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The semantics of abortion : Comments

By Helen Ransom, published 9/2/2006

When does human life begin? A discussion on RU486, abortion and choice.

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Gee Meg1, it really is your way of the highway isn't it? As I understand it, like yourself Gray does not want abortion to continue, but because his/her reasons are not the same as yours then he is also to be admonished (as is Col) in your non christian manner! Meg I feel sorry for you that you can only see your perspective, or perhaps the one you have been indocrinated into. It must surely mean that you spend a lot of energy being critical of the way other people live their lives, and of their beliefs. I hope for your sake that your God is not so critical of you when the time comes for you to take up residence in his house!
Posted by Coraliz, Friday, 17 February 2006 1:07:10 PM
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"Choice" is not the real Power. "Choice" simply allows continued Participation in a Spiritually bankrupt, adversarial, beligerent, superficial, market driven, meaningless society.”

And what sort of society would you seek to inflict upon us (rather than let us decide for ourselves)?

I don’t think choice is about “power” except to deny “power” to the despotic meddlers most commonly associated with authoritarian religious orders.

“Choice” is about conscience, consideration, responsibility, accountability, personal growth and individual sovereignty. None of those attributes are about power, unless we accept people should have “power over themselves” (freewill), otherwise they are slaves to the system (or whatever dominates the system – recalling the Huguenots found out what happened when papist so ruled).

For the rest of it, may I ask what were you sniffing, premium, standard or do you have a secret stash of “leaded” petrol somewhere?

“Abortion CANNOT continue, it must end by changing the System that demands it.”

That is not your call.

The authority does and will remain where it belongs, in the hands of the person who is pregnant.

Scout – I guess when it’s a “conscience vote”, then out come the consciences.
(so much better than all those unconscious votes :) )

Coraliz, agree with your posts completely!

There is no power in any woman deciding to abort.

It is not about “power”. It is about self determination. “Power” is what you demand so you can force women to kowtow to your immoral edicts.

I need no help but when I have done I was not too proud to seek it.

But there is one thing you can help me with Meg1 – what is it like to know that your cause is lost, your opinion rejected and truth allowed to prevail. That truth is the one where no one with cognitive skills above that of an imbecile is forced to live under your despotic rule?
Posted by Col Rouge, Friday, 17 February 2006 1:39:16 PM
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Still the unquenchedable voice of love asounding,
So now we can see that there are no different between killing human beings using bom like what Osama Bin Laden did and killing human being using pills like what some people has applauded/agreed.Then we can also call the 11,000 souls murdered "the honourable Osama bin laden"; for you deserve what you'd deserved, we're proud to be a murderer, Oi Oi Oi

I'll pray that The Lord Jesus Christ will reward each one of "honourable human beings" who has done some honourable things (in favour of The Lord Jesus) or to others who deserve what they'd deserved, Amen.
Posted by Lady, Friday, 17 February 2006 2:53:23 PM
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First I note that I am getting extremely annoyed with all the defamatory comments that Col makes about Meg. It is a shame this list is not moderated. Col you have expressed a profound hatred of Catholics and I can understand that Meg brings it out but can't it be toned down? If you don't have an argument that is not Meg's fault.

Meg is not calling for despotic rule. Despots normally hate Christians. Don't you find it ironic to say “Choice” is about conscience, consideration, responsibility, accountability, personal growth and individual sovereignty." in the context of your posts where you attack expressions of conscience, try to forbid argument for consideration, argue for irresponsible individuality, a lack of accountability to the point of getting away with murder, a denial of the opportunity to grow, and invasion of personal sovereignty even to the point of homicide?

I recall comments of a Pope (current or JPII) indicating that the popular culture argues that Christianity restricts people's freedom but in reality a rejection of religion leads to an extremely dangerous perspective from the point of view of respecting the individual and the best protection of the individual and their rights is a Christian society. If human life is considered nothing more than a physiological process its value is greatly reduced and abuses can be justified.
Posted by mjpb, Friday, 17 February 2006 5:24:28 PM
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"and the best protection of the individual and their rights is a Christian society"

MJ, I am sure that the pope would say that, after all, he is trying
to promote his religion. That does not mean its true. Look at history. 400 years ago, the Catholic Church was all powerfull,
theocracy ruled much as in some Islamic States today, heretics were
burnt at the stake. So history clearly shows that the above claim is
wrong. It was secular people who fought wars against the Catholics to
achieve their freedom from the power of the Church.

Look around you how the Catholic Church has fought against divorce,
against the anti baby pill, against condoms, against abortion.
So much for respecting peoples rights.

You still don't get it. Abortion in the first tremester is not murder, no matter how emotional you get or confuse words to make them sound dramatic. A fetus with no functioning human brain is not a person, its an organism. Murder only applies to people, so don't accuse people of things by distorting language. Women can create 400 of those organisms in their lifetime, they should decide which ones they should raise and feed for 20 years. They cannot keep them all,
thats the reality.

Col has actually made some extremely good points. Perhaps they just went over your head.
Posted by Yabby, Friday, 17 February 2006 6:10:18 PM
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Col, the quote re: power was from Gray's post.

"......" indicates a quote. Your 'comment' should have been directed accordingly, with the rest of your outburst. Apart from your usual contradictions, somewhat akin to watching ping pong, you asked about "my cause".

The cause of the unborn is just that, I have a choice to speak in their defence and I choose to do so, in part because they cannot and because a baby will always fight to choose life to its last breath.

The cause may well be 'lost' for the 100,000 plus that will die this year, but God does not ask that I win for myself or anyone else, he asks that I keep trying and do what I believe is right and good for all - truth will out in the end and the wheel will turn full circle - atrocities such as these will be eventually seen for what they are - crimes against women and the children they carry!

The cause for future unborn is still being fought and will continue to be so. So that what is accepted AS law does not become what is then enforced BY law as history shows it often does.

I can see by your last comment that the sweetness of your 'spirit' may need a cut and polish but fear not, your continued paranoia about having to live under my "despotic rule" is unlikely to be a problem to you as I prefer not to sacrifice my principles or the life of others in order to reach the top of the pack, even if the opportunity arose.

Coraliz, it is difficult to take you seriously when you accuse me of being any number of things, then proceed to do exactly what you profess to despise in others.

Thank you for your prediction that I will one day "take up residence in his (God's) house". Armed with your good wishes, I will continue to do my best to live up to that confidence and achieve that result. I wish the same result for you when that time comes.
Posted by Meg1, Friday, 17 February 2006 10:54:44 PM
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