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She's a brick ... : Comments
By Audrey Apple, published 5/1/2007Audrey Apple tells us about her experience of abortion. Best Blogs 2006.
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We could do what they used to do in the middle-ages, and make a full public spectacle out of it.
What we should do, is select all women who have chosen to repeat the foeticide experience. Any female who wishes to again remove human life forms from the planet ought to be entered in to competition. They should be humiliated, rallied and struggled against in public places. And if they still wish to go ahead, they would be entered into a 50/50 lottery. One in which they draw a card with a symbol on each side which determines who is to be put to death. The Femme-fatale, or the hapless Foetus. It should be done this way, because the foetus is unable to represent itself strongly enough, though it does dread and knows to fight. Indeed, it is like a pitiful, speechless and fearful creature, with seemingly few post-birth humans prepared to represent it in its proto-womb form; labelled negatively already as it is by the carcass carrying it. Wouldn’t Howard Becker be bemused by such social deviance?
The foetus is a human organism from the time of conception. It evolves into no other thing except a human (with the occasional technical hitch). Therefore, from this moment on, from this day forth, with its aim to be had and to be held, to love and be loved unto death do it part us --is a person. It is brought to bare, by two fellow humans, both alive and not killed. Yet dead some may be. This rot about wimins reproductive rights is nothing more than a cult, and ought be treated accordingly.