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The Forum > Article Comments > After Lebanon: a personal reflection on Israel and Palestine > Comments

After Lebanon: a personal reflection on Israel and Palestine : Comments

By Philip Mendes, published 13/11/2006

There is a huge cultural gulf between Israeli and Palestinian concepts of peace.

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Chad: I hope you are joking. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is probably one of the most vile racist documents ever published, and has been reasonably labelled "A Warrant for Genocide" given it directly inspired a number of the key perpetrators of the Nazi Holocaust of European Jewry.

So please reassure me you are kidding.

Posted by radical phil, Friday, 17 November 2006 4:24:13 PM
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I feel you are joking, Philip: racist anti-Semitic attitudes in Australia are unknown for only those non-Jews really convinced that Protocols are forgery.
Posted by MichaelK., Sunday, 19 November 2006 12:45:47 AM
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I did not fully understand your last post but the evidence against the Protocols is massive. Line by line comparisons show them to be an altered plagiarism of an antisemitic German novel which was itself a plagiarism of a document by the Frenchman Joli which in the original was a satire on Napolean and nothing whatever to do with Jews. It disappeared after learned research showed it to be a complete FAKE. The research was largely done by scholars who are not Jewish.

It was released (and probably written) by the Czar's secret police and regurgitated by such fine institutions as the Klu Klax Klan and later the SS. In more recent years some extreme Islamic inststutions from the middle east have re-released it along with the medieval ritual blood libel and Nazi anti-semitic cartoons. These groups are so incompetent that they are even not capable of inventing their own lies.

Look up Wikopaedia for a start and follow their links.

As a descendent of 19th century Jewish imigrants I am able to tell you that anti-semitism in this country is largely a post war import and not from the British Isles. Read some books on Australian Jewish history. It started with the First Fleet.
Posted by logic, Sunday, 19 November 2006 10:04:01 AM
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Actually, I comprehend your message as politely informing some native speakers with the UK natural links about a lasted centuries originally anti-Semitic provocative opus known as “The Protocols”.

It seems, there was already an international investigation into this “work” and results were already embedding the very lie of this “historical essay”.

Mere anti-Semitism, that is a core issue of both initially denying qualifications at local universities for mainstream professional activities in a number of areas and rejecting already established worldwide acclaimed professionals from Jewish background especially by local “equial opportunities” employers on factual merits of “Australian multiculturalism” might only be leveled with institutional xenophobia underlying all walks of life in Australia.

I am not wondering at your attempt of washing upon this very founding issue as even Iranian Jews are very supporters of Iranian president and his nuke activities according to their MP-Jew airing of such a support and approval in any place on a globe he visited.

Therefore, I do understand an essence of this particular "After Lebanon..." developments.
Posted by MichaelK., Sunday, 19 November 2006 11:50:12 PM
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I think we may be at cross purposes here, you have much of interest to say but I am often having difficulties in getting your point.

I am surprised that you mention the Iranian Jews as supporters of their President. According to the Jewish Virtual Library they have limited freedoms and are unable to emigrate.

"Jewish leaders fear government reprisals if they draw attention to official mistreatment of their community."

"At least 13 Jews have been executed in Iran since the Islamic revolution 19 years ago, most of them for either religious reasons or their connection to Israel."

I hardly think that they would come out in opposition to the government.

In this country the success of Jewish Australians puts the lie to any suggestions of restrictions. The only limitations I can think of are positions like Catholic Priests or Vicars or Immans.
Posted by logic, Monday, 20 November 2006 11:28:11 AM
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It is of no surprise that you, Logic, is short of realities of Jewish Diaspora on broad merits, Australia inclusively. And <“According to the Jewish Virtual Library they have limited freedoms and are unable to emigrate.” > just testimony to your confusion as inability go abroad is not synonymous to supporting a national government as advertised officially by Iranian Jewish PM. There are synagogues and Jewish cultural stuff in Iran as well.

Your “In this country the success of Jewish Australians puts the lie to any suggestions of restrictions” is a mere propaganda migration to Australia in order becoming a paid-in-hand chip labour locally – and that is the most lucky those being employed in “a local community”.

Should I wonder on hatred demonstrated by young Australian Arabs towards co-citizens if not belonging to Anglo-tribe makes anyone automatically inferior in Australia?
Posted by MichaelK., Monday, 20 November 2006 12:01:19 PM
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