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Eyeless in Gaza : Comments
By Colin Andersen, published 5/7/2006Reporting events in Palestine and Israel: the Australian print media is as reliable as the old Soviet PRAVDA.
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J5o6hn, for goodness sake, about 20% of Israeli citizens ARE Palestinian Arabs. They enjoy all the civil rights of any Israeli, come and go freely, and unlike Jews in Nazi Germany, they are not desperately seeking refuge from a regime that has set up factories for their efficient extermination. Likewise, millions of Palestinians live in autonomous territories in the West Bank and Gaza. They too are not threatened by a policy of extermination, and they never were.
Palestinians and Israelis are locked in national struggle because they both claim the same homeland, and in particular because too many claim that common homeland exclusively for themselves and refuse to consider an appropriate compromise solution. The result is violent and tragic for both sides, but it is not genocide.
In fact, despite the impression one might get from obsessive press coverage in Israel/Palestine, many modern ethnic, national and international conflicts have taken a far greater toll in human life, and some of these really have reached genocidal proportions, although they still don't share the systematic and industrialized nature of the Nazi Holocaust.
The mutual violence of the Israel/Palestine conflict pales in comparison to what has recently been experienced, for example, in Afghanistan; Algeria; Angola; Bangladesh; Bosnia; Burundi; Cambodia; Chad; Chechnya; Colombia; East Timor; El Salvador; Equatorial Guinea; Eritrea; Ethiopia; Guatemala; India; Indonesia; Iran; Iraq; Kashmir; Lebanon; Liberia; Mozambique; Nicaragua; Nigeria; Pakistan; Peru; Philippines; Rwanda; Somalia; Sri Lanka; Sudan; Uganda; Vietnam; Yemen; Yugoslavia; Zaire, etc.
I urge you to read Rory Miller's article, "The Israel-Nazi Slander in Historical Context"