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Miners put spotlight on unions : Comments
By Steven Miles, published 11/5/2006Unions are embedded in the workplace in towns like Beaconsfield.
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Posted by Sly, Saturday, 13 May 2006 9:11:04 PM
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Sly your news is not news we know its in the high court however Howard holds the balance there too.
Robbyh? at no time in any post have I ever said other than the nice bloke , Australias best ever defence minister should lead us into the next election, he must go no other path exists for the non conservative voters of Australia. Your anti union what have they done for me line is purely a joke, under Howards fair pay commision for 5 years you will find out. Unions founded the ALP not the other way around. Unions for wage earners are restricted but not unions for bosses like the national farmers federation ,just one of at least 20, they have direct influence and membership of goverment partys. Yet anti unionists bleet at unions ties to Labor. If your wish comes true, that Australian workers are cast adrift by Labor, and it will not. The Labor vote will be less than a hastily formed centre left party other than the ALP. Posted by Belly, Sunday, 14 May 2006 8:12:12 AM
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Sly is spot on.
Let's not get fooled again in 2007. Almost certainly, Labor will give us plenty more reasons to not to vote for them. Examples, so far, include support for the privatisation of the Snowy Hydro scheme, support for the private health care rebate, irresponsible populist opportunism in relation to tax cuts, support for the anti-democratic 'anti-terrorist' legislation etc, etc - but, at the moment, there is no other way forward except through the election of a Federal Labor government. There is little prospect of having a Government composed of decent independents and minor parties in 2007. By all means give such candidates your first and second preferences, but make sure that, if they don't get elected, at least your vote will go to Labor in preference to Liberal. The Murdoch and Packer media Empires and other powerful vested interests are firmly behind John Howard, so the task of removing him won't be easy, but with enough of us out there, who are committed to a decent future, it should be possible to convince the majority of our case (as Evo Morales did so well recently in Bolivia.) If a future Federal Labor Government turns out to be no better than the previous Keating and Hawke governments, there is no reason for us to have to take it lying down this time. If, instead, the electorate again endorses this objectionable Government after what it has done, the very future of democracy itself in this country will be very bleak. I had more to say on this question on John Quiggin's web-site at Posted by daggett, Sunday, 14 May 2006 8:54:20 AM
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It's all very well to talk about restricting the population or being protectionist of jobs here, but what do we do about an ageing population? Someone has to pay the tax to fund the services everyone demands. Likewise, people are going to want all their consumer goodies still. How is any of that going to happen if we have fewer people (as a percentage) of working age? Something in our culture and society has to give somewhere.
Posted by shorbe, Sunday, 14 May 2006 4:52:20 PM
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We do live in interesting times and with interesting people, can anyone oposed to Howard risk the vote they cast will end up going to him?
After the polls close its often my job to stay on behalf of the ALP and watch the count. Some just do not understand the system, Labor first rest nothing is not a counted vote! And very often atempts to be funny end a votes life before it is counted, but last election one smarty told me we needed balance in the house. He voted Labor in the lower house, we had a 12% swing against us and lost the seat. And National in the senate. Now people tell me Hawk and Keiting betrayed the people? The only non conservative goverment ever posible in Australia is Labor. Independent? most times an independent sells the vote to the highest bidder. Posted by Belly, Sunday, 14 May 2006 5:06:24 PM
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You have touched on a number of issues. Firstly, of course we should protect Australian jobs. How were we ever stupid enough to have allowed the offshoring of so much of our manufacturing sector to countries that pay their workers a fraction of the wages that they pay in this country? Regarding, the 'aging population', what happens when those being imported, supposedly to look after today's aging population, retire? Are we going to have to further increase the population then so that they can be looked after? So do we then import more workers so that they, in turn, can then be looked after in retirement. So at what point do we stop growing our population? This 'aging population' argument is so self-evidently stupid, that it calls into question the real motives of those promoting it. Many, no doubt, would be land speculators and property developers. As I mentioned earlier (, they openly acknowledge and welcome the way immigration has caused the price of a commodity, necessary for any one of us to enjoy a dignified existence, that is secure shelter, to have rocketed to levels well beyond the means of many ordinary Australians. As it is, much of Australia does not have enough water. Already, to supply the existing population of South East Queensland with water, Premier Beattie intends to dam the Mary River, itself outside of SEQ. This will destroy Queensland's most productive agricultural land, destroy the habitat of the endangered lung fish and harm fishing stock in Hervey Bay (see One would have thought that given these sort of problems in Queensland and elsewhere, that intelligent politicians would be trying to discourage population growth. Instead, Peter Beattie wishes to cram an additional 1.1 million into South East Queensland by 2026, whilst the Federal Government is doing its part to help drive interstate migration by having increased our immigration levels to unprecedented levels. It is time that stopping immigration, except for humanitarian reasons, became a serious political issue, and that the claptrap emanating from business lobbyists, neo-liberal economists, and most far left groups be disregarded. Posted by daggett, Sunday, 14 May 2006 6:00:52 PM
The Howard IR laws has gone to the high court. The most important legal case in 50-100yrs and a growing number of legal experts are worried if the laws are not stopped it will be the beginning of the States demise.
This government is destroying Australia on so many fronts. The most damaging and badly written IR legislation that was rushed through parliament by a puppet coalition senate. Save us High Court!
How can a so called legal expert like Kevin Andrews put his name on such a bill. At least one senator admitted to not reading the bill and I suspect most
senators didn't bother.
A government that illegally sells Telstra who turns a blind eye to corrupt payments by AWB not to mention the compulsory ID card. That is if you are not rich.
Then there lies on Iraq, GST and children overboard and what about forcing disabled to work.
Howard and Liberal voters, you made a bad choice with your last vote. This time don't fall for the interest rate rubbish (which they don't control) and baby bonus bribes or small tax cuts.
One day we will have a PM who doesn’t stab us in the back. Mr Howard, go and live in America. Oh that’s right your on holidays there right now