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Israel's 'right to exist'? : Comments

By Saree Makdisi, published 19/3/2007

The 'LA Times' (and other media) consistently adopts Israel's language, giving credence to an inaccurate, simplistic and dangerous cliché.

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Boaz David wrote..

If the problem will not fix itself, it must be fixed by outside forces. Remove all Palestinians from the major refugee camps, resettle them in small numbers around the world or in more remote Arab countries with appropriate compensation, including assistance for a period of time which will enable them to gain a socio/cultural/economic foothold in their new homes in countries away from Israel.

Not that I am advocating this as a solution, but why not do to the Israelis what you are advocating for the Palestinians? After all, the Israelis have only started moving mack on numbers since around 1885, they are the intruders, not the other way around.

Since they already see thye world from a 'western' point of view resettling them would be a better solution than resettling all those Palestinians (with their Islamic religion that you hate so much), like dragons teeth, throughout the world. Forcible relation of Palestinians is asking for trouble.
Posted by Hamlet, Saturday, 24 March 2007 11:08:01 AM
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Necessity is the mother of all inventions. I am certain all human's are capable of adaptation, as proven by The Jews.
Posted by vivy, Saturday, 24 March 2007 11:20:00 AM
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Talk of removing Palestine Arabs is very elitist, similar to the doctrine of the CFR - Council of Foreign Relations, later taken up by the Trilateralists and Bilderbergers which incidently Tony Blair has supported. While Tony Blair is a member of the Trilateralists along with George W Bush and Henry Kissinger. It is also reported that John Howard has attended Bilderberg meetings.

It was an aging Cecil Rhodes who first devised the CFR which also grew to have Zionist connections. Such groups still support the extreme colonialist elitist view similar to the ancient Bibical doctrine of the Promised Land, not only taken on by the American Puritans, but also by British Zionists who taught that the Arabs are a low caste people better to be done away with. This point of view was virtually carried on in the Middle East during WW2, when Australian troops joked about both Arab women and men as riff raff, not much better than our Aboriginals.

It shows how much colonialism and non-Jewish Zionism has drifted Western peoples away from the compassionate and loving principles of the Sermon on the Mount spoken by the young Jesus after a lone sojourn in the desert.

It is so interesting that Socrates spoke about the same thing, think down deep in the quiet to find the true answers.

Still and all, such methods are so ancient that most modern people just call them Old Pap, only fit for the bin.

The point is are we really on the right track?
Posted by bushbred, Saturday, 24 March 2007 3:49:06 PM
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No-one is "riff raff". Everyone has a human right to feel safe.
Posted by vivy, Saturday, 24 March 2007 6:02:15 PM
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Dear "observant" hamlet :) did you read the last paragraph of my last post ? Or just the first few lines ?

Hamlet... you call the Jews 'intruders' but that's a rather selective and western centric view of history. What right do we have to tell our neighbour "don't go and retrieve that stolen car of yours, even though you can see it 3 doors away outside the home of the bloke who stole it". The Jews have held ownership of that land until it was ruthlessly taken by the Romans. Then others came in... by invasion. Lets not push the 'intruders' line too hard, because its all relative to 'who' you are.

Brushy... for the same reason as I just poked a stick at Hamlet, I have to point a small 'bone' at you.. Notice my last paragraph please.

In terms of human solutions, the only workable one is to remove one side or the other. I've clearly stated my own preference, to keep the Jews and remove the most troublesome Palestinians.

More than likely they will all just muddle around and dabble here and there with 'human rightsy' type solutions (attempted) which really have as much chance of working as a snowflake in hell has of not melting.

A casual glance at the various wars and peaces in the Balkans will quickly reveal how the 'peace' was based on elements which caused the next war.

And "no" I do not believe we have socially evolved beyond that same mental outlook.

My saying it will not cause it, BUT.. I'll say it for the record. The tug of Jerusalem to the Jewish religious heart is stronger than most of you appear to realize. I consider it much stronger than the Arab/Muslim connection to the Temple Mount due to the Mosque there.
I've grown to appreciate just how strong this is, based on many readings of the Old Testament, and immersing myself in the history.
If I can feel thus, how much more someone who's bloodline goes back to Abraham.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Saturday, 24 March 2007 6:10:04 PM
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David, while I disagree with the reasons for your approval of the Jewish return to "The promised land", I have to generally agree with your solution to the problem.

The matter of compensation for disposessed Palestinian Arabs poses some problems. From a legalistic point of view, the people who currently occupy the land and/or homes should be the ones paying the compensation as though they had bought the land. This ides might go down like a lead balloon, but it is worth considering. On the other hand, as the Israeli government seems to have encouraged the take over of Arab posessions, then the government should be paying the compensation.

The resettlement of the inmates of the refugee camps, as you say, should get rid of the source of suicide attacks, but you would probably still have to do something to placate Hamas. Perhaps if the whole of the area known as Palestine were to become one country with a bi-partisan government with both Jews and Arabs we might see some peace. Presently, the Israelis seem to control it all anyway, but the Arabs have little say and are treated as second class citizens. Something like that seemed to work before the second world war. The major disruption was caused by the rapid influx of European Jews after the creation of the state of Israel which resulted in the displacement of so many uncompensated Arabs.
Posted by VK3AUU, Saturday, 24 March 2007 8:33:32 PM
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