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What is a feminist? : Comments

By Cireena Simcox, published 25/1/2007

A feminist is not a woman with hairy armpits and a chip on her shoulder.

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Romany, I hope you are feeling better. Don't forget those who read but don't post, there was an article sometime ago based on OLO usage patterns which suggested reader far outnumbered posters.

Contributions such as yours are valuable, if not for those who would throw the baby out with the bathwater for those who might learn from you.

I find myself in an odd position on many of these debates, having been through the mill with the family law system and seen how it can be abused I share some of the concerns of James and others but don't share their view that it is entirely feminism's fault or that all feminists support gender bias.

I've appreciated your input into these threads.

Posted by R0bert, Tuesday, 20 February 2007 6:50:29 PM
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you have no understanding of what I have been through or experienced.

For years I have read everything I could get my hands on, even stuff which was so convoluted and obtuse that it gave me a headache trying to understand it. Some of the material I have read even made me feel bad about being a man.

I have asked questions and had some very interesting discussion with a wide variety of people in my search for knowledge and understanding.

I have quoted a number of female authors, so these writings are not of some misogynistic male. I have read the works of many misandristic females and what surprises me is the gems of insight that they miss.

It is true that reading feminist propaganda is not good for one's mental health.

I doubt very much whether you would even bother reading "The Rantings of a Single Male" Thomas Ellis.

"In the end it's women who do not get it." Thomas Ellis. I could quote the page number but you'll just have to read the book.

Research show that part of the bullying technique of schoolgirls is to tell bad or false stories about an individual. Having listened to enough conversations this technique is not left at school and becomes apart of the repertoire of grown ups.

goodbye Romany its been fun.
Posted by JamesH, Tuesday, 20 February 2007 7:19:49 PM
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Romany, I suppose it must be a feminine or feminist thing and I know I probably will never as a man come to understand but, If I was you and other feminist or women who support the feminist agenda, I wouldn't be afraid to communicate or debate with posters such as R0bert or JamesH or others, including myself. I would be, like in the words of that "famous fem" be more distrustful of the male feminist. Those "manginas" and what honestly motivates them.
For many of the "anti"fem men posting here are pro-family and love women. For us the issue is equality and justice, and not role reversal and reassigned injustices based on the "feminist" version of the history of the sexes. Especially the oppression of women by men down through the ages bit.
Your last post makes it quite clear that it's your way or it's wrong. While not new, it is much of what family concerned men have had to contend with since feminist have led the charge for "liberation" and the destruction of the family unit.
Posted by aqvarivs, Wednesday, 21 February 2007 2:43:06 AM
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"Because feminism brought about changes to all these laws."

First. Feminism didn't bring about these changes. Mass consumerism and employment needs did. If you honestly investigate the "right to vote", you will find that there is not a great deal of time difference between when all men got the right to vote and women got the vote. Hardly cause celebrity for womans oppression by men.
Secondly. Any women so motivated to seek such esteemed career heights as to stand for Parliament or accountancy, will not find any barrier by sex. Men do not get to hold any of those careers by virtue of being male. They have to have the necessary education and credentials, and be willing to compete. It's a win or loose proposition. One can not whinge their way to the top.(though I know a few guys that wish they could sleep their way to the top :-))
Thirdly. Women are not paid less than men for the exact same job. They are paid less because they don't put the same conviction, time and energy into the job. Those women who do go out and invest their lives into their work end up in high positions and making equal if not more salary. That there are fewer of them than men does not make it an issue of male dominance or oppression. It's that woman's choice.
And last but not least. The free ride is over. Your equal. You have to get up every day and go out and get kicked in the face by reality just like any man. Welcome sister. Now take up your post, wipe the tears and snot of whinging off your face and accept the responsibility for your success and failures. It's only been a mans world cuz we've been dumb enough to shoulder the responsibility. You see sister we men are going to hold you to the equality bit cuz we deserve that right. There is no reason why your life shouldn't be as degrading as any mans. So role up your sleeves and dig in. It ain't pretty.
Posted by aqvarivs, Wednesday, 21 February 2007 3:22:22 AM
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Romany reaffirms the article’s dishonesty. While not obligatory, it would have been nice to debate this with the author herself rather than through another pseudonym, referring to herself in the third person and claiming no hidden agenda. Oh well. Welcome to the brave new world of post-feminism, I guess.

What makes this little altercation even more interesting of course, is that opinion makers like you Romany are happy to sweep crap under the rug, hand out rose-coloured glasses and nose pegs, but get upset when people ask about the bulge in the rug. You then defend the cleaner.

Yes, things are wonderful. All the good people are trying to make this a better world by enabling both genders to achieve their best. Oh, and let’s not forget the best interests of children. Even CSA in its newly acquired, presumably post-feminist wisdom, will attempt more honesty. I hear also, the family court allows a few token paternity tests while the underlying fraud continues to deserve no less than an “Australia says NO” campaign.

Why should vulnerable young Australian men (your sons), be treated with such contempt? Why are feminists keeping mum?

Like the NSW government facing an election would like to say - more to do, but heading in the right direction. And apparently, … so is Romany.
Posted by Seeker, Wednesday, 21 February 2007 8:25:02 AM
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Oh dear...I have loved this topic but I know that it is impossible to change people's opinions or perceptions because that is all a lot of people have to hold on to.

But, I would like to say that far from being whingers and wiping our tears from our eyes, the feminist movement and women in general have been very successful in gaining increased power in some areas and it is no time to give up now.

If I am to believe some of these posters, women have the most power in family law and domestic violence, we have power in how boys are educated and we will perservere until we have our role as primary carers acknowledged by the market society.

I am reminded of the line in Mary Poppins "though we adore men individually, we agree that as a group they're rather stupid". I have heard more whinging from the males on this post than the women. To finish up - I am glad of the feminist movement. I am glad that we women have shaken up the status quo and now we have men running scared in some areas. Don't give up now ladies.
Posted by Lizzie4, Wednesday, 21 February 2007 8:36:10 AM
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