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‘Dissing’ men: the new gender war : Comments

By Jim Macnamara, published 15/9/2006

The negative portrayal of men in contemporary societies is not only a matter of concern for men, but also for women.

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I find it amazing here we have an article about the demonising of men and in jumps Kathy Pollard going on about violence and rape.

Unless the messages in the media is by telepathy or are of a subliminal nature. I have a very hard time beleiving that the media gives men the message to be violent towards women.

I haven't received any flyers in my letter box promoting violence against women, I have however received flyers stating that violence against women is a crime.

(They concluded: “… the worldview of our society has become increasingly both gynocentric (focused on the needs and problems of women) and misandric (focused on the evils and inadequacies of men)”.)

I do not think I need to add any more.
Posted by JamesH, Friday, 15 September 2006 9:34:00 PM
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Kathryn Pollard, are you talking about issues primarily within the indiginous population or the broader population?

What network do you watch? On the channels available in my area the adds tend to be more in the vein of a guy sneezing at work and being assaulted for his efforts, a guy doing a stupid thing with the dishwasher and getting hit by his partner with a large spanner. Radio adds about which feature a loud slapping sound just after a guy uses a corny pick up line in a bar suggesting that hitting is OK if a woman does not like what a man says.

The TV add where the guy is left hanging through the ceiling after an accident while his partner relaxes on the lounge pretending to search for a ladder (not strictly DV but big duty of care issues). I'm guessing that the list could grow fairly rapidly if others contribute, I don't watch a lot of TV. Hopefully that won't be necessary.

I don't recall seeing or hearing any adds recently which seemed to portray physical assault against womem in a positive light or as acceptable. Am I missing something here?

As for protecting children have a look at the stats on type of abuse and family types for substantiated abuse and neglect - Qld

National -

Who kills children (NSW) - Start at and (table 3.1 on page 21 might help you with your concern for the deaths of girls while not mentioning boys (29 vs 46 in the study sample). Also see table Table 4.3 Suspect’s relationship to child by fatal assault group. (page 48) Males are involed in more deaths but not by a big lot, take out some of the deaths from family breakdown (I think a fairer system might reduce those numbers) and it's pretty close.

Posted by R0bert, Saturday, 16 September 2006 7:32:18 AM
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Kathryn where are you finding all these messages it's OK to treat women as you've described, and for men to be violent? Who are 'the people mucking up the social fabric'? Which media outlets cause sexual abuse and killing of women and girls?
Posted by bennie, Saturday, 16 September 2006 11:55:59 AM
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“Mutitjulu women hit back at pedophilia claims” the SMH, in other words the claims made by Lateline were false.

Kathy’s post indicates how deeply buried in the psyche of some females, this we are victims belief is. It is almost to the point of being self centred and narcissistic in nature. It is attention seeking behaviour.

Gross exaggerations and generalizations are used to fan the flames of anger and hatred. There appears to be a group of women who seem to enjoy being angry, looking for the tiniest excuse to stoke the flames of their anger at men. No matter how irrational or illogical their arguments are.

It was not that long ago that on the word of a white woman, a black man could be hanged. Today, on the word of a white woman, they hang (figuratively) white men. White heterosexual men have become the new blacks.

Citizen, what you describe as happening to you has happened to other men and women as well. Google ‘Neil Lyndon’s case’

Researchers into domestic violence perpetrated by women have received death threats and other forms of intimidation. I have checked these facts out directly from the individuals involved.

The boogey man of feminism, thrives on creating fear and anxiety by grossly exaggerating real dangers or inventing new ones, with statements like “we still have a long way to go and must be on our guard not to loose hard won victories.”
Posted by JamesH, Saturday, 16 September 2006 1:10:47 PM
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'the new gender war'... hmmm, apt title. Issue is where is all this heading, as we can see that there is organized force driving the changes we see relating to how interests of women and interest of men catered for by government bodies.

Now, if the final out come is that women as a group work independently, govern themselves and earn money to buy their own homes and live their lives; with men together governing our own society working to building it and improve on it: with the only issue is to how the care of our children is arranged, I think most men will accept this considering the family separation catastrophe worldwide which conclusively says women and men just cannot make it work.

However, it the final outcome of this 'force' is to bring all government power and authority under women whom make themselves 'more equal than men' given further benefits and privileges, relying on whatever lies and deceit for benefit to use on public through corporate media to justify it... I cant see a way out a 'gender war' unless men are also oppressed and suppressed, causing stress, fear and emotional distress, to take the fight out of them.

Are women capable of doing the above as an hidden organized body...I think so and say it is happening: Are men capable of working as a united hidden organized body whose eyes have now been opened to the whole truth...You bet...

Posted by Sam said, Saturday, 16 September 2006 2:24:04 PM
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The typically diversionary 'we are bigger victims than you' and 'its all because of you' post by usual suspect(s) illustrates, there is a harsh and ugly truth that men need to acknowledge... for OUR own good.

Mens increasingly grudging, almost incidental acknowledgement of this self evident (but carefully concealed and sugar coated) truth is reflected in our lifestyle decisions, together with generalised disquieted disengagement.

Men are unplugging all over the place.

Mens choices are clearly reflected in the complaints about Peter Pans from Peta Pams and constant carry on about fear of making commitments (to them) from those with a fear of keeping commitments (to us). Men are choosing to detach, fly below the radar, vote with our feet (figurative and literal).

The harsh and ugly truth is...


On rare occassion some of them claim to care, with words, whilst their actions (and inaction) stand in stark contrast to the claims. If you get enuff of a person going left and telling you to agree that they are going right, on the back of all sorts of mean-spirited game play... disrespect at the palpable lack of credibility ensues. From there, its down hill.

Easier to accept the awful truth, move on and make a happy, fulfilling life for oneself.

If they decide they WANT us AS WE ARE, we may start to change direction and make room for them. Women define the terms of relationship engagement... we adapt to their agenda, BUT only up to a point.

When people get too demanding and become unreasonable, unduring the nonsense gets tiring and eventually they're left to themselves. If they arent getting many takers, they need to look at THEMSELVES and wot they offer, tweak it up and they may start to get the sort of offers they want. No point complaining that the punters dont wanna buy my over-priced, under-performing, over-hyped product. Improve the offer (in this case just normalise/equalise the offer) and they will return.

If not, thats OK... life goes on.

Its very obvious and it bears repeating... THEY DONT CARE.
Posted by trade215, Saturday, 16 September 2006 2:28:46 PM
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