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The immoral Jesus : Comments

By Peter Fleming, published 16/10/2006

'Jesus Christ is indecent, outspoken, and known to be violent. He keeps bad company, is no role model for ordinary decent folk.'

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"Indeed, there is much evidence to support the historical fact that the Arabic type Christians could be the true Christians rather than the Romanised believers. The Coptic-style Christians, as they are also known, are apparently not accepted because they are not forced to believe in the Holy Trinity, which after all was only finally made officially spiritual by the Roman Emperor Constantine when he presided over the Council of Nicaea in the early 3rd Century AD, when much of the Christian Church by then had become Romanised or Latinised."

Bushbred do you mind if I ask where you heard/read that?
Posted by mjpb, Thursday, 2 November 2006 1:36:08 PM
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I risk going off-topic here but i feel a need to discuss a view i detect in your post.

Firstly I thank you for recognising that truth (both literal and Spiritual) is important to me (and hopefully everyone else).

The world IS a complex place. It is thus because of the many lies that our leaders want us to believe in order that we do not rock their and their master's boats and claim the power for ourselves that we willingly (or unconsciously) give away.

This is true of all societies and communities that have power placed in the hands of a small elite, be they Communist, Islamist, Christian or 'democratic'.

Accepting the lies because we believe we might be 'better off' than if another minority ruled over us is abhorrent to me. (as it was to Christ). Supporting one 'superpower's' domination over the planet out of the fear of how life might be under a supposed rise by another world dominating power is both immoral and illogical. One group should not seek to unify a world under their belief (control) that is clearly made of many differing groups united only through their humanity and the poverty of most of their citizens compared to the elite.

The Truth is that any minority can only rule and remain in power by spreading lies that a majority of the electorate (usually only a minority,< 50%, of an electorate votes a government in in western 'democracies') will fall for - or remain in sufficient doubt over - so as not to take action.

It is the duty of all intelligent citizens to demand their leaders speak the truth about issues that affect not only their own life (literally) but the lives of the majority in our country and also in other countries foreign to ours.

The hypocracy esposed daily by leaders such as Bush, Blair and Howard are an anathema to me (and to those who actually follow Christ's wisdom, not that of the christian church leaders (another powerful elite dependent upon lying to the populace), such as the Pope).
Posted by BrainDrain, Thursday, 2 November 2006 2:56:42 PM
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I declare:

All that is needed for Evil to Rule the Earth is for Good People to do nothing - or to do that which clouds and confuses the truth of a matter rather than clarifying.

Regardless of whether you choose to believe in religion, the Bible or in Jesus, there is ultimate Truth in Jesus's words - if you can find examples that are not taken 'out of context'.

Morality (right and wrong) is written in your Heart and needs to sometimes be carefully ananlysed by your head in order not to be corrupted by those who rely upon the poor thought of others for their own power.

Wisdom is to be sought and cherished in all things.
Posted by BrainDrain, Thursday, 2 November 2006 3:07:08 PM
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In time, there will be a world ruler, called the anti-Christ, because he will be wholly of the world, that is material. Under his rule, no one will be able to buy or sell, probably without the Verichip installed in head or hand.

As I noted previously, speaking of the world and worldly things, I DESCRIBED, not evaluated as "good," the motives of leaders in covering up scientific findings of global warming.

"Good," however, is more difficult. The world and its interests e.g. driving cars, having cars, buying oil products, products made with oil, have nothing to do with Jesus. He was not of this world but of his kingdom. Nothing, it is true, will be good until he returns to rule.

To be absolutely ethical, however, one would have to step out of this world, not drive a car, except a solar run car etc., not wear clothing dyed with color that pollutes the environment, not paint one's house with paint that pollutes in the making of it, and in the cleaning up o it. I could go on about ethics and the "good."

Humans can't be ethical, no matter how hard they try.

Pointing the finger at others doesn't get it either. Which is why Jesus came to tell us that we aren't HIM, and can't be.

As for choosing to live under communists, under caliphates, or under relatively more free societies, I choose the latter, which allows me to write this blog
Posted by Hawaiilawyer, Thursday, 2 November 2006 3:56:21 PM
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Most certainly I tell you, he who believes in me, the works that I do, he will do also; and he will do GREATER works than these, because I am going to my Father.

WHATEVER you will ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

If you will ask ANYTHING in my name, I will do it.

If you LOVE ME, keep my Commandments.
John 14:12-15

We are not the pure son of God but we are (ALL) God's children in whom and by whom miracles will be performed (greater than those of Jesus who raised the dead),if we but have faith as a mustard seed. (miniscule size compared to a human body)

John answered, "Master, we saw someone casting out demons in your name, and we forbade him, because he doesn't follow with us."

Jesus said to him, "Don't forbid him, for he who is not against us is for us."
Luke 9:49-50

"If yer not with us, yer agin us"
George W Bush

Those who cannot see the difference between christian Bush and Christ follower John's two statements will get all you truly deserve.

Hawaiilawyer, you paint a picture of no hope for us today, I suspect you long for the coming of the Anti-christ.

'Humans can't be ethical, no matter how hard they try'.

Not if you only deal in absolutes! To me Ethics is a spectrum: we do good when we move away from corruption, greed and contol over others and move towards Truth, Charity and encouraging self-control and Peace among all men.

You are free to live wherever you choose(almost). That does not mean everyone in your society is. On Earth Freedom is relative - it is not absolute.

If we do not persue truth from our leaders at all times is our society worthy of being called civilised? Or of global domination?

A lawyer lecturing us on ethics? what next
Posted by BrainDrain, Saturday, 4 November 2006 6:54:13 PM
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Personally i would rather paint a Way to a picture of True Hope for all mankind and encourage any and all of us to fight for truth from our leaders and Faith and self-control (and even self-denial of that which corrupts us away from our Soul's purpose here on Earth) in our own minds and bodies rather than justifying the unjust and giving cause to keep people in darkness and poverty and perverting their faith.

I ask Jesus for a better world than we have let be created by man here NOW - starting today! Open your heart, eyes and ears to truth. Speak out and demand better from your elected leaders (or dictators) when you hear lies being spouted as propaganda for elite regimes. Do God's work, not George Bush's, Or Ahminajad's, Or Olmert's, Or Jong-Il's, Or Howard's.

This applies to Muslim's and conned christians alike. Even to the Hebrews, although i fear it will be much more difficult for most of them, because of their history.

Thou Shall Not Kill!

Thou Shall Not Bear FALSE Witness!.

What part of NOT don't American/Australian christians get??

C'mon all you George and Johhny Lovers out there explain THAT one to me?
Posted by BrainDrain, Saturday, 4 November 2006 6:56:18 PM
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