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We're too desperate to please Jakarta : Comments

By Don Rothwell, published 13/4/2006

We should not allow the Indonesians a veto over our refugee policy.

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Relax, mate. I am not in any way "insulting" Australia. I am merely telling the undeniable truth of physical and cultural genocide of Aborigines by the white squatters who illegally stole all Aboriginal land through illegal concept, "terra nullius". Your despicable behaviour such as massacring Aborigines and kidnapping their children led to the near-extinction of Aborigines at 1930s-1940s.It is clear Australia is the worst human rights abuser in the Asia-Pacific region. With such abbhorent track-record, Australia has no right to talk about human rights, as that would be like Hitler preaching virtues of Judaism.

I know the truth often hurts, but it must be told. ;-)

BTW, some addendum:

1) Indeed the fall of Suharto and subsequent democratisation of Indonesia had its terrible phase between 1999-2001 involving secterian clashes between religions and ethnicities. We Indonesians consider this the "price of democracy". It remains to be seen whether the fruits of democracy is worthy of its costs.

2) West Papua has many linguistic, racial, and religious similarities with other Indonesians. Indeed Indonesia has the world's largest Melanesian population.

3) Indonesia is not in any way dependent on "aid money" from anybody. There were hundreds of countries helping Indonesia during the tsunami as expression of humanity, from Afghanistan sending a dozen doctors to USA sending two aircraft carriers and one hospital ship. However, only Australians have the gall to despicably demand Australian impunity from Indonesian law (Schapelle Corby) and to openly sympathise with our separatist enemies, just because they gave some aid. We Indonesians find this behaviour extremely disgusting. Such blunders clearly indicate Australian immaturity, which render your country unfit for the position of even a minor regional power.

4) You should listen to your government's decision to change the immigration law so no barbaric Papuan separatists can be sheltered in Australia. Indeed it is good your govt came to its senses after Indonesian complaints.
Posted by Proud to be Indonesian, Sunday, 16 April 2006 7:22:48 PM
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I am intrigued that PTBI adopts a position that 'white'Australians stole the Aborigines land under the notion that this Country was not owned by it's indigenous inhabitants who have been agitating since about the 1960's for the return of their land under their own sovereignty; Yet he will not see that the position of the West Papuans is the same: their land usurped by Javanese neo-Colonialism.

The difference between the two situations is that the Australian Judicial system continues to adjudicate the matter of Land Rights where much land has been returned to Australian Indigenous people who control and administer it ...

While the West Papuans are denied such justice...Instead they are oppressed for seeking redress...killed for raising their flag, having their country's resources plundered and having their land given away to transmigrants.

The ravings of PTBI's extreme Nationalism is just empty rhetoric crap which is reminiscent of 'Iraq Ali' Saddam Hussein's Minister for Information who continued to fabricate reports that bore no resemblance to fact.
Iraq Ali believed that if he kept repeating his falsehoods,people might eventually accept them as truth.
Posted by maracas, Sunday, 16 April 2006 11:29:07 PM
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Sorry PTBI, you can't have it both ways. If Indonesian law applies to Schapelle Corby, then Australian law obviously applies to the West Papuans coming here. This is especially so given the endemic corruption of Indonesia's "justice" system. A quick check of the Corruption Perception Index at will show Australia in the top 10 in the world and Indonesia in the bottom 20. I know the truth often hurts, but it must be told.

I agree with you that Australia's shameful treatment of Aborigines is a blight on our history. Of greater concern to me however are the ongoing health problems and incarceration rates of our indigenous population. Until these problems are fixed we cannot consider ourselves a just and multicultural society.

Best of luck with the democracy experiment in Indonesia.
Posted by Johnj, Monday, 17 April 2006 12:13:31 PM
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Get some information and make informed opinions.
Posted by Coyote, Monday, 17 April 2006 12:59:53 PM
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PTBI - How would you categorise your diatribe about 'genocide' etc if not as an insult? The Indonesian government allowed so-called militias to loot, burn, rape and murder those who objected to Indonesian imperialism in East Timor - could this be the reason why Indonesians are so 'offended'? Because the treatment meted out to the East Timorese was exposed to world opinion?

Australians long ago came to terms with the sins committed against aboriginals by the first settlers and have tried to make up for it, so I ask you again, when does Indonesia intend to do the same with regards to East Timor? Indonesia illegally invaded the territory in late 1975, falsely claiming to have been invited in by popular consent (something like 98% of East Timorese were happy to live under rule by a foreign country, Indonesia would have us believe?)

As for stealing aboriginal land - much land has been returned to the indigenous people voluntarily, but Indonesia fought tooth and nail to hold onto East Timor. You may also ponder the fact that Australians have built a wealthy country in the past 200 years - the aboriginals built nothing during the 40,000 or so years of their occupation of Australia.

Its strange that someone who shows such concern about Australian aboriginals should call New Guineans 'barbaric'. Are they 'barbaric' because they want no part of Indonesian imperialism, and wish to rule their own country and benefit by its resources?

I was not referring to tsunami aid, although both the Australian govt. and ordinary Australians gave generously. The estimated total aid flow from Australia to Indonesia for 2005-2006 is $AUD160.8 million. Australia has been a major donor of humanitarian assistance to Indonesia since the economic crisis of the late 1990s, and responded immediately to the tsunami disaster by forming an Australia-Indonesia Partnership for Reconstruction and Development, a commitment of $1 billion over 5 years in addition to the $160.8 million already mentioned.

Define it how you like, it sure sounds like aid to me, and to most Australian taxpayers, no doubt
Posted by dee, Monday, 17 April 2006 1:02:38 PM
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It is not me who decided whites stole Aboriginal land. It is your own Australian High Court who decided the "terra nullius" concept is illegal in its 1995 Mabo Decision.

No wonder, in "terra nullius" concept, whites considered Australia as "uninhabited land". Aborigines who had lived there for 50,000 years were considered "non-existant", their land rights instantly deprived, while all Australia suddenly became "crown land" to be sold in parcels to white squatters. Not only whites stole Aboriginal land, you stole their children as well (stolen generation) with intention to annihilate Aboriginal culture.

Compare this with Indonesia who always appreciate native titles everywhere. We established MRP (Papuan People's Council) to define and arbitrage for native Papuan tribal law and land-ownership. If any land were needed for mining/timbering/transmigration purposes, the natives got more than enough compensation and were given preferential employment opportunities. Politically, by law all governors and district chiefs must be native Papuan, who are elected directly by the people. Economically, central Indonesian govt subsidise Rp 1 trillion for West Papua annually.

It is clear Australia preaching "human rights" to Indonesia is like Hitler preaching Judaism to Israel!

Maracas's denial of the theft of Aboriginal land by whites as determined by his own High Court, in addition to his bizzare ethnic-hatred on Javanese people (does he even know any Javanese person?) just underlines ignorant racist immaturity of Australians which render your country unfit for any position of regional responsibility.


There is huge difference between a drug-smuggling case of Corby and giving shelter to our barbaric Papuan separatist enemies who are intent on doing harm to my country Indonesia from Australia. Indeed Indonesia has corruption problem, much has been done to remedy this problem (eg. jailing of governors and ministers). Again, cases like AWB scandal and Victoria police mafia links shows Australia has nothing to be proud of in terms of corruption as well.
Posted by Proud to be Indonesian, Monday, 17 April 2006 4:20:23 PM
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