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A view from a living hell : Comments

By Bernie Matthews, published 12/5/2006

One man's story from the prison that never was.

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Thanks col, your insults are a true indication of your primitive mentality. As to being an apologist, again you show your total ignorance and ineptitude in coping with other views.

I believe in capitol punishment under certain circumstances, plus the removal from this country of those that can't be rehabilitated, to a despotic violent country we pay to take them. There they'll have all the violence they need. I also advocate the removal of privilege to enforce reason in those that won't conform to the system. But I despise violence and mental brutality, as the basis for the systems approach. The problem is Col, people like you need to be abusive, you say your involved, we see the results.

We need a total change in approach to sentencing, incarceration and training of those working in these institutions. First remove the violence from the system, by rearranging how it operates. You have to ensure there are different programs and establishments for varying offenders, so they can receive the proper help in changing. Deter them with defined outcomes for their crimes, not maybe's.

Col, I believe if you rob someone, you not only should do the time, but pay back the cost to the victim and the state, that should be for all crimes. With injuring or killing, the crim should have to support the victims or relative to compensate for what they've done. So probably I'm an apologist for, pay for what you create.

O sung wu, There's many in the system who are honest, hard working, care about their job and try to improve things. Many show compassion and understanding of the problems, but are hamstrung by primitives running the system. Its the bureaucracy and the myriad of politically correct professionals who are the true apologists, psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, highly educated, but lowly capable.
Posted by The alchemist, Wednesday, 24 May 2006 10:35:09 AM
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Hi there 'The Alchemist' - thank you for the remarks you directed to my last 'post'. You're absolutely correct with your brief summation of those who seek to administer corrections, and those who have to live and exist within that 'administration' . Katingal was , to a certain extent, a correctional experiment. In order to establish and execute better methods to handle those inmates, who were unable to be successfully placed within the normal maximum security setting. Amongst those were - intractables; escapees, non associates; maximum protection; and those who were deemed to be extremely violent in normal discipline, et al. Interestingly, when we first received inmates, all the 'ologists, academics, and politicians who had a legetimate interest, (including those who simply wanted a 'sticky beak') visited the place, and added their considered/learned opinion on how the place should run. Some of the suggested processess, included - creating a 'Management Commitee'. This commitee was ostensibly designed to provide a comfortable climate, in a non-threatening environment (conducted in a sort of a lounge room) for inmates to voice their opinions, complaints and criticisms, on how they're held and treated etc. In my humble opinion, this was a positive move. What the inmates thought of it...I guess you'd need to address that to Kilos! If you're interested 'The Alchemist',as to what Katingal was really like for the Prison Officers employed therein, ( the other side of the equation, so to speak) simply ask...probably more of a Q & A type enquiry would be best, I would think. I'll answer ALL your questions truthfully, and to the best of my recollection. Remember though,it was thirty odd years ago, and I did serve quite a time in the coppers, post Katingal. But, at the same time, I was never employed by the 'Aust. Wheat Board' neither ! All the best, to those folk who care to read my post. PS. Why do they call it 'Post' ?
Posted by o sung wu, Wednesday, 24 May 2006 4:29:07 PM
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O sung wu , Thanks I understand what the blockhouse was like from both sides and was at Goulburn for the opening of the new tracs unit and the arrival of its first customers, in the form of Pete Schniedas (spelling). I'm also aware of what transpired between the screws regarding how the unit was run, what they thought and how some screws got their rocks of at the expense of inmates. I had access to it daily during late 78-79.

Others may be interested, but considerings the paranoia of the unknowing regarding Bernie's article, whats the use. They don't want to be informed, preferring to be ignorant and judgemental in their delusional bliss. Write an article and submit it, I 'm sure you'd get some interesting responses and people may learn a bit instead of knowingly not knowing.
Posted by The alchemist, Thursday, 25 May 2006 9:48:56 AM
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The alchemist that’s a great idea! I know I would be interested in reading what o sung wu had to say about his time at Katingal as the ‘other view’ for the prison officers. I think it would be great to read. Do you remember kilo’s o sung wu? I seen in your post you wrote “You always could speak well, when you put your mind to it”. Just curious.
Anyway, please have a think about the suggestion the alchemist made. I know I for one would read it. Fiona
Posted by Fruityfee, Thursday, 25 May 2006 10:12:36 AM
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Hi there, 'The Alchemist' & 'Fruityfee' - Thank you both for reading my little contribution, I appreciate it. 'The Alchemist', your seem to be quite well informed in relation to the activities of managing 'intractable' inmates during the period you cited herein. Firstly, Peter Schneiders (sic), remember this individuel well! Certainly NOT the most popular inmate in Katingal, but probably the most 'costly', in terms of replacing television sets (at the taxpayers expense) in the place. Personally, I held absolutely no truck with his situation, essentially it was of his own making. However, I will elaborate no further with this fellow, as I understand he is deceased. Yes, Fruityfee I knew Bernard Thomas MATTHEWS, well. I found him to be reasonably compliant and generally kept to himself. A voracious writer, to be sure. He was lodged in the same area as Fred Harbecke, (sorry Fred, if I misspelt your name)who was, in my opinion, one of the real 'heavies' in Katingal. This situation probably suited Bernie, because Fred ran a fairly 'tight ship'(in the opinion of the Administration) and this would in turn, allow Bernie the necessary calm to get on with his writing. Apropos writing an article 'The Alchemist',I think not. I don't possess the literary skills nor the intellectual 'smarts' to produce such a thing. Better, (if you're interested) to put your questions OR ALLEGATIONS to me, and I will attempt to answer them TRUTHFULLY for you. Again, thank you for reading my small contribution. I believe the OTHER side of the Katingal question should now receive a decent airing. I owe it to the many fine officers who were so employed therein, and who are now deceased. They are unable to defend themselves or preserve their good fame and character, against the legion of half-truths, and the downright scurrilous lies. o sungwu
Posted by o sung wu, Thursday, 25 May 2006 4:18:24 PM
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o sung wu, if Bernie was reasonably compliant and generally kept to himself what is your take on why he was in the unit?

Do you have a view on the proportion of prisoners who end up in special units unnecessarily compared to those who go there because of their own actions?

Posted by R0bert, Thursday, 25 May 2006 6:02:12 PM
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