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Reflections on a multicultural nation : Comments

By Andrew Jakubowicz, published 15/11/2006

The energy directed against multiculturalism has been truly evil, for it has been advancing an agenda of superiority, while disregarding the consequences.

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Rainier, you little pom-marrier you : )

I think your post proved my point (again) Thank you. Multi-cultures in Australia 'integrating' into ONE Aussie team!


1 all draw currently, i feel.

I have to acknowledge your 'goal' that it is the immigration policy that has allowed Football to become so populist at present. But if you honestly think that Multiculturalism is RESPONSIBLE for most ethnic tension between opposing teams and it promotes separatism more than does the hatred of tiny-minded little racist groups peddling their own brand of superiority over others you are out of your gourd mate. I score my goal by pointing out that if the Aussie footballers had fully integrated instead of adopting a multi-culturalism approach they would be playing international Footy against Ireland and no-one else. Hardly something to get all that excited about now, is it? Neither could we have decent basketball, baseball or similar 'American' culture sports teams originating and reaching 'world' standard in, in Australia.

Why do some keep accusing me of supporting multi-culturalism? Just because i don't say i hate it? Actually I HAVE said that. Open your eyes people! (Opening your minds is just too much to ask for some).

In case i had not made it obvious before: I Oppose a stagnating monoculture that forces others to conform to some hypocritical, hypothetical 'Norm'. I Support an integrated, multinational society such as we have always had but either tried to deny or hide or feel we somehow had to apologise for.
Posted by BrainDrain, Tuesday, 28 November 2006 3:58:15 PM
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ronnie peters
Teachers, not necessarily school teachers. When Howard or whatever political leader has to go off and hold coucil with an enthnic, or in your words, a cultural community -that is proof of social fragmentation and rule by special interest. All cultures can not be treated equally at all times therefore there are always victims to this god of yours- multiculturalism. What are the ethnic/cultures by percent of population. What percent by population are these ethnic/cultures represented in your multicultural society. If Asians, say for the sake of arguement, are 20% of the society are they 20% of the police force? Are they 20% of the army. Are they 20% of city council. Aborigines. What % of over all pop. do they represent. What % of Aborigines are in the police force. Sit on councils. In the army. Hold positions in state government. Are all cultures represented equally throughout your multicultural society or is it just another want to be, feel good, politically correct social spin.
Being Australian shouldn't be something you claim inorder to get what you can't when you claim to be your culture. Politicians shouldn't be meeting with Christians or Muslims or Indians or the Malay to gather votes. Politician should be speaking to Australians.
Your multiculturalism is an ideal and not in actual practice. It's like your other god, political correctness. What a joke. There is right and there is wrong,(good and evil), there is no politically correct ethic or morality.
Posted by aqvarivs, Tuesday, 28 November 2006 7:56:52 PM
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Here is a simple little story, which clearly shows that there are efforts within our community to press a particular agenda and to use our educational institutions to further that agenda in a surupticious way and to manipulate young minds.
All I'm saying, is that diversity will always result in this kind of thing happening. If two segments of the community have different views on some issue, they will seek to infuence and change the other in favor of their own view.,20867,20839478-601,00.html

[An inquiry by a senior Education Department officer found the simulation exercise, devised by Macquarie University's centre for Middle Eastern studies, risked creating disharmony in schools and the community and that there was a "significant risk" of harm to the "welfare and wellbeing of students from particular minorities".

Documents given to The Australian show the inquiry was prompted by complaints from parents that background notes presented to the students gave positive descriptions of groups such as Hamas's Qassam Brigades and Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

Students were not told the groups are listed terrorist organisations and support for them is an offence under Australian law.

The profile of Hezbollah accurately said that its long-term aims were to rid Palestine of the Jewish population and create an Arab state but no mention was made of its terrorist activities, only philanthropic ones. ]

Take note, watch....and learn.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Wednesday, 29 November 2006 7:27:59 AM
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I take note and I learn - I learn that the system works - I learn that stupid people do stupid things - I guess the perps will be suitable chastened - perhaps dismissed - I dont know ....
Posted by sneekeepete, Wednesday, 29 November 2006 12:35:53 PM
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Why focus on the dangers, DB, when there's so much to be had from diversity? Like it or not, it's one of the great drawcards of Australia. Not much point trying to unscramble an egg.

I read the article. I wonder if the exercise mentioned Israel's indiscriminate use of cluster and sulphur bombs in civilian areas?
Posted by bennie, Wednesday, 29 November 2006 2:24:59 PM
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your previous post's last statement was right - we need action and leadership on this issue to prevent violent division escalating as it has in other 'multicultural' nations.

To think we will be any less violent under a 'Monoculture' with our 'integrated' mix of citizens is pure folly, however. As SteveMadden showed us, humans of any kind can never fully 'integrate', any more than we can learn to live without war in peace. Violence is increasing in all areas of society today, not only because of Muslim fanatics, or at least awareness of it is. We should aim for 'mutual respect'.

Your last post. Interesting article, ty for posting it.

I have questions (Questions - always questions). When is bias, bias? Do we tolerate, propagate or eliminate bias in our media and schools?

What is Hamas? A terrorist organisation , Obviously (he's a bit quiet lately?) - Terrorists pure and simple. No Bias there right?

What is Israel? A 58 year old State ( younger than some OLO posters)that wants to live in peace under their own laws on their own God-Given land supported by a UN mandate (and billions in US taxpayer arms donations) who would never initiate Violence ( since the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, of course), right?

No bias there surely?

Bias is bias. Correcting a bias seems to me to have value in the Education of a truly clever and enlightened Nation.

Nazi Propaganda, Muslim Propaganda, Israeli Propaganda, 'Western' Propaganda - it all has the same aim. Justifying why 'we' are 'right' and they are evilly 'wrong'.

I trust i can expect the usual whiners to come crawling out of the woodwork attacking my 'patriotism' and suggesting i go back where i came from or shut-the-F-Up while providing nothing feasible, useful or helpful to solving divisism in our Great Nation??
Posted by BrainDrain, Wednesday, 29 November 2006 2:48:23 PM
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