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The semantics of abortion : Comments

By Helen Ransom, published 9/2/2006

When does human life begin? A discussion on RU486, abortion and choice.

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The Abortion Pill debate

The Hon Dana Sue Vale uttered the words that many Australians know to be a true fact by the latest census on population and religious denominations.

Whilst the Islamic community grew by 40% in the last 5 years, the Christian denominations grew by 5.5%.

Projected population statistics now suggest that by the year 2050 the Muslim community will be the majority.

Dana attempt to derail the abortion debate by this surprise announcement, in favour of returning control of its distribution to the government did not look at the other side of the coin.

The majority of Muslim women are not able to access the abortion procedures for fear of family retribution.

This would give them the freedom also to choose what they wanted to do with their bodies and lives. Many do not have a choice even in ill health.

However, looking at ourselves as a Nation, we have available enough contraception to depopulate the world.

We as a Nation are not emphasising the need for our younger women to be supported in nurturing and the birth of future generations.

Instead we are expecting our women to have the one or two at the end of her reproductive life cycle with a strong emphasis on IVF procedures.

It is a known fact that our Industrial world is playing a major factor in disease of the reproductive organs of both the male and female.

The lowering a virility of testosterone have been scientifically stated in decline.

We cannot expect our leaders who have every intention of leading our Nation toward globalisation and economical rationalisation, to consider this in their square boxes.

Nor the masters we cannot see.
Posted by Suebdootwo, Wednesday, 15 February 2006 1:02:47 PM
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Hi to you all,
With a heart of love, if I am the unborn baby and were able to give comment to you all, Please listen with your heart what words would you hear from the baby's mouth

Shall we punished the unborn baby with the same punishment even worst than a drug dealer. Killing by any medicine or by firing gun they're just the same isn't it? would you all love to hear and experience in your life ...So do to others what you want others do to you. Have a little wisdom what if the unborn baby was you!

Who own this universe to live, for we're all just migrant and live temporarily here on this earth, why do you think that you have the right to turn off someone's life even that life will be as an unborn baby ? Please be honest..and love others as you love your selves; I know that I love The Lord Jesus Christ and He taught me to love life even with the love that cost Him His life, so I am thankful that no one ever abort me when I was an unborn baby, Praise The Lord, Halleluyah!
Posted by Lady, Wednesday, 15 February 2006 3:44:09 PM
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Maelorin, nobody operates globally as the Vatican does, in a huge way. Usually behind the scenes. From influence on the US Congress,
the WHO, Govts all over the world etc. Most people just arn't aware
of what is going on behind the scenes.

The fundies are pretty miniscule by comparison, our locals a bit of an offshoot from the bible belt.

Meg, clearly you have still more to get off your chest. Hopefully you feel better now :)

Lyn Allison just happens to share my beliefs on this issue. My politics are about issues, not parties. The rights of the individual, compared to being dictated to by the State, is one of them.

My agenda is quite simple. Peoples rights matter more then the agendas of those who want power for their own ends. Humanity should also live sustainably on this planet, if its not sustainable it won't be there for future generations.

World population is still increasing at 80 million a year. 6 billion can't live sustainably now, so why should 10 billion be better and
more sustainable? You clearly don't understand natures laws or ignore them at the peril of future generations and in the name of religious dogma. Reality is what doesent go away, when you close your eyes and wish it would.
Posted by Yabby, Wednesday, 15 February 2006 4:28:01 PM
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I,m with you reason, great post.

A bunch of cells is not a person. Put it this way, what makes you you and not me, or no-one? Could it be what you think and feel? How you understand the world in a particular way? A bunch of cells that doesn't think and feel isn't a person. Simple. As the author says

"If choice is what is really important, why don’t we let the baby (never a fetus of course, a baby, even when it's a blob) decide whether he or she should be killed?"

Oh, but we can't, can we, because the "baby" (or blob) can't tell us..because it doesn't think. Because it's not a person. Sometimes I think what this is really all about is religions trying to breed more followers.. strengthen the tribe.. think about that one you godly types, do you really want to stop people having abortions? All you're going to do is increase the birthrate of people who aren't religous fundamentalists. A silver lining in every cloud, I guess!
Posted by hellothere, Wednesday, 15 February 2006 6:23:41 PM
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Well Col Rouge and Yabby you both missed the point completely as usual. Col you completely destroyed your argument by threats and with your 'summation' which gave the very reasons why your argument doesn't hold water.

I don't much care what your political or religious affiliations are and made no reference to them at all. Whether you swallow Lyn Allison's beliefs or any one elses, my point is that you object to everyone else's beliefs (i.e., Tony Abbott, Catholics in general, George Pell, the Pope, shall I continue...)but expect no one to challenge your own baseless ramblings.

Nor do I particularly want to hear your past misadventures or adventures...not remotely interested. You are both pretty sensitive when someone takes you up on your own generalisations, it apparently isn't cricket for a woman to throw the same questions back in your direction.

You put forth no rational argument just a lot of hot air to inflate your own opinion while denegrating others that you disagree with. So far your comments have shown no merit whatever towards real debate but you keep telling us how much smarter and more important you are than the rest of the world.

...and now we hear that China's one child policy, no matter how barbaric in implementation, is ok, my, now the real yobbos come out from under their rocks.

When you've finished 'widening' your so-called debate to ignore the real issue - the RU486 debate - not beating up on Catholics, you should deal with your own issues. There may be something in this issue you have with Catholics. I'm rather amused that you feel the Catholic Church is at the forefront of everything that happens just about, but I've only heard comment from George Pell as the Church's this whole debate. I wish more of them would speak out but it really isn't much of a debate when you guys don't stick to the topic.

It seems you don't like it when I give you some of your own back but it will take more than you to scare me Col.
Posted by Meg1, Wednesday, 15 February 2006 7:22:55 PM
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Yabby, get your facts straight.
-The Vatican is not a religion, It is the official residence of the pope in Vatican city.
-No one is forcing you to “live based on Catholic dogma”. Catholics have a right to express their views the same as you do, why do you feel threatened by what they stand for?
-Have you read sacred scriptures? Do you know or understand what the Catholic church teaches? Have you ever read a Papal Encyclical? Be informed, don’t criticise what you don’t understand.
-Re safety of RU486. I refer you back to Helens article, there have been deaths and severe medical problems experienced Globally. In fact there is a move in Canada to have RU 486 banned due to the death of a young mother.-
-the “anti-abortion lobby” tell it as it is, like it or not. There is no kudos for speaking out on behalf of the unborn, but if we don’t, then who will defend the most vulnerable of our society? The unborn can’t speak for themselves. Do you know how abortions are performed? Educate yourself. Learn the facts and the truth behind the abortion industry. There is no such person as a poor abortionist. In fact they are usually very wealthy. There is big money in killing unborn babies.- Recommend you read, The Hand of God. A journey from Death to Life by the Abortion Doctor Who Changed His Mind, Dr Bernard Nathanson. Dr Nathanson, was the director of the world’s largest abortion mill and was Americas most prominent abortionist, performing over 60,000 abortions. He has seen it from both sides.
Posted by shanti, Wednesday, 15 February 2006 11:00:06 PM
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