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Latham's war : Comments

By Scott Stephens, published 2/2/2006

Scott Stephens examines the demise of Mark Latham and why Australians are so eager to forget him.

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I suppose it should come as no surprise that you care nothing for the asylum seekers...and it doesn't bother you that the government lied about these unfortunate people throwing their children overboard. You appear to class human beings into catagories, somewhat like the old "white" South Africans.

However, it may come as a surprise to you, but there are those of us who care about ALL human beings, not just a select view. I might also add, that given the angry, sarcasm of your posts, not caring about helping others is not a very satisfying life. Being motivated by self-interest does not lead to happiness. Caring for those in need is a much more fulfilling life.

The Greens may not have the numbers, but they are not afraid to stand up and be counted when Beazley and other wimps run for the hills.

I have spoken to many people on polling days...and remember vividly the first election Beazley lost...too many people to count changed that day and voted Green rather than ALP.

Are you denying the results of those first 2 disastrous results of Beazley's "leadership" and learn.
Posted by sunisle, Saturday, 4 February 2006 9:26:48 AM
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Further to sunisle's post, I deliberately voted Green as a direct result of Beazely's lack of opposition to many issues such as 'children overboard'. I am hardly unique in holding that view.

I find it difficult to reconcile BD's frequent proclamations: "I am Christian therefore, by default I care about people and they are all equal in the eyes of God" or something similar. BD if you voted for Howard you voted to have the wool pulled over your eyes at the very least; at worst you simply didn't care and your claims of religious concern is merely rhetoric.

If people continue to dismiss the many lies of Howard's government, then I despair.

I agree with Shonga that it will take another Labor defeat before this bereft party starts to offer a true alternative.

As for Latham - his problem was that he was too honest, I guess there has to be a balance between outright lies and brutal honesty. Personally, I prefer brutal honesty.
Posted by Scout, Saturday, 4 February 2006 10:02:17 AM
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J Kenno- your view is typical of the way the left attempts to belittle and patronise Australians and depict them as frightened, ignorant and unworthy of a vote. If that is your view why don't we institute a Roman style democracy in which the vote of professionals and academics counts three times more than that of others? The conservative coalition would still win in that case-and probably by more.

As for the disparaging comments about some of the liberal leadership hopefulls- all are capable, solid performers and that is far more appealing to the Australian public than the candidates that the ALP throws up (Latham, Gillard, Crean, Midnight Oil would never and will never happen). The Australian public also recognises the distinct lack of talent in the ALP. Rudd is talented but is kept down by factions and nobody sees the merit in that. The 'workers party' has most of its hardest workers disillusioned. No matter how rich or connected the Lib candidates are, they don't last in the cabinet unless they can cut it (with the exception of Vandstone possibly).

If the ALP becomes a 'centre' party and disassociates itself with the Greens and the patronising far left then it may well win in the future. Until that time the coalition will not get beaten at an election- even taking into account the current disputes within the ranks (ie the Nationals/ Costello).
Posted by wre, Saturday, 4 February 2006 1:13:39 PM
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Dear Sunisle (and Scout)
I’m not sure where u derive the idea that I don’t care about ‘the’ (whoever that is) Assylum seekers.

What I do, is differentiate between the apparently genuine and the fake.

The fake can be identified very simply. The evidence is as follows:

“They will travel through a NUMBER of countries JUST to get to Australia”

Now, my sympathy is with them UP TO the first port of call where safety can be found from their own place.

My sympathy is then subject to the law, whereby they have ceased to be ‘assylum’ seekers and become automatically ‘economic opportunists’ at the moment it becomes clear they have moved ON from those countries where they HAD what they were seeking.

Do you understand this ?

I struggle to see why you have a problem with this reasoning, unless it is connected with a specific political agenda that clearly disrespects Australian and international law and the UN convention of refugees ?

Lets take a recent example. From what I understand, the Border is very tight between PNG and WP, so its probably not viable to head to PNG, but if it WAS, I would expect them to do so for obvious reasons. Assuming I’m right about this difficulty, their coming to Australia is ok, and they have my full sympathy. They did not go ‘through’ another country to get here either.

Scout, specially for your benefit, you need to differentiate between my personal feelings and sound refugee/ migration policy. I might be quite sympathetic to the situation of people on a one to one basis, but ‘policy’ is what protects our independance, soveriegnty, and freedom. What has “I’m a Christian” got to do with sound reasoning based policy ?

Sunisle, you are reading ‘in’ to my posts your own ‘hate’ :) If ur Victorian (Dianne.. u 2) why not come along to Maroondah festival on the 19th of Feb at Croydon and meet me at the ‘Spiritual Journey’ tent we are running ?

Scout... If JH truly lies, then he will reap what he sows :)
Posted by BOAZ_David, Saturday, 4 February 2006 7:25:20 PM
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Leave him alone.I think he needs time to sort out his problems.The Telegraph should have done like wise.
Politics is a dirty game and we need to encourage more people of ability and integrety to get better leadership.Pay Cabinate Ministers on performance and perhaps they will do what's good for us all.
The Liberals will win the next one not because of their great ability and reforms,but mainly because Labor have no talent and no relevant policies.

The liberals have not the will to tackle the most important issues,that of tax reform and welfare reform.The reason why we don't have money for health and infrastructure is that it is just too easy to get on welfare.1.5 million Aust of working age are collecting welfare or 15% of our working pop,many of whom work only part time.

Simplify this stupid tax system , give people incentive to get to work and don't penalise them for having two jobs.It will bring great benefits to ordinary working folk,generate more tax, but Pollies are too focused on the urgency of votes and won't act until the wheels look like falling off.
Posted by Arjay, Sunday, 5 February 2006 8:07:04 AM
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Shonga I have noted your posts and I respect your views ,spend some time however reviewing my posts.
Un questioned as from the ALP camp I however want good goverment from my team, Latham was unworthy of leading us.
His policys put more votes in the conservative camp they bought to us.
As a conservative Unionist, as a true beleaver, as an Australian , its never been more important that my party not be weighted down and drown at the up comeing election by dumb unwinnable policys.
Kim Beazley had some chance last time Latham zero, a Beazley campaign ,then not now , would never have handed the senate to our untrusted PM.
Bill Shorten now! we await a by election!
Posted by Belly, Sunday, 5 February 2006 11:07:10 AM
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