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The semantics of abortion : Comments

By Helen Ransom, published 9/2/2006

When does human life begin? A discussion on RU486, abortion and choice.

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You are clearly incorrect. Science indeed does indicate the human life begins at conception.

The fertilized egg is indeed of the species homo sapiens and it must be alive, as life comes from life, the law of biogenesis.

Next time you try to pretend that you are being scientific and rational, please be a little better at it. Until then, your metaphysical notions of when a human life stops being property (like the slaves) and gains the right to life are clearly religious in nature. YOU are the one forcing your metaphysical beliefs on the unborn.

Kenny tries to tell us that if we don't like abortion, don't have one. This is nonsense logic. By the same logic you can justify ANY action. Don't like murder? Fine, don't murder anyone, but don't force your morals on me...

As Helen says, RU-486 is not a theraputic drug, it does not fall within the purvey of the TGA to classify it (For all those who argue legality, then why are you pushing to let the TGA do something that is not within their charter?). As it is part of a very divisive issue, the Health Minister was giving responsibility for allowing it's use to give public accountability to the decision. This was accountability was given by bipartisan support.
Posted by Alan Grey, Friday, 10 February 2006 9:09:58 AM
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That is a horrible argument you run. So in your opinion, if a woman in labour suddenly change her mind about going through with the labour, the kid shoulld be aborted? I think you would be surprise how many female would say no to the kid while in labour, and then change the mind when the kid is born.

I also disagree that the choice is solely a women's business, while the majority of the decision should be the females, I think the father and parents should also be allowed a say in the matter.

As for the sandity of life of people in Iraq,
firstly, it has nothing to do with thecurrent argument
secondly, I have not heard of our troops killing civilians in Iraq, they have killed people who are trying to kill them.
thirdly, can you send me the post where you complained about Saddam Hussein exterminating the Kurds or killing families of people in Iraq. I guess with people like you - Out of sight is out of mind

PS I do not support the war in Iraq and I do not have much time for George Bush, but I believe that the war mean that people in Iraq will have a "chance" to have a future without fear and death, ie things that we enjoys in Australia.
Posted by dovif, Friday, 10 February 2006 9:15:57 AM
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Sorry if my argument wasn't clear enough. I support abortion up until the second trimester of pregnancy and in all cases, if the life of the mother is in danger.

Secondly, the war in Iraq does have alot to do with it because the same politicians that are claiming to value human life are the same ones destroying it by the dozens.

Thirdly, with all due respect, I think you're making a slightly deluded argument by claiming that the military are not killing civilians and are only fighting in self defence. According to the website approximately 30,000 civilians have died at the hands of US and allied forces.

Also, the US (and its allies) don't care about the future of the Iraqi people, they are in there for one reason and thats oil. If they are so concerned about protecting the world's people where were they during the genocide in Rwanda and the current genocides in Sudan and the Congo where millions upon millions of people are being killed? Although I'm not Christian, may he without sin cast the first stone.
Posted by Dizem, Friday, 10 February 2006 11:15:22 AM
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Helen, Great article ... this clearly is an issue 'that generates diverse and passionate debate', as Online Opinion promises. More than that it's one of the most important topics we can talk about.

I agree with your view, believing that the crux of this issue lies with the question 'when does life begin?'. As count0 has already asked, perhaps you could provide references for your assertion that 'every medical textbook worth its name states that human life begins at conception'.

I also found a quote or two that I thought my be pertinent,

"...The woman who has recourse to abortion is disowning feminine values, her values. . . Women learn to believe no longer in what men say. . . the one thing they are sure of is this rifled and bleeding womb, these shreds of crimson life, this child that is not there."
Simone de Beauvoir, feminist leader and advocate of legalized abortion, in The Second Sex, 1952

"[I am ] angry at the woman ... I have angry feelings at myself for feeling good about grasping the [head of the fetus], for feeling good about doing a technically good procedure which destroys a fetus, kills a baby."
Anonymous abortion doctor, quoted by Jack Hitt in "Who Will Do Abortions Here?", New York Times Magazine, January 18, 1998
Quote from
Posted by akendrick, Friday, 10 February 2006 1:29:26 PM
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Hi all

This most assuredly is a very hot issue, & it raises emotions similar to religion & capital punishment. But let's take the vitriol & emotion from the argument.

anomie (post 12:19:12 PM 9/2/06)

You most assuredly give some evidence to support your hypothesis that life is relatively insignificant. But the reality is that given the choice, most human beings (& any other rational thinking animal), at the point of having their life taken from them, will normally fight to keep alive. Doubt me? I have held the livees of others in the palm of my hand & made the decision for them.

Isn't it a pity that pro-abortionists don't realise that sexual activity is primarily a function of creating a 'new' generation? Is it pleasurable to the participants? One would hope so, otherwise we'd have no desire to "hop into the cot". But there is a consequence to the activity - the 'risk' of conception. That's a responsibility of the participants. If the outcome isn't desired then maybe the activity ought to be avoided.

The problem for Australians & society generally is that we want to ignore consequences & make 'heroes' out of moral & ethical lawlessness. Robin Hood who was a thief is given justification because he 'allegedly' "stole from the rich to give to the poor". Ned Kelly was just like Robin Hood - a law-breaker. Abortionists are foetus-killers no matter how one tries to justify it academically.

The paradox is that Islam is opposed to abortion - just like true Christianity, Jainism & severl other 'beliefs' - yet kills for the sake of Allah. Is it any wonder that the West is despised by Islam?

In Australia we kill 100,000-plus foetuses per annum on Medicare. Yet there is public outcry at an invasion into Iraq which sees Iraqi citizens brutalised. No life is so worthless that it ought to be needlessly sacrificed. A foetus can't talk for itself.

Cheers all
Posted by LittleAgreeableBuddy, Friday, 10 February 2006 1:30:53 PM
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Leaving aside your odd comment about holding lives in your hands (are you a contract killer? A vet? A roller-coaster operator?), why this hostility towards sex? If you are concerned with the abortion rate (and i think we all are) why not agitate for more contraception and better sex education, rather than the abstinence pipe-dream?

Also, i'm confused by your comment about abortionists. Are you really suggesting that Australians hold abortionists in the same high regard as they do Ned Kelly? I have never seen any evidence of this.
Posted by KRS 1, Friday, 10 February 2006 1:44:44 PM
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