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Reflections on a multicultural nation : Comments

By Andrew Jakubowicz, published 15/11/2006

The energy directed against multiculturalism has been truly evil, for it has been advancing an agenda of superiority, while disregarding the consequences.

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Now don’t get me wrong, I love the religion of peace and the role it plays in modern day society. The Middle East is a great, peaceful, prosperous, and more specifically free country in which it owes all these great attributes to the religion of Islam. If I had more money I would very much want to immigrate to Iran and live a truly free Muslim lifestyle with my holy book.

If only BrainDrain, R0bert etc would listen to smart people, I know I’ve mention him before but, if they read Richard Dawkins work they would realize that what their doing(encouraging multiculturalism) is a “Misfiring by Product of our Darwinian past in which we lived in small villages or roaming bands....encouraging this sense of morality that in essence is meant to protect our genes, through child rearing, altruism, kin selection.....” that’s what you’se two have, a “miss firing by product” in which all common, natural sense is out the door. This “by product” though, only effects white countries predominately, it is a white issue we must collectively confront, in order to make sure BrainDrain and the like can escape their own “infected mines” for the good of the extreme majority, and country as a whole.

If you really want to see what increased diversity will give us look at Southafricer and all of America also have a squiz at England.

BrainDrain looks forward to Violent deadly high schools split along racial lines so his kids or grand kids can go to it. Look exactly at American schools in Los Angeles etc because there the schools your kids(grand kids) are going to.

Oh and by the way, if you don’t want that future for them, we can just take away their freedom “at least it stops the violence!”
Posted by obviously, Thursday, 7 December 2006 12:31:45 PM
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Read your last post to ronnie peters again and I think you are spot on.

We do not expect migrants to give up all their cultural practices, but to give a little and we are accepting enough to meet them part way.

I would expect them to discard any old hatred of others and comply with our laws. Some may or should adjust their attitude to females.

Then, as has been shown in the past, we would get on famously.

By the way, I think it is comendable what the dad of one of those Melbourne college boys said about his sons actions. We could do with more like him, not only as migrants, but born here.
Posted by Banjo, Friday, 8 December 2006 10:38:29 AM
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Boaz old mate I promise you I will never lose my “own cultural and social identity “ in any process.

What do you think about allowing incest, pediphillia (sic), eating dog or dolphin meat, FGM, cockfighting or bull fights.

Silly questions .

Incest – wrong.

Paedophilia - wrong but check with Catholic Priests and other grubs. Eating dog/dolphin – hunger is the best sauce (Old saying – the real Sancho Panza).

FGM –huh?

Cockfighting and bullfights. Cruel bit like the real Banjo’s account of The Cruel Egotistical Bastard from the Snowy River.

“He followed like a bloodhound on their track,
Till they halted, cowed and beaten; then he turned their heads for home,
And alone and unassisted brought them back.

He was blood from hip to shoulder from the spur; …

Poor animal. Banjo quick ring the RSPCA.

Don’t particularly like the cultural aspect of Muslim bashing.

Consider yourself plucked. Sorry Banjo sometimes my mouth runs away from me and then I can’t whistle to round it up. My cultural heritage stems from years of wondering why my false teeth feel real; why flannel shirts make me feel all warm and fuzzy; why tripping over in front of schoolgirls is funny; why Roman Polanski is such a cool director; why the Pope won’t talk to me; why the Queen won’t return my copy of Sex Pistol’s Bollocks; why I can’t find a copy of Tom Wolfe’s “The Kandy-Kolored Tangerine-Flake Streamline Baby ; why I.P. addresses aren’t used to chase down fascists and kill them; why those that hate PCness will be reaching for their “report this poster” button; why a smile costs nothing but imparts so much goodwill; why a silicone-based universe is possible; why God won’t tell me the reason I laugh at Carl Barron; why everyone I know walks with a limp; why Jesus had to die (shut up Boaz); why I am so cheeky; why standing next to our wives makes us feel so good; why we fret for others in marriage break ups; why I want to kill all rapists; why 350 words?
Posted by ronnie peters, Friday, 8 December 2006 12:53:35 PM
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Obviously, I had hoped my initial response to your first two postings might have given you some cause to suck your head in a little. Sadly I was wrong.

I had hoped my subsequent demolition of any halfway logical item you have tried to 'unlighten' fellow OLO readers with might have taught you something useful (i.e. you are FICK, mate!)

I see from your most recent rant on this thread that you are incapable of learning anything that does not fit entirely with your own prejudice (Confirmation Bias ad absurdo).

EVERY single claim you make of my 'intentions' is utter BULL. R0bert can speak for himself, but i believe he will feel similarly maligned.

Your arguments are so patently absurd i am at a loss to even bother figuring out where to start denouncing such rubbish. I will let all here read your uninformed waffle and come to their own conclusions as to your ability to form an intelligent argument. Anyone who wants to agree with you is welcome to.

You are a moron and you just don't 'get' it. The truly sad thing is... you are not alone on this planet.

PS. I actually agree with Dawkins on his intelligent theories - your use of them to reinforce your own myopia is sickening.

What matters is what we DO for our future - how we got to this position is less important and cannot be changed. It has been our politicians who got us where we are today and i for one do NOT have a very high opinion of them - or of you.

John Howard has been responsible for muslim immigration for the last ten years and for the Federal police enforcement laws... so you know what to do to FIX things... don't you? (There was no muslim 'problem' before 1996 in Australia was there??)

I have not voted for Bonsai and never will.

I hope Rudd's 2007 campaign fails so we get another four years of Howard and more can see him for what he truly is, once our economy begins to hit the 'down' cycle.
Posted by BrainDrain, Friday, 8 December 2006 1:40:13 PM
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BrainDrain, I'm not too bothered by opinionated's views of me. I get more bothered by ronnies nasty attacks elsewhere than anything opinionated has dished out because on this thread he or she shows themself capable of some good work. That's one of the wonders of this forum that one one topic you can agree wholeheartedly with someone and elsewhere completely disagree.

I can understand where the naysayers are coming from, it's just that after a good look at the evidence I disagree with them. I also have a fundamental disagreement with any situation where an entire group is villified because of the actions of a part of that group that the others have no control over.

Posted by R0bert, Friday, 8 December 2006 7:14:16 PM
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I can, and do, respect everything you have said.
I withdraw the remark i made concerning your potential malignment.
Admirable stuff.

I feel less inclined than you to ignore the drivel that gets attached to my name by imbeciles who are incapable of seeing why someone might think differently to the way they do and still have a valid argument.
Idiots who try to tell me what i would do and what i think in their rantings can expect to be corrected in no uncertain terms and put in their place.

That goes double when the spoutee is less than half my age and experience and far below my intellect. It's one thing to be young and stupid. It's another thing entirely to be that opinionated and wrong as well and not be able to see it.

Hating something one does not understand is one thing. Spouting out ill-conceived theories and expecting others to agree with what is said or written because you cannot see that you are biased beyond belief is something I am not prepared to just let slip by the 'keeper unchallenged.

You and i are different it seems, but i for one can live with that - no problem.
Posted by BrainDrain, Friday, 8 December 2006 10:29:14 PM
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