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Pogrom talk : Comments
By Dirk Moses, published 11/1/2006Dirk Moses argues the media commentary on the Cronulla riots has been disappointing and failed to offer any new perspectives.
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you are asking the wrong question: “What does it mean to be white”? You also connected this with ‘power and privilege’.
For goodness sake mate..its a biological accident.. the more serious issues of power and privilege.
I am not sure, but I’d guess you are seeing those terms ‘in relation to’ Indigenous Australians ? your mob.
Well, looking at the people who come out of my sons work, there are all kinds. White, Islander, Asian, Middle Eastern... I seriously doubt that in terms of job opportunity, you can speak of ‘racism’ based job opportunity denial. Perhaps you are thinking of a certain ‘segment’ or level of society, ? which might be quite valid.. say “Education” or something. I guess such a question of power and privilege would not be something which could be answered in an “across the board way.”
I’m not aware of Banks lending only to Whites or Centrelink only interviewing ‘whites’. or Insurance companies only covering ‘Whites’ or doctors looking at skin color before diagnosing.
Perhaps it would be better for you to list “What subtle racism/power/privilege you OBSERVE as an Indigenous Australian” and then perhaps we can analyze it more effectively.
I suppose the Irish Catholics could not claim direct discrimination under the Anglican British absentee landlords until the tried to buy a block of land.. and found it was all owned by the Brits.
But in terms of access to employment as share farmers or whatever, they only had themselves to compete with.
I am sure you could (and I hope you do) identify structural racism, based on White/Anglo power. I guess the first place I’d go would be in relation to land. But given that Aboriginal concepts of ‘Land’ ownership were entirely different from the British idea, they are probably more compatible than you think. (access and free travel and sacred sites should not be a problem for our concept of Land ownership)
Anyway... give it a shot and TELL us about what’s in your mind.
P.S... I still hear that knocking but the door appears closed :)