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Creating our own history : Comments

By Rachel Hills, published 27/7/2006

Flag waving may be mawkish, but Australia can learn from US patriotism.

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Leigh, you want to show where Rancitas has personally insulted you before your “illegal substance” slag.

Leigh’s “illegal substances” slag was in response to Rancitas’ post that contained these words from a old ME agreement..

“It would be better for all, if rulers became leaders and worked “‘to foster mutual understanding and tolerance and shall accordingly abstain from incitement, including hostile propaganda, against each other.’”

How do you justify jumping from a serious matter like M.E .conflict to lying about other posters?

Dictionary says a lie is “an intentional untruth” , “a falsehood“ , “words intended to convey a false impression”.

Truth relies on evidence. Let’s examine Leigh’s “truth” when offering an opinion. Two possibilities here. First you have no evidence (other than your petty and miserable prejudiced opinions). This is because you don’t know and can’t possibly know the posters private business (unless you’ve breached OLO’s privacy rules). Second, if you did know in person the poster Rancitas, you’d soon find out, among other things, how absurd your lies are. Moreover, the word “still” in your supposed statement of fact suggests that you are referring to a known established historical fact. This confirms even more your lying heart. This malicious character assassination was in response to Rancitas’ earlier post.

The maliciousness is self-evident. It is contained in the very act of your deception and character assassination.

Leigh asks: “How do you work out that a malicious lie can be defined as ‘intent to wound’?”
Malice or "militia praecogitata" is “desire to inflict injury”. There is no way you can argue your lies are helpful. You’re just a nasty liar.

Leigh you lied to get your rocks off and Rancitas pulled you up. You are a proven liar Leigh.

One more thing, I‘ve known users who have more ethical and moral sense than you Leigh - going on your conduct on this site.
Posted by rancitas, Tuesday, 1 August 2006 2:25:04 PM
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Gee whiz. You certainly went to a lot of trouble to repeat yourself. You are still referring to yourself in the third person, too. I take it that English is not your first language.

I'll tell you what. As you are clearly a person who is easily upset by others doing to you what you do to them, I'll will never say anything about you or to you again. There is no pleasure in jousting with a person like you.

But, please. Feel free to carry on your abusive nonsense against me. I really enjoy a good laugh. I'm not keen on your little verses, though. I would much prefer the usual name calling; but try to be a little inventive. You must be able to come up something better than you have done. It shouldn't be hard with such an evil sod like me.

Sorry that you have been upset. I must admit that, having a pretty thick skin myself, I don't always appreciate that others often have rather tender feelings, particularly those who simply can't bring themselves to accept that not everyone goes along with their ideas.

All the best, and keep those posts coming.
Posted by Leigh, Tuesday, 1 August 2006 4:52:05 PM
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This article does raise a social issue of patriotism and love for our country. I agree with this, but I also believe our patriotism is not quite high because of the multicultural population we have that feels loyal to their own country. Multicultural, means people are coming from around the world to be in our country, so it is not just us that are traveling. In my own opinion, whether you call it bias or not, this is the greatest country in the world and although we may have ethnic splits and even the old tradition of the Aboriginal dispossession, but we are people in general is far better than compared with other countries. We have a culture, in terms of sporting and we are also respected in terms of our laid back nature. Australia has patriotism, history and a great deal of culture
Posted by Epithemeos, Sunday, 6 August 2006 9:06:06 PM
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• Narcissist ..."Good heavens. I really hope that Australia becomes nothing like America in it's flag waving patriotism. Australian Patrotism is subtle, and its history is there, but unlike America, not in your face. Australia does, have great outpourings on patriotism - ANZAC day and Australia day immediately come to mind. Stories of ANZAC are worth telling and listening to ... what becoming more popular as the tourism to Gallipoli, which has never been bigger"... No wonder as one of the bloodiest in elders-of-zion instigated calamities became superimposed down-under with the sacrosanct-pride. Nationally revered ever-since by the blind-leading-blind dill-flock of the gullible-suckers ...
Posted by Leo Braun, Thursday, 10 August 2006 7:21:31 PM
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