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Bland, politically correct values : Comments

By Peter Sellick, published 12/9/2006

Values education is a poor thing, a weak attempt at social engineering aimed at making us better.

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agree or not, we Australians are losing democracy,losing the plot,
Australians are allowing the government & churches to make the rules, most not our wishes .
we elect people to run our country,not our lives ,our home, our values, our family.
I 've reared my family,now watch as they rear theirs, am proud that they , live & teach the values they were taught.
Australians are falling into the trap, being fooled by propagander from leaders,other nations, & are too quick to follow.
We must SAY STOP, "our family" , and our own values

School is where our kids are educated , basic skills the 3 r.s, life skills, communication.acceptance
we cannot expect nor want any teacher to pass on "his/ her" values.
Religion, should be a family,personal choice.In personal time.
its a parents role not, any one else's. with decent basic schooling, kids learn, respect, communication , life skills , they should already be equipped enough to guide them through life.

Taking more from family, is creating a nation of people who are being lead maliciously, by dictators, we are allowing dictatorship to sneak in the door.

some Australians don,t take responsiblity, but they still are a minority .
Decent Australia, wake up, lets not completely give it all away,we have choices,choose your leaders wisely, walk with those that prove trust, don,t lose your identity,your right to think, choose and act.
leadership of our country,must be our choice,trust, not manipulated
we must take responsibility ,stand up be strong & say I/we are capable of decision.We all have a faith, believe, I can do,
I will do.
Giving others control, we lose our choice
We can guide, help( walk the walk) not push or drag.
STOP BLAMING OTHERS, there will always be obstacles.
however those with skills,will share their experise .STOP blaming working hours, single parenting etc.In war years people got on with life, seperated from family.
we've had depressions, families survived.
Australian,you are giving wrong people control, how will we and our off spring learn to live if you don't first learn to SURVIVE,
Posted by grandkiddies, Tuesday, 12 September 2006 3:54:35 PM
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People are losing their concience, giving in, doing this in all that makes us a society, look at the consequences for your county's sake, cos thats where you and your family live.
Faith, Trust, Conscience & Consequences.Australians need to open their eyes.
Look around you, look at other countries, we are a good country, that is fastly losing its identity, and our real good aussie values, families, are being either tricked, misled by " the grass is greener in the other paddock.
If that is so, why are all these people coming here to live and work, if things were better where they came from.
Australians take a goood look. at what you are allowing and condoning.
Dicatorship, politically and religeously.
People come her to live,to work, to have thie families, because we are a place everyone wants and choses to be.
If we bury our heads, we will be like the others soon, running away, but think quickly , where will we run to.
We are one of the luckiest lovliest countries, that still has a chance.
Australia its up to the every day people, the me and you.
Me, my kids my 13 grandkiddies, and yours.
We 're fast losing our democracy, and so many of you are
giving it away.
I won,t give my life away or my families i will fight it to the day I die. and I hope I have the majority standing by me, those same people will stand and be counted and be responsible, will take the initiative to keep our Australia, from dictators and religious bullies.
I am a christain, have faith, don,t go to church every sunday, but I am not a hypocrit either.
I do as I say, but not as others say I must do, I have a choice.
Posted by grandkiddies, Tuesday, 12 September 2006 4:01:22 PM
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The best people to teach kids "values" are parents that's what their job is. If kids are not being tuaght "values" blame parents. I don't want your world view and you might not want my views. So that is why parent's should teach their kids. The only values that schools should teach as very general ones ant that's what they do.

Ps Hoplessness is a man who believes his god has foresaken him not a man who never believe in one in the first place.
Posted by Kenny, Tuesday, 12 September 2006 4:43:17 PM
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And I suppose you want your voice and "values" in the public square before all others, Sells. Well I don't. As far as I'm concerned you bear false witness.

I agree that this waffle about Australian "values" is a load of garbage, but the hypocracy of so-called Christians is not going to be any better.
Posted by tao, Tuesday, 12 September 2006 9:03:56 PM
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YngNLuvnIt suggests that "perhaps we should be exposed to what not having it easy looks like". This is an EXCELLENT idea. I believe that all students should be forced to read blog posts by Leigh, YngNLuvnIt. Jolanda and Grandkiddies. Then they'll know what SUFFERING is all about.
Posted by Johnj, Tuesday, 12 September 2006 11:47:10 PM
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I think Sellick raises a very sound argument against government imposed social engineering, but as Kenny took the words right out of my mouth - values, traditions, morality, right and wrong - IS the PRIMARY responsibility of parents - NOT schools or government!

Sadly, so many kids are learning from their parents - drunkeness, debauchery, cheating, pilfering, drugs, immorality, foul language and so on! They nearly ALL learn from their parents - it's just the quality of the teaching! Yes, train a child up in the way they should go, and though they grow old, they shall not depart from it - one way or the other!

The parents are the ones who need teaching - I am appalled at the lack of discipline (correction and training) of many parents today - and the state must share some of the blame here - parents being too scared to give their kids a smack, whilst truly abusive parents just seem to get away with it. Poor fella our country !
Posted by Flezzey, Tuesday, 12 September 2006 11:49:51 PM
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