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Misreported, misconstrued, mistranslated, misunderstood : Comments

By Irfan Yusuf, published 23/2/2007

One can't help but to compare the barrage of abuse faced by the Sheik Taj Al-Din Hilali (perhaps deservedly) with the indifference to Professor Raphael Israeli's offensive remarks.

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Snappy Tom The Crusades are indeed a long way into history. Start with the 19th and 20th century. If you want to understand your enemy, it helps to know what their take is on why they see you as the enemy.

WWII to give you an example, on why it helps to know a bit of history, was not about the Jews, the rest of the world did not come to rescue them. That was just a little bonus with which the West could salve their sense of guilt on centuries of appalling anti-semitism. WWII happened because of events on the victory in WWI, which happened because of a terrorist attack on another nation and that nation's response. This is not related to Islam by the way, but hopefully a non angst inducing point about the importance of knowledge.It is arguable that WWII could have been prevented.

On the rise of Fundamentalism in Islam, read for instance the book by Tariq Ali (a muslim) "the Clash of Fundamentalisms" or Avi Shlaim (a Jew) "The Iron Wall". There is a wealth of information out there. Not as sexy and quick as web sites perhaps, but it's a lot easier to verify the weight of authority, or otherwise, of the author.
Posted by yvonne, Saturday, 3 March 2007 10:36:20 PM
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Betty, I don't think that OLO is a profit orientated organisation.There are not enough ads to pay the wages.Mostly it is donations.

Perhaps Graham should charge us 20 cents per comment and we could oblige through our mobile accounts or credit cards.After all if we are going to have a say,it has to be worth saying or OLO could eventually fold.
Posted by Arjay, Saturday, 3 March 2007 10:57:56 PM
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Snappy Tom you make a very good point:
“A reading of European history will tell you that the Islamic invasion of the 8th Century happened a long, long time BEFORE the crusades”
A point which Yvonne still has not taken on-board.

She is still pedalling the old apologists line that extreme Islam is a reaction to western imperialism & exploitation ( a second part of that apologists world view, also conveniently ignores the Islamic worlds role in such unpleasant issues as slavery).

Young radical Islamists sense of exploitation & injustice has more to do with the closed nature of their Islamic societies - their societies lack of robust self criticism -& alternatives - than any history of exploitation:
While it is common currency in the west to criticise the acts of the crusaders - few Muslims will ever critics the acts of their side.
While it is common currency in the west to criticise European settlement of Indian Or Aboriginal lands, few Muslims will consider the invasion & the stealing of lands from Turkmen’s, Assyrians African Sudanese & Copt minorities as anything but a civilising act .
Few Turks will accept the issue of the Armenian genocide -& an those brave authors that try to raise the issue are quickly ostracised.

And let us also not forget that radical Islam’s grievances do not just relate to the Israeli-Arab conflict & 18 & 18 century imperialism .
Their list includes the “unjust” expulsion of the Moors from Spain & the “unjust” expulsion of the Ottoman invaders from places such as Bulgaria & Rumania. The “unjust” expulsion of the Indonesians from of East Timor. Plus the call to expel all non-Muslims from the Arabian peninsula - not because they are exploiting the country -but because they are consider UNCLEAN.
Posted by Horus, Sunday, 4 March 2007 4:23:25 AM
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I strongly disagree West;
This very article is testimonial to that, and it is invigorating to see the Australian Psych make such a strong presence after many years of being suppressed;

Kid’s books are a form of entertainment value, and not a substitute education text;
I have a son in year 8 and a daughter in year 5; I have to spend more time explaining the inequity and reverse the indoctrination that is forced upon them by the Idiots Curriculum. a simple library of Historical facts and books at home and proof read the junk passed off as educational books supplied by the department of Un-education.

Why not buy those books about and experimental sciences, and replace the pantheon of antithesis junk with a practical and fun way to develop your kids thinking and expand their ability by letting them experiment with basic science, and that dreaded ability these days, Make something and make it work.

Even the neighbor hood kids love it and they learn far more from their new found knowledge than from anywhere else.

The kids love it, and it is working wonders. That is what Australia was about; not Irfans jumbled Linguistic garble; and he considers him self a moderate; you should hear the labeled radicals; it is only the language difference; the meaning is the same.

Your other comparison goes back to Alexander the Great Idiot; He torched all the libraries he could find; So did the NAZI’s (Irfans Favorite Reverse inference) so define the intent and you will answer your own question.
That sounds cryptic enough. Ha.
Posted by All-, Sunday, 4 March 2007 6:54:06 AM
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I agree with you, but Islamic extremism is the current problem.

Probably Christian extremism was far worse but that was in the Middle Ages and that has been and gone and seems unlikely to return. We have to concentrate on the present and the predictable future.

There is a serious problem out there and we have to find an answer. We can only do this if we stop demonizing all Muslims. If we cannot establish a dialogue with the reasonable majority we will not be able to achieve what we all want. Do you think that the average Muslim likes what is happening?

On the question of religion, in Hindu India Jews were able to live for a thousand years in complete harmony and some still are, with equal status. The same tolerance is present in Japan. Perhaps some scholar could examine why that is so.
Posted by logic, Sunday, 4 March 2007 8:43:14 AM
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Betty: they cut posts, you accuse them of censorship. They don't cut posts you accuse them of greed. Tell me... is there any option that isn't selfish?
Besides. Despite being a pretty prominent Australian forum, I suspect it isn't all that profitable.

I note you keep haranguing Irfan for "offensive writing." What has he written that is so offensive? The only thing you've been able to point at was clearly sarcastic.
I honestly ask. What has been written by Irfan that you find offensive? Is it the fact he had the temerity to criticise something other than Islam?
Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Sunday, 4 March 2007 3:39:13 PM
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