspaper is a bunch of divisive dicks.

Where I think it gets contentious is the question of whether Islam is more prone to fundamentalist interpretations, and if so why and what do we do about it?
Posted by bushbasher, Monday, 4 June 2007 4:52:12 PM
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bushbasher I like and agree with every word in your post.
Time and events will tell us how we are to deal with Islamist fundamentalism.
We may unfortunately learn from some the art of blind hate, educated to kill hate, and sadly that dreadful belief some have that only some humans have rights.
Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 5 June 2007 6:22:08 AM
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Your quote is utter insanity!

Islam doesn't just allow violence against women, it is violence against humanity!

NO ONE LISTENS ANYMORE TO YOU PEOPLE. You haven't held protests against your filthy immoral redneck cleric leaders, we see the polls about how many want the utterly backward Sharia, and frankly, you worship a paedophile.

Until you denounce this, you will always be looked at by leftists as some sort of in-bred spastics.

For too long, the civilised west has been blindfolded, had our hands and feet bound, by the stupid leftists.

When our hands our untied, you better run, because when western man gets his hands on you, and FORCES your beliefs to answer to REASON, you are finished!

How does it feel to have an identity which is nothing but tradition, no substance! Your idea of heaven is a brothel and bottleshop.

Islam is the most intolerant religion on the planet, you give kids weapons, your schools preach hatred, you are racist, xenophobes. Your marriage practices reveal your utter fear of being enveloped by the greatest culture in the world, western culture.

Go hide!

You say we are hypocritical, because we break our own rules to deal with animals? We are the police, the west is truth, that's why everyone WANTS TO LIVE HERE>

The flows of third world cultures to the advanced, civilised first world, GIVES US A MANDATE TO SMASH everything about such societies.

There is no caliphate coming, this entire period is simply a means for us civilised westerners to get back to our roots.
Posted by Benjamin, Tuesday, 5 June 2007 8:43:51 PM
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Shakira, don't you love all these Western men who are so much more aware of Islam and how it treats women? Guess you haven't caught on to your victim status.

As I wrote on a previous thread. I think this is the funniest thing ever. All the right wing and conservative Muslim haters adulating Ayaan Hirsi Ali.

At least she was smart enough to queue jump to the Netherlands and not to Australia! When you next excuse her 'understandable lies' I hope you think of how Australia treats its asylum seekers or 'illegals'. There is obviously not a single 'mandatory detention' advocate on this thread! You don't even have to come from a refugee camp. Residency in a country you're not too happy with? Come right over.

Unlike many of you, I've followed Ayaan for a number of years in the Netherlands. She was a very influential person. I admired what I thought were her courage and convictions.

It was not the left who got her into strive, but the conservatives, her own party included. In the Netherlands the conservatives prefer genuine asylum seekers. The left has a tendency to be a bit more laisez faire about these thing.

Just because a person is saying things you may like to hear does that automatically mean that person has the credibility and authority to say those things? In Ayaan Hirsi Ali's case I don't think so and so do very many in the Netherlands.
Posted by yvonne, Tuesday, 5 June 2007 10:46:58 PM
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