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Pogrom talk : Comments
By Dirk Moses, published 11/1/2006Dirk Moses argues the media commentary on the Cronulla riots has been disappointing and failed to offer any new perspectives.
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As I said.. we will only come to 'blows' initially and verbally..
I see it all in the spirit of empassioned debate -nothing personal.
I should forewarn you about my position. I mentioned 'socially positive discrimination' as being one of my points. I thought I'd dangled a red rad in front of a bull there actually :)
I'm sure you will find much to disagree with in my various posts. All I ask is that any response is backed up by both sound history and anthropology, rather than current trends in opinion regarding such concepts as 'human rights'.
I'm rather cynical about the UN and its fancy declarations. I don't see 'International law' as being any more viable than the willingness of states to accomodate it, and most states care more about their vested national/tribal interests than any idealistic legal code which could threaten it.
I put more faith in a Nation State which has a firm foundation in the Judao Christian/Magna Carta stream of history, along with a fearless prophetic voice directed at its leaders, in the tradition of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Amos (chapter1 and 2 are fantastic). but one needs a map to 'get' exactly how he works. (hint.. big circle then 'bulls-eye')
When ethics and morality and values are promoted by secular forces, they can speak with no greater authority than 'opinion'. But this is what differentiated Christ from all others..."This man speaks with Authority"
I am not seeking a Theocracy, but a 'renewed' state from within. In the same way that the Word spread among the Roman Empire up to Constantine. For me, that renewal comes when a life is given over to God in Christ, in humility and repentance. A view I realize is not shared by all.
So clearly, I stand a bit on the 'outer' of mainstream thinking on most social issues.
warm regards