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The Forum > Article Comments > After Lebanon: a personal reflection on Israel and Palestine > Comments

After Lebanon: a personal reflection on Israel and Palestine : Comments

By Philip Mendes, published 13/11/2006

There is a huge cultural gulf between Israeli and Palestinian concepts of peace.

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"How dare you suggest that Israelis are not like us."

We don't kill children.

"A total of 52 Palestinian children were killed in 2005. Overall, 819 children have been killed since the beginning of the second intifada in 2000, according to UNICEF statistics."
Posted by eet, Wednesday, 15 November 2006 8:28:38 PM
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You still ignore the Jews who left Iraq, Egypt, Yemen, Iran etc etc. Perhaps you prefer to forget them as they pose a problem to the Arab view of the world. Fact is still that roughly half of the Jewish population of Israel is of middle eastern descent.

While Jews were often living peacefully with the Muslims they were given inferior legal and political rights. In Israel by contrast there is no legal impediment to a Muslim Arab citizen becoming Prime Minister or President or Chief Justice but in practice they would need to gain the confidence and support of a majority. It may not be possible for an Arab to achieve this status in the present climate but it is at least possible in law and this is important. It makes it possible in the future.

In how many other Middle Eastern countries is it legally possible for a non Muslim to achieve the highest office?

Regarding the Sykes-Picot Agreement this was in 1916. What was the Arab world doing during the 17th 18th and 19th centuries? And leaving this aside why did it not follow the tigers in Asia - India, Thailand, Korea, Singapore, Taiwan after the decline of colonial power. Do you blame Israel or the US for that?


Were Israeli children not killed by suicide bombs and missiles aimed deliberately at civilian populations? And when Hezbollah hid amongst civilian populations when they fired their missiles did they not consider that some of there own children might be killed as the Israelis justifiably tried to stop them? (Refer HRW reports and the UN Aid Chief).
Posted by logic, Wednesday, 15 November 2006 9:19:55 PM
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Chad, perhaps your info has been extracted from appropriate notebooks published in Ramallah, because in other places folks know that the Arabs killed the Jews and vice versa in THEIR districts during all the history recorded, and “before the Zionist Movement both Arabs & Jews were living peacefully in Palestine” is a wish only.

One must not be involved in special diplomatic studies to find it out in popular books on Jerusalem and Middle East, written by envoys and travelers upon last couple of centuries at least.

The Arabs of Palestine have been segregated and kept apart from local brothers and sisters around the Middle East due to sly Islamist politics to create and manipulate an agree force of ready-for-everything hungry lumpen, a delusive image of a world Jew – bloodsucker of Muslim kids – is a very target to kill instantly.

Shockingly, most of the Arabs and Muslims have never ever a live Jew seen in their lives also TV and Internet help visualize anti-Semitic propaganda well even in a “civilized first class world”.
Posted by MichaelK., Thursday, 16 November 2006 8:50:42 PM
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I have said enough.
The facts are evident in state of the world today, particularly in the Middle East.
Posted by Chad, Thursday, 16 November 2006 9:05:52 PM
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Are you aware of the history behind THE PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION?

It's as a total fake made up by the Russion secret police and based on a satirical pamphlet written about Napoleon III. The original didn't even mention Jews.

Do a Google and read some reputable discussions of the protocols. There was no such thing as the Elders of Zion let alone the protocols. Stop being so gullible.
Posted by logic, Thursday, 16 November 2006 9:43:47 PM
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I can regret myself only that this country represents believers in “Protocols of the Zion Minders” predominantly.

"Main Kamph" is not less powerfull and eventually definitely appreciated by Nazis from all over the world and their well established offspring locally.
Posted by MichaelK., Friday, 17 November 2006 12:34:31 PM
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