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Misreported, misconstrued, mistranslated, misunderstood : Comments

By Irfan Yusuf, published 23/2/2007

One can't help but to compare the barrage of abuse faced by the Sheik Taj Al-Din Hilali (perhaps deservedly) with the indifference to Professor Raphael Israeli's offensive remarks.

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West, numbat, and co.

When was the last time you read a non-fiction book?


If you were a true Christian you would have recognised the counterfeit that is called Islam.

You sound like a well balanced philosophical person – but just know that there are good and bad religions in this world as well as people – and you cannot judge the religion by looking at its people but by its sources and dogmas.

Islam is the invention of one man whose lifestyle is not just inspiring his followers but practiced as law. This is why we have so much violence committed by good Muslims in the name of the prophet of Allah. To be a good Muslim is to kill and die a martyr for the cause of Allah (the Muslim god).

Compare that with the Christian God Jesus in the Bible and His teachings “Love your enemies”. To be a good disciple of Jesus is to be humble and tell the world about His saving grace.

Violence and injustices committed in the name of Christianity is not the norm and is not part of the teaching of Christ.

All religions are man-made. True Christianity stands alone as a relationship with God (YHWH). It is the only true God that loves His people so much that He died for them so they can live forever with Him in heaven.

All religious systems ask people to do things like prayer, fasting, giving to the poor, etc… to reach their gods. The Christian God is the only one who reaches down to His creation.

There are fundamentally irreconcilable differences between Islam and Judeo-Christianity. So please don’t lump Islam with Christianity. It is offensive.

Know what you believe and Why you believe it. Don’t simply follow hollow imitations
Posted by coach, Wednesday, 28 February 2007 12:57:13 PM
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Isreali's comments are part of the public record, so I'll comment on them after I've found them.
Muhammad's comments, and actions, are also on the public record, and recorded by Muslims, so Muslims need not feel angry at those actions and statements being commented upon, should they?
By the Muslim record, Muhammad was a liar, thief, murderer (including mass murderer), rapist and pedophile. (I've read recently that Muhammad was asked by the father of his fourth wife Aisha to wait until Aisha was of age before marrying her. Muhammad refused, and married her when she was nine.)
Even to this day, Muslims are told that it is their highest duty to emulate the life of Muhammad. The displaced young Muslim men in the West seem to be taking this to heart, if the experience of France, Britain, the Netherlands and Australia is anything to go by.
Trying to restrict Muslim immigration is probably unrealistic, even if it was desirable. But perhaps Western countries to which Muslims are flocking could return the favour of (some) Muslim countries with regard to religious freedoms: not allow Muslims to build places of worship or gathering, and stamp out the horror of female genital mutilation, which in Western countries is practiced only by Muslims.
To their credit, most Muslims are better than their religion would have them be (most of the time). But Islam as a system of thought (and behaviour) has too many fascist tendencies to be regarded as anything except fascist.
Posted by camo, Wednesday, 28 February 2007 4:53:25 PM
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Since we are talking of matters of public records, Aisha was six when Mohammad married her but apparently consumated the marriage when she became nine.

Iran has passed a new law allowing men to marry girls when they turn nine or reach puberty. What's good for Mohammad must be good also for all Muslims.

As for immigration, unfortunately many Muslims have a real case of seeking refuge from some barbaric Islamic regimes. So closing the door at them would be inhumane. What I would consider is to restrict some of their activities once in the country.

Some of their teaching in schools and mosques has been going unchecked for too long. An attempt to revue some literartures sold in islamic centres did not stop this practice of printing and distributing anti-west hatred publications especially among the youth.

A lot of their sermons and books are not translated from Arabic or other foreign dialect, making it impossible for average Australian to comprehend the extent of damage being done.
Posted by coach, Wednesday, 28 February 2007 6:12:07 PM
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I think that Professor Israeli would be as horrified as I am to read the slanging match between Christians and Muslims that is occurring on this site. The Professor is no hater of Islam he just is concerned about the way so many Muslims in European countries are trying to change the Judeo-Christian culture into an Islamic one.

I would agree. It is alright to have Islamic counties operating with Islamic traditions, it is not alright for Muslims (or others) to migrate and change our culture. Why are so many of them leaving Muslim countries anyway?
Posted by logic, Wednesday, 28 February 2007 9:20:47 PM
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John Howard recently on Lateline said that the Third Reich was launched in a Catholic Church. The Vatican were in cahoots with Hitler, as were many Protestant church officials.

The Holocaust was hardly an exceptional event in European history. Pogroms against Jews had occurred throughout Europe at various times.

I have never heard of an event like the Holocaust being perpetrated against Jews by a nominally Muslim ruler. Apart from perhaps the Mufti of Jerusalem, I am not aware of any Muslim religious figure who promoted genocide.

Judeo-Christian culture is only a post-war phenomenon. Before the end of WWII, the main role of the "Judeo" in Western Christendom was target practice or weapons testing.

Western Christians have for more than 2,000 years been programmed to hate Jews. Today, many of those Christians have transferred their hatred from Jews to Muslims. Usually, the reasons for the hatred are exactly the same.

The words of people like coach or B_D are frequently mirror-images of Nazi-style anti-Semitic propaganda. As I read more and more about the Holocaust, I am convinced that the things said about Muslims today are almost exactly what has been said about Jews for some 2,000 years.

Hence, the term 'neo-Nazi' is an apt one when applied to coach an other contributors to these forums. I prefer the less offensive term "archchair nazi".
Posted by Irfan, Wednesday, 28 February 2007 10:32:33 PM
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Why Yvonne dear, generalising again. "People like you". You don't have any idea who you are talking to so how would you know anything at all about me?

You don't but please don't stop that from your want to label people. It's a really good indicator of intolerance and ignorance. Keep at it

Religion is THE problem, not a help to anyone. Why? Because everyone feels this urgent need to "enlighten" everyone else. My God is THE ONE. People have been saying this since they stopped crawling on all fours. And continue to do so. Out of fear, that's all.

Should I have a go? OK There is no God. Just a thought you all have that you need to give you security in a world that has none. A false security but take it for what it's worth. How do I know there is no God? Just look around Yvonne, how many Gods are there worshipped today? How many are real? Only one. Money. Worshipped by all, including all religions. Watch at the airports and see who flies first class. Hari Krishna for one, all Christian religious leaders for 2.

If there was a God and He/She/It sent a messiah to earth would you know who it was? There's millions of them here right now Yvonne. Are they all correct? Are they all divine, or mentally ill?

Money is God Yvonne, worship it. It doesn't exist either but so what?

I look forward to your considered thoughts on these comments.
Posted by Betty, Wednesday, 28 February 2007 10:33:32 PM
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