The Forum > Article Comments > What now that West Papuans got under our guard? > Comments
What now that West Papuans got under our guard? : Comments
By Tony Kevin, published 25/1/2006Tony Kevin argues Australian authorities will be outraged by the achievement of the 43 West Papuan refugees.
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Posted by PHILB, Tuesday, 7 February 2006 1:57:53 AM
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well.. you didn't criticize my rather rusty Indo/Malay :) good. I have to agree with you on one thing. The shopping malls in that area are quite good (Excellent). Though I cannot speak about Indonesia, I can speak of KL and its Air port and Fast train which always make me feel 'third world' here in Melbourne. Nothing in Melbourne compares with KL Central/Twin towers. Its a bit harsh and 'confrontasi' like though to call our country a 'joke'. I'll regard that as just a bit of sour grapes coming from you over some of the unkind things said to you by other posters. You don't need to take a line like that. Its better to discuss things in a calm manner.. some of your comments sound like the kind taken from 'Hate sites' which are attacking Islam (Usually Hindu ones) Lets avoid 'Mine is bigger than yours' in our discussions. The US would definitely help Australia, in spite of any economic interests in your region. But we would never be found attacking Indonesia its plain stupid. We intervened in the matter of East Timor because of 3 reasons I think. 1/ We owe them for their help during the 2nd world war. 2/ The cruelty of the Militia's and TNI and the will of the people was quite clear.Plus UN mandate. 3/ There is lots of OIL in that region. Your comments about intermarraige should be understood like this: Do those who marry Muslims have to convert to Islam ? This is universal in Malaysia. If that is so, then its not as 'friendly' as you make out. Then, you will recall the problems between the Madurese and the Dayaks in Kalimantan. Same problem only further down the track. Transmigration is always a problem whether its Lebanese Muslims in Australia or Madurese in Kalimantan or Javanese etc in WP. There will always be a struggle for resources. Tanah, Padi atau minyak tanah.. memang ada pergaduhan/pertandingan. Posted by BOAZ_David, Tuesday, 7 February 2006 2:27:13 PM
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Dear Proud to be an Indonesian,
Have a lie down, take a valium and read my post again. It is not the words of the Papuan separatist (who has been employed by the TNI at other times) that is interesting but the words of the Indonesian investigator. Pls check out the history of this investigation (the original investigators were all sacked because they concluded the military were involved) before you make over the top statements about Papuan separatists. Also their were telephone intercepts of Indonesian generals talking about military action against Freeport and blaming it on the separatists (this is all on the public record), I suggest you use google before making strong statements in the future Posted by Antigone, Tuesday, 7 February 2006 2:52:52 PM
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Au contraire, my dear. I think I have been too nice in my posts about Australia. Australians have displayed outrageously unacceptable arrogance in bullying and trying to dictate our country like some wannabe colonialist. For that, Australia deserve more bitchslapping to return this delusional nation to reality. If WE are in a different forum, I'll tell you what I really think about Australia. @antigone: LOL, trusting unsubstantiated rumours that came out of the mouth of the lawyer of a barbaric murderer instead of the conclusive investigation of the FBI and Indonesian police is like trusting the care of your kid to a known paedophile instead of a licenced day-care centre aka there is something seriously wrong with your brain. I suggest you take some supplements consisting of Gingko biloba and Taurin to improve your brain capacity. Posted by Proud to be Indonesian, Wednesday, 8 February 2006 12:48:21 PM
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No, unlike Malaysia which is an Islamic state, Indonesian non-Muslims do not need to convert to Islam before marrying Muslims. We are overall very relaxed when religion is concerned. Here's some pics of the relaxed lifestyle of Indonesian girls: BTW, there are almost no Madurese transmigrants in West Papua, they're mostly Buginese, Makasarese, Ambonese, Batak, and a few Javanese. On East Timor, do not praise yourself as your country got nothing to do with dynamics of East Timor. Your "intervention" is like some wannabe hero who arrive to the scene ages after the action is over. That is the true reason why Australian soldiers decided to go to East Timor, so Australians can have "heroic" self-delusions. Too bad the East Timorese do not share this delusion, by 2002, they rioted by burning and looting Australian businesses in Dili (Harvey World Travel, ANZ Bank, etc)and threatening to kill Australians. Today, East Timor treated Australia like enemy country due to your robbery of their oil resources.,13673,501021216-397548,00.html The only reason East Timor became independent is bcoz our president Habibie realised that worthless piece of land is just a drain on our subsidies. Instead of helping improve themselves thorugh the billions of subsidies we give annually, East Timorese instead became subsidy-dependent without showing any signs of advancement, much like the Australian Aborigines. Therefore, Pres Habibie made a brilliant decision to relieve Indonesia of this burden through a referendum. Australia's only role is to present extra burden for departing Indonesian soldiers who now must provide transportation and accomodation for the newbie Australian soldiers trying to pretend to be heroes. And of course, Australia stole East Timor's small oil reserve. No wonder, considering Australia's criminal origins. PS: Australia has always been butt of jokes in SE Asia due to its hilarious display of superiority complex that far surpasses the reality of its insignificance in SE Asian affairs. Just ask ex-Malaysian PM Mahathir, he just loves mocking Australia for fun. Posted by Proud to be Indonesian, Wednesday, 8 February 2006 1:09:43 PM
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Dear P2BI,
Since you are obviously unable to read anything that questions you unfortunate jingoistic position (and yes we have plenty of people like you in Australia) I will spell it out for you. The telephone intercept was leaked by a person 'close' to the US Embassy in Jakarta and had nothing to do with the Papuan separatist. The initial investigation came to the conclusion the the TNI was behind the attack because Freeport had stopped their payments to the TNI. The US President and the State Dept wanted to renew ties with Indonesia but were prevented by congress because of TNI involvement in the killings. The FBI investigation has been highly politicised, and the Indonesian police involved in the current investigation still think that the TNI were involved but are too scared to say so because it involves US Indonesian relations (plus as you well know people disappear in Indonesia if they go against the wishes of the TNI, you must know about the Indonesian politician who was brutally beaten the other day as he walked out of the parliament just as he finished questioning the military's human rights abuses. The Papuan separtists though highly likely a few were involved taking orders from the TNI are being sacrificed for the sake of Indonesian US military relations. BTW I hazard a guess you never been to Papua, while I go there regularly, and I see the human rights abuses first hand which are systematic and bordering on genocide. If Indonesia has nothing to hide in Papua why are the International media banned from the region? Posted by Antigone, Thursday, 9 February 2006 4:34:45 PM
Now as to the politics of Konfrontasi.Now I won't even comment on what arms or money the Sovit Union supplyed but it wasn't obviously enough.From an Australian perspective the war was very secret.But between 64 and 66 23 Australians were killed and 108 wounded.Their main brief was to patrol the border of Borneo,Sabah,and Saraak.They made frequent incursions onto Indonesian soil and Indonesian K.I.A. was much higher than ours by a long shot.Official figures are only a guesstimate.
I was going to comment on Indonesia's new business enterprise,but you have said it all "Henry Kissenger"What this tells me is someone is getting ripped off.
Oh one other thing, I have no intention of replying to any more of your posts.They are not,in my humble opinion of any educational value.Your posts are just a tirade of insults ref my people and its military and is objectional.If WE were on another forum I would tell you what I really think.