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The semantics of abortion : Comments
By Helen Ransom, published 9/2/2006When does human life begin? A discussion on RU486, abortion and choice.
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“Actually it is usually the pro-life brigade who rant on and bring up inappropriate analogies to death, genocide ( ah that is one I have heard before, the genocide of abortion and comparisons to Pol Pot).”
Posted by Meg1, Monday, 13 February 2006 11:06:16 PM
“When society judges any human as 'more (or less) equal than others', we end up with such atrocities as 'Pol-Pot' or 'Hitler's human cleansing'”
All I can say “FIGJAM”
Let us consider the Pol Pot / Hitler scenario versus abortion
Two important differences
1 Abortion is about one person, the mother, making an individual decision based on her own individual circumstances.
In the instance of Pol Pot / Hitler, the victims were one group of people who were euthanised by the processes of the “state”.
That a lot of separate pregnant women make individual choices to abort is entirely different to one person or group of people making a single decision to kill a large number of other people.
2 Separation
The pregnant woman who aborts is dealing with an embryo /foetus which is supported by the resources of her own body and which is not a separate entity.
Hitler / Pol Pot had no such physical attachment to their victims. The Jews and Gypsies were separate individuals with no dependency on the bodily resources of Pol Pot or Hitler.
So thank you Meg1 for your demonstration of how predictable (= devoid or originality) the Pro-Life arguments are.
I will now point, out under German law, enacted in June 1943, any Aryan woman found guilty of having an abortion would be executed.
Thus, I could suggest, Pro-Life hold societal views close to those of Hitler under which abortion is illegal.
Anyone else want to make similar asinine, fatuous and contemptible comparisons?
Yabby – don’t look for reason in a pro-life argument, there is none, only dogma.
That same dogma brought about the Spanish Inquisition (ah another example of an attempt at extermination of the Jews and another parallel between the fund managers of Pro-Life and Hitler)