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Backdown invites more demands : Comments

By Tony Kevin, published 19/4/2006

The more Canberra caves in to Jakarta's demands, the more we invite danger.

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Thanks, Rogindon. I knew but had forgotten that Javanese was not the Indonesian language. And I agree that many provinces are very much a part of the Indonesian whole. To promote their secession would not only be pointless but futile.

I guess the term "Javanese Empire" would be akin to using a term like "English Empire" instead of "British Empire", when we know that much of the colonial activity was carried out by Scots, Welsh, Ulstermen and often, ironically, Irish. But the fact remained that it was, essentially, dominated by the English, as any Welsh or Scottish nationalist will confirm.

In any event, I doubt that many West Papuans would bother with finer distinctions. The presence of others amongst their persecutors would not diminish the fact that most, on the simple balance of probability, will be Javanese.

That is also borne out by the money trail. The extraordinary growth of Djakarta in a country with such low average incomes and widespread population makes it very clear that resources are being concentrated by the system in one place. That is, after all, what a Capital does best. And it is not surprising that provinces on the outer might tend to wonder where their share of the supposed single pie has gone.

History has continually proven that the large unitary state with minimal autonomy for token provincial governance is unsustainable. And Djakarta is busily demonstrating this all over again. Federal systems have demonstrated the capacity to deliver more evenly distributed engines of growth but that, as I continue to stress, is not our call. It is up to those Indonesians who actually want to be part of Indonesia to decide.
Posted by Perseus, Monday, 24 April 2006 10:22:29 AM
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In 1998-99, there was a notable discourse in Indonesian politics on the issue of federalism. The change to a federal structure was particularly supported by Amien Rais who went on to be chair of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) the country's supreme legislative body from 1999 to 2004. Eventually, however, Indonesia opted for decentralisation (through Laws No. 22 and 25 of 1999) rather than fully-blown federalism. These laws significantly decentralise important decision-making to the provinces and sub-provincial districts as well as providing for more equitable distribution of revenue from forestry, mining etc.

If we want to talk about the distribution of Indonesian national wealth among ethnic groups, I'd say the Chinese get a much bigger share even in absolute terms than do the Javanese. The Javanese do not necesarily dominate all walks of life. For instance, the private legal profession is more dominated by Bataks from North Sumatra than Javanese. It has been pointed out that the ethnic group with arguably the least prominance in national life relative to population are the Sundanese. They number in the tens of millions living all around West Java right near the national capital, but relatively few reach positions of national importance for some reason.
Posted by rogindon, Monday, 24 April 2006 1:44:39 PM
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Your clearly anti-Indonesian speculative babble made rubbish of your claim to be an "impartial observer".


LOL, it is hilarious someone whose knowledge of Indonesia only come from a WeetBix box trying to teach about Indonesia to someone who actually has been living in Indonesia for years. What do you know about Indonesia? Clearly nothing as your fantasies bear no relation with reality whatsoever.

I think Indonesia is far too complex of a country for simple-minded hillbilly like you to understand. I suggest you not exhaust your brain, instead think of simpler things in life more suited for capacity of your mind, such as AFL, NRL, or BB06.
Posted by Proud to be Indonesian, Wednesday, 26 April 2006 1:35:54 AM
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Sorry, Rogindon, but your point about the Bataks and Sundanese does not refute the notion of a Javanese Empire. The British Empire was no less an empire because the Cockneys, within the capital, were under represented in positions of power. Nor did the presence of Indian Princes in the sub-continent, nor Chinese traders in Malaya, detract from the fact that it was the British Empire. Indeed, it has been the hallmark of all successful empires, at least since Alexander of Macedon, that locals have been given access to positions of influence within the dominant structure.

And tell me, PTBI, do you support the right of Moslems in the south of Thailand to aggitate for independence from the central government? Surely, if the West Papuans have no right to secede then neither the southern Thai Moslems nor those of Mindanao have this right as well. Can you clarify this for us all?
Posted by Perseus, Wednesday, 26 April 2006 10:15:49 AM
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This "Javanese empire" idea is a myth from decades ago and just plays right into the hands of those who would have us say nothing and do nothing over human rights abuse in Papua. They argue that if we say "boo", West Papua will become independent and the whole of Indonesia will disintegrate. This is fantasy. Even if Papua were to become independent (which I'm not advocating), this would be a big blow to Indonesia, but it certainly wouldn't lead to Indonesia disintegrating anymore than East Timor's succession led to Indonesia disintegrating in 1999. I disgree with PBTI on the extent of human right abuse in Papua, but I think there are valid arguments that he makes about Papuans on the Indonesian side of the border being saved from some of the excesses of alcohol and other problems on the eastern side.
Posted by rogindon, Wednesday, 26 April 2006 1:02:19 PM
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LOL, I don't really care about Thailand's Pattani Malays or Mindanao people. For me, the separatists in these area have too much links with Islamic terrorists, eg Mindanao is the training ground for terrorists who bombed Bali. It is better these separatists got defeated if possible.
Posted by Proud to be Indonesian, Thursday, 27 April 2006 12:02:48 AM
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