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Misreported, misconstrued, mistranslated, misunderstood : Comments

By Irfan Yusuf, published 23/2/2007

One can't help but to compare the barrage of abuse faced by the Sheik Taj Al-Din Hilali (perhaps deservedly) with the indifference to Professor Raphael Israeli's offensive remarks.

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TR, there is this amazing skill I learned at school. It's called reading. It involves recognising these strange things called 'letters' placed in unique combinations and then recognising these combinations signify sounds.

When you master this skill, you might like to check my biography. You might find that I arrived in Australia at age 5 months. Since I am now practising law and have not travelled overseas much since arriving here, and since English is my frst language, that probably means that I am culturally very very Western.

No, my ancestry is not Middle Eastern. Such a shameful ancestry could only belong to nasty people that so-called Judeo-Christian "we-grew-here" types love hating. Nasty people like Moses, Mary and Jesus.
Posted by Irfan, Monday, 26 February 2007 10:53:59 PM
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Born with Jewish blood, raised as a Christian I found I was better of not to follow any religion. Take Sheik Taj Al-Din Hulali, who makes statements and has been vilified about it, regardless if most of it are simply expressions of his views, he is entitled upon as any other person is. Due to the ongoing criticism upon Hilali I have listened to some of his comments so widely reported and quite frankly it are the critics who rather by their vilification are causing more harm then good.
As Author of the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® book on CD series, and a grandmaster “constitutionalist” I find that Hilali’s comments are in many ways not offensive at all as is portrayed.
Give the man a break!
Personally, I hope that my daughters and granddaughters never will be walking halfnaked around the streets, as while I accept it is one thing to walk in a bikini at the beach it is another thing to do so in normal shopping environment, etc.
Perhaps, if we were not oversensitive but took more notice of what Hilali is saying, that we should not half-undressed girls walking about, we might all benefit of less crimes being committed against women.
Perhaps, if the man had not been a Muslim but a Christian he would be admired for speaking up, but because Muslims are targeted upon anything they say is wrongly interpreted no matter how good the intentions may be.
I found no offence either about his statement about the lies in Australia as after all it is in Australia so much ingrained in politics that we disregard the harm caused to the victims of those lies. We had the barbaric conduct against refugees allegedly that terrorist were in their midst, etc.
My website and my blog set this out extensively.

Lets sober up and listen to the man open minded and we may just learn something good out of it.
Don’t shoot the messenger for the bad tiding!
Sure, I may not agree with everything Hilali states, but then again neither does everybody with what I state
Posted by Mr Gerrit H Schorel-Hlavka, Monday, 26 February 2007 11:47:37 PM
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"Nasty people like Moses, Mary and Jesus".

Dear me Irfan, let's generalise shall we. Talk about venom. A virgin, a carpenter and a messiah, nasty people. Only if you don't agree with their religion and beliefs Irfan which you don't.

What do you prefer? The peaceful, tolerant preachings you started out stating were misunderstood, misconstrued, misheard and bloody mistakes. Come on Irfan, while you're condescending, or attempting to anyway, how about looking at the recorded statements of your misunderstood clergy. Self appointed I believe. Or was it divine right?

What a nasty (check spelling, OK) little minded man you are.

Your reference to background is about as relevant in this country as what John Howard tells us daily. BS. The only "pure" background Australians are the full blood inidigenous people(s) of which there are several hundreds of tribes. Not one people as so many are led to think.
Posted by Betty, Monday, 26 February 2007 11:54:02 PM
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There a lot of Muslims in Australia who want nothing more to do with Islam. They are here because they were abused and mistreated by Muslim fanatics in their home country.

I had the privilege to meet hundreds of African Muslims who are scared stiff from the Islamic influence on their children. They have suffered enough to never want to know or trust another Muslim and look for a peaceful life in Australia.

Many others are converting to Christianity having had the chance to read the Qur’an in their native tongue or the freedom to investigate other religions for the first time.

Also to refresh your historical knowledge, Muslims in Afghanistan, Iraq, or anywhere else don't need a US bomb to start hating Judeo-Christians. Hatred started in the seventh century with your prophet declaring all non-Muslims as fair game kafirs.

It is not our fault that Islam is intolerant to others and un-integratable anywhere it goes. Our government is bending backward to try to please the Muslim communities and meet all their demands. But it’s never enough. They want the whole cake not just a slice or two.

The professor was speaking about Muslims communities in Europe, mass emigration and the disastrous effect it is having on the cultural and social landscape there. Let alone the increased number of home-grown Islamic terrorists. He confirmed that Australia is heading the same way with our unchecked immigration.

Not everyone found his remarks offensive and an increased number of lectures have been scheduled and his tour extended. This tells me that many are still interested in hearing the truth about the gloomy predictions of Islam’s worldwide propagation.

To me, Hilali’s crude remarks were contemptuous to our society and not a bit constructive to Islam’s growing pains in Australia; but for Irfan to suggest any intellectual comparison between Hilali and Raphael Israeli is rather ironic
Posted by coach, Tuesday, 27 February 2007 12:40:04 AM
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Speaking about being is a comment about Irfs post on Muslim Sydney from a character called 'Taqwa'..

Irfs post was a very heartwarming and inclusive treatment of Easter, but to me it was more of a humanistic one than theological.

"Sorry Irfan, but I think you have now completely lost the plot.."(Taqwa)

"I think ur anglican schooling has corrupted your ideas, really, even if this artcle is all metaphioricaly symbolic.
i like most of your artcles, but this was really quite pathetic" (Muslim Perth)

"hmm... irfan I usually enjoy reading your articles, but I dunno about this one" (Astral)

The sentiments reflected in those Muslims anti Irfan comments come from the ideas which I am constantly attacking. NOTE.. "Ideas".

Perhaps these criticisms of Irf from Muslims arise from Quran 9:30
"May Allah destroy them" (Christians and Jews) Perhaps he seems to open to Christian ideas.. maybe he was "infected" with a virus of anglicanis ? Such is the speculation by MUSLIMS about Irf.

I don't recall attacking Irf personally at any point.. and if any helpful poster can show that I have.. I'd appreciate it so I can address such a failing.

IRF.. please don't feel attacked personally ok ! Islam is not Irfan.
You are indeed an inclusive bloke, and clearly you want to be a part of things, and you are. Separate the clashes over ideas from personal attitudes toward people.

For me, every soul is one for whom Christ died. Anything which detracts from their opportunity to embrace Christ is difficult for me, and that includes ideologies such as Islam and even Buddhism and Hinduism etc.. all non Christian faiths. The one I openly expose and attack, is the one which seeks to set up a "State" in its own theological image.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Tuesday, 27 February 2007 2:52:55 AM
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The main thing is that when ever someone kills or destroys in the name of Islam we non-Muslims understand that they were misreported, misconstrued, mistranslated, misunderstood. That is the PC,MC, rights that every Muslim terrorist is attempting to bring about. I don't understand why Australians can't see how these people are victimized in every western culture. Certainly we owe them this much after thousands of years of oppression by the white man. It's only fair that we confer upon them all the rights and benefits of victim status and allow them to rewrite history in their favour. Islamaphobia will only be eradicated once every Muslim holds a position as school teacher. You know, like we did with cultural marxist and feminist. We had no idea how relevant the social sciences were until they became their purview and taught us how oppressive and unfair men and western society has been down through the ages. I'm equally, and let me use the word again, equally, sure Islam will be much more readily acceptable once our children are indoctrinated beginning in kindergarten.
And Irfan. with this latest article of yours, I expect your trying to instigate a little victim on victim violence. That I believe is not how the game is played. All victims must stand together arm in arm shoulder to shoulder against the machine of white oppression and world dominance. Marxist, Jews, fem-bots and Muslims must stand united against the great white-Christian machine. The giant must be toppled.
Posted by aqvarivs, Tuesday, 27 February 2007 5:01:58 AM
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