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Creating our own history : Comments

By Rachel Hills, published 27/7/2006

Flag waving may be mawkish, but Australia can learn from US patriotism.

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"Despite your drawn out post, I still totally disagree with you and your point of view. Never the twain shall meet."

My "point of view"...totally Leigh?
How surprising that you should so swiftly have formed such a rigid and entrenched attitude towards something that you have little or no knowledge,experience or understanding of.
Posted by DOOM, Monday, 31 July 2006 5:10:16 PM
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"If an elected US official messes with democratic principles or US folks heads - they will be out on their ear. Bush is on a slippery slope."

rancitas: Well, technically, it doesn't matter whether the people love him or hate him. Short of declaring himself dictator, he's gone at the next election anyway since American politicians are limited to two terms. As to what legacy he will leave for the next Republican presidential candidate (or even future Republican Congressmen and Senators), that's another issue, but Bush himself is not on a slippery slope. He can more or less coast through the rest of his presidency and it doesn't matter whether he does a fantastic or a terrible job.
Posted by shorbe, Monday, 31 July 2006 6:34:37 PM
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Excuse me, you did really better to read my 6-7-2006 publication;

INSPECTOR-RIKATI® & What is the -Australian way of life- really?
A book on CD on Australians political, religious & other rights
ISBN 0-9751760-2-1

Australians are perhaps the dumbest people in the world (see my website ( who do not even understand what they are.

Constitutionally, Australians are Australians because they are residing in the Continent of Australia, regardless of their nationality might be!

Native Australians are deemed to be Aboriginals and others born in Australia.
Australian “citizenship” is based upon a person being granted by a State “State citizenship” and by this the person AUTOMATICALLY is provided with “Australian citizenship” involving political rights, nothing to do with nationality.

The Commonwealth of Australia can only naturalize “aliens” to become British nationals as is any person born in the Commonwealth of Australia.

There is no such county as Australia as the Commonwealth of Australia is a POLITICAL UNION like the European Union is.

Constitutionally, the official anthem is “God save the Queen”, and the official flag is and remains the Union Jack.

There is no such creature as Queen of Australia either, this as the Commonwealth of Australia is neither a kingdom, empire, dominion, colony, or republic as it is merely a very limited POLITICAL UNION between the colonies (now States) who themselves remained to be Colonies.

As such, Australians, regardless of their nationality, cannot compare with other nations what they are standing for as we simply have no true identity for ourselves.

Hence, national pride is something you cannot relate to Australia!

The first place to try to become a nation is to try to face reality we are and remain under the British Crown and the Constitution does not allow for this to be changed!
They might pretend otherwise but fool those who go along with that nonsense to pretend some independence where none exist!
Posted by Mr Gerrit H Schorel-Hlavka, Tuesday, 1 August 2006 12:21:08 AM
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You don’t have the slightest idea what I know or don’t know. You are too full of yourself to be able to form an opinion of anyone, particularly someone on the internet.

Hopefully you will mature and get over the need attack other people’s opinions to cover your own shortcomings.

In the meantime, go away waste and someone else’s time.
Posted by Leigh, Tuesday, 1 August 2006 12:08:26 PM
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your ill-informed and ignorant posts provide all the information one needs to assess what you dont to what you do know hopefully you will endeavour to look beyond your preconceived,narrow and parochial attitudes to the point where you can offer opinions based on actual knowledge rather than speculation and cultural prejudice.
As for my challenging your opinions,thats what this forum is for and if your opinions can't withstand scrutiny then perhaps its your own shortcomings that need addressing.
Maybe you can enlist the aid of your supposedly superior maturity to help you work through them?
Posted by DOOM, Tuesday, 1 August 2006 1:36:29 PM
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Leigh still resorting to flaming lies.

Leigh dishonestly says:

“You called me a liar before the banned substances comment, so where is the proof that I’m a liar?”

Leigh your semantic deception isn’t sensible. Rancitas’ was clearly referring to your July 25 post .


There you said: “Noticed that poster and Rancitas are still on illegal substances,”… “
Posted by Leigh, Tuesday, 25 July 2006 4:52:28 PM

Now you know as well as I, that Rancitas was talking about the original July 25 lie. That was dishonest, Leigh.

Rancitas responded to Leigh’s malicious lie a day later on July 26.

Excerpt and the dates follow.

“So here is further proof of your lying. You, Leigh, are proving beyond doubt that you are a dishonest poster. You have destroyed our own credibility. Keep it up..
Posted by rancitas, Wednesday, 26 July 2006 2:42:38 PM

Posted after your post which proved you a malicious liar.

Granted Leigh, you’ve tried to prove the information wrong; but again you resort to dishonestly claiming I called you a liar “before the banned substances comment”, knowing full well that I would be referring to July 25. More proof that you are a scheming liar? You’ve discredited yourself again., Leigh.

Leigh posted the “banned substances” follow up comment on July 28 to, clearly to flame.

After another hysterical rant, Leigh said: “… The old ‘banned substances ‘ seem to be doing the talking.”“ Given Rancitas’ concerns, Leigh is proving beyond doubt his childish nastiness .

Leigh also reinforces his hypocrisy.

In my response, July 26, Rancitas also pointed out Leigh’s hypocrisy because in that thread Leigh harps on about how Leigh “won’t use derogatory names” and attacks another poster for name calling while making the malicious claim that two posters are “still on illegal substances” .

You say on the matter of “slaggng” that you are not hypocritical. Yes you are. Apart from the hypocrisy of your shameful behaviour towards other posters, you now admit to slagging off to “show you (Rancitas) and your odd bod mates that I can give as well as take."
Posted by rancitas, Tuesday, 1 August 2006 2:21:55 PM
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