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Reflections on a multicultural nation : Comments

By Andrew Jakubowicz, published 15/11/2006

The energy directed against multiculturalism has been truly evil, for it has been advancing an agenda of superiority, while disregarding the consequences.

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The World is changing (thanks to wealth, trade, international travel (aircraft and cheap flights), refugees fleeing war zones, etc etc. Borders are getting blurred, 'races' are interbreedng, mixing and sharing more and more. It cannot be stopped and only backwards thinking and looking people want to try. (This is simple fact - doesn't mean i like it any more than the bigots do!)

Australia started life as a British Colony. Because of that, we had a British government (the Queen is our head of State, a titular figure only, granted, but we pay allegiance to her still after 218 years), British currency, British style houses and gardens, British 'habits' and preferences. And all this while despising the British. More and more Howard is seeking to replace Britain with America as this more adequately expresses 'Aussie' culture and is aimed to hold back the Asian horde. Other nations have had a small impact on us but it is getting ever harder to identify what is Australian and what has merely been copied from somewhere else.

The advert sells people a view of Australia some people wish it was (White heaven). Suggesting the advert displays actual reality here is a little short-sighted, don't you think?


I'm going to be charitable and choose to believe your last post was more influenced by the 350 word limit than alcohol or similar mind-altering drug, but geez...

If you cannot even understand the Muslim concept of Halal and make any attempt to even spell it, let alone appreciate someone's reason for following it, that just shows us all how ignorant you are and how little your opinion on this issue actually counts.

I'll leave other comment to Ev and others, i have more to learn than reading your rubbish can teach me.
Posted by BrainDrain, Thursday, 30 November 2006 7:53:28 PM
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What honestly defines a country? It's institutions. The many arms of government. A multicultural society is one governed at all levels, and supported(culture) at all levels by its citizens(race). Inclusion. That every ethnic/culture feels responsible for the direction of that government and that country. In speaking of the government and direction of Australia all must feel ethnically/culturally bound to Australia and that they are empowered as cultural identities to influence that government and direction not just for their cultural empowerment but for all citizens/ethnics/cultures of Australia as Australians equally. This is not as some pose mono-culturalism, it is in effect the true expression of diversity in a multi-ethnic/cultural society. What a horrible thought it is to live in a country, pay taxes, own property, raise your children, vote, etc, etc, and not feel bound to Australia as an Australian in heart, with pride, to feel that it is worth ones life to protect it as a nation. Your nation. And not simply a country where you live tolerably.
Posted by aqvarivs, Friday, 1 December 2006 12:39:49 AM
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I hope my marks will improve this time :) maybe 7/10 ?

Anyway.. I was saying in my last post, that any nation must know its friends and its enemies. We can trade with the enemy until he clearly (like Hitler) crosses a line of no return where we can see the writing on the wall if we don't decisively act 'NOW'.

I would now include 'Communists'as Enemies (Might also include radical socialists if my experience yesterday is any indication)

At the IR laws protest, I held up a sign 'BLAME CHINA' and underneath it had in smaller letters "Tax Slavery at Customs" suggesting that the low price of chinese manufactured goods are made on the back of slave like conditions. This was aimed at leading into a discussion of whethere Beazly (or Howard) would be willing to do the following 2 things.
1/ Tax manufactured goods from countries which use unjust, slave like labor conditions
2/ Do NOT allow a full tax deduction for outsourced labor on business Tax returns. Overseas 'outsourcing' would not be able to be legally camoflaged as other operating expenses. Invoices from "Bangalore Call Centres Pty Ltd" would be a partially deductbable expense.

TACTICS. A communist woman tried to limit my free speech and told me to get out. (I gave my usual reply :) She just wanted 'world socialism' so it was not even about a choice of Beasley/Labor or Howard/coalition. Well.. she pointed to me (after telling me nose to nose she felt like 'smashing my face in') and yelled 'HE'S A BOSS' repeatedly, trying to egg on Unionists to gang bash me. Finally she physically attacked my sign, and broke it. (I was looking sideways conversing with a passer by about the actual issue.)whereupon I marched her off to the nearest cop, where I discovered 'politically correct policing' first hand. (Men are always wrong :)

This type of tactic, demonstrated clearly the manner in which segmented competing social interests will act. Diversity=Conflict
Posted by BOAZ_David, Friday, 1 December 2006 8:20:58 AM
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Aqvarivs says: "What a horrible thought it is to live in a country, pay taxes, own property, raise your children, vote, etc, etc, and not feel bound to Australia as an Australian in heart, with pride, to feel that it is worth ones life to protect it as a nation. Your nation. And not simply a country where you live tolerably."

Well said Agvarivs. I still disagree with some of the detail (citizen/race?) and some of your and others'opinions re: multiculturalism and other stuff. However, I embrace multiculturalism (within reason)in the spirit of an "Australian at heart" and feel willingly and wholeheartedly bound to my country - Australia. Always have - always will. "Always faithful".

Re: "worth ones life to protect".

When you go home
Tell them of us and say
For your tomorrow
We gave our today

This inscription is on the 2nd (British) Division cenotaph in Burma.
I believe we must honour that sacrifice by being the best citizen we can - if you disagree with me on how we do that - well then that is too bad old son.
Posted by ronnie peters, Friday, 1 December 2006 5:23:00 PM
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Boaz you mark my word outsourcing will kill this place. You just heard what Aqvarsivs said about giving our all for this place. There are a lot of disgruntled people out there who aren't about to lift a finger to protect this place because of corporations deserting Australians. Why give our lives in a conflict for companies that ran away from us when we most needed them? That sold out. This is not me talking I am from a different generation this is a young fella working in a factory that is eyeing cheap labour.

The best defence force this country could have is a citizenship that felt that they mattered that had some spiritual and material investment -something worth fighting for. You can never win a guerilla war and there isn't too many people in this country who would give a shiet about defending a rental property; a future of struggle; companies that sold out; companies that crow about patriotism and loyality; a government that treats people like criminals if they lose their job and need to recoup some of their taxes to tide them over; make a fortune off this place then sell out Australians. That is straight from the factory floor. I agree.

Work out how much the overseas companies are saving in labour costs and make that the basis of import tax.
Posted by ronnie peters, Friday, 1 December 2006 5:42:58 PM
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An A+ this time! (for putting your bum where your mouth is ( NO - I actually mean that in a NICE way - standing up for your beliefs at the IR rally!) Well done.)

Well done also for the nice diversion away from the theme of your last post and a little away from the topic and from my question: What secular reasons does Australia have for setting Iran and Palestinian 'terrorist' organisations as our enemies. They hurt us how exactly?

Oh... and wouldn't a woman who wanted 'world socialism' be a world socialist not necessarily a communist? Or did she show you her 'card'? : )

I think your experience demonstrated more the effectivenes of free speech in our society and the dangers inherent in a 'police state'. Sorry you got the rough end of Justice but people have more rights than placards you know? At least until the Revolution , Brother!

Wouldn't it be nicer (and more christian) if we made friends instead of enemies and truned our swords into ploughshares? Peace out man : )

I am surprised Ranier has not pointed this out yet, perhaps he does not appreciate the divergence as much as i can? But if Australia is not MULTI-cultural. Why do our courts acknoledge Aboriginal Tribal law and adjust their standards because of it (for aborignines but not other 'tribal groups')? Why is so much of our government dedicated to Uniquley Aboriginal issues. How much assimilation or integration do euro/whites engage in of the traditional Aboriginal Culture that is valued highly by our government to the tune of billions of dollars annually, commissions, day of reconciliation etc? Why are so many government positions made available solely to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders - no europeans need apply (unless you declare and can prove you associate with aboriginals and their communities?

Just a thought?
Posted by BrainDrain, Friday, 1 December 2006 7:05:43 PM
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