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Australia - a racist backwater : Comments

By Greg Barns, published 22/12/2005

Greg Barns argues Australians have succumbed to materialism, fear, racism and xenophobia.

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I agree entirely with Greg Barns. It is well put, well thought, and on point.

I am dismayed by the reaction from the vast majority of subscribers to this site. I would call them the Legacy of Howard. Howard has done so much damage to the social fabric of this nation. These people are dancing to his tune of fake nationalism.

Isn't it extraordinary that in a country where nearly 25% of the population was born elsewhere, there is NOT A SINGLE DAY in the calendar to celebrate the contributions made by immigrants to this country?

Attacking Howard, and his despicable social agenda is defending Australia. Those who defend his reactionary and offensive form of politics are just as low as he is.

Bye for now.
Posted by EthnoAussie, Tuesday, 10 January 2006 8:06:01 PM
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I'm with you Greg.

Except you're braver/more idealistic than me.

I'd rather leave than stay and fight, as I don't believe this country is worth saving from itself. It abandoned that chance when it elected Howard and then keeps reinforcing it's lack of civilisation by re-electing his government.

The breadth of ignorance and fear in this country is truly shocking - all the more so when you consider the mongrel race we are..

As for the 'great unwashed' protecting our 'culture' - that's the biggest laugh I've had in ages - the best reason to go. The only good thing that could happen to this culture is a dose of penicillin..

You've got to be impressed that the swine can read and type, but I would take the comments as an example of what happens when you lie around in swill for too long.

Posted by Unaustralian, Tuesday, 10 January 2006 10:13:54 PM
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Gee Unaustralian - when are you leaving?

Diagnosis: bitter and twisted
Prognosis: no cure in sight
Alternative action: POQ to another country - preferably the North Pole
Coounselling Service: Rainier and Coach

See ya!
Posted by kalweb, Tuesday, 10 January 2006 10:29:09 PM
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Gee (an Americanism if ever I've heard one) Kay,

You're an perfect representative for this country and a great demonstration of the striving towards mediocrity that Australia is currently exhibiting. No rational argument or thought (deity forbid!) just the instinctive yob reaction.

Your kind make me laugh (they didn't for a long time) but now I'm almost shot of this country I no longer despair at what passes for discourse.

You're right in your prognosis - there is no cure in sight. I now believe this country actually deserves what's coming and, like our American cousins, the majority of you will be too stupid to see what's being done to our country until it's too late.. 'she'll be right, mate'.

It's been far too many years since I could travel the world as an Australian and have people say nice things about us. Now I no longer admit to being Australian, that way I don't have to apologise for it's behaviour.

You're just going to have to take my word that I'm not bitter about you lot. I couldn't be bitter and still get this much amusement out of the way Australians behave, so I'll admit to twisted. I'm glad I came back for a while to see this in all it's glory. I didn't believe what I was reading whilst I was overseas, but a few years back here has made sure I'll never doubt anything I read about this country ever again.

Sunshine and shark infested waters do not Heaven make..

Try posting again when you've got the brain cell working.. Then, by Australian standards you'll be an 'intellectual'.


PS Look out! There's a terrorist behind you! or is it a refugee? or is it a muslim?.....or an aboriginal? or a sole parent? (the last two were amongst the first targets of Howard back in 1997 - think of them as the groups he practised his scare tactic policies on).
Posted by Unaustralian, Tuesday, 10 January 2006 11:44:20 PM
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Hey Kay did you forget to leave the u out of coounselling ?.

So a few Lebs and Ozzy's have a punch up,and what have we got?, chystal nact 2.Geez Louise lets see, what do we have here?,we have posters giving us a three paragraph thesis on middle eastern culture,a diatribe blaming the crusades,quotes from the bible,The Lebanese being compared to Al Capone and murder incorperated,its all the Premiers fault,calling the Police wimps and unable to track an elephant in the snow, and for good measure disbaraging remarks about Aboriginals.I think I had better hide the wife and kids before they come for me,and turn me into a white slave.I have never read such utter bullsh@t in all my life.Greg you are spot on.

So a few of the boys go out for a belly full of piss,prowl the night clubs looking for jenny rotten crutch,and we have a race war.

When I was a teenager in the Army during the sixty's,If I got back to the base after a night out with the troops and didn't have a black eye or broken collar bone I would have thought "what a boring weekend".We prowled the pubs of Melbourne and Sydney and had a right good nights entertainment a fight a feed and a you know,if we got lucky.

We must all be turning into a nation of florists,have any of you posters been in a shearing shed or worked on the docks?I don't think so.Cause you see in some Ozzie environments you can get a pasting for passing wind at the wrong time.One of my best mates is a Lebo,the only time he's got pissed off with me is when I put a pork sandwhich in his lunch box,I should have called the immigration department and have him deported.

I know how to solve this problem,lets withdraw our Ambassador from Lebanon,(have we still got one? he may be hiding under the bed)take a deputation to the United Nations,get those Lebo ruffians to the Hague for crimes against humanity.And please no more pseudo intellectual clap trap,because I may throw up.
Posted by PHILB, Wednesday, 11 January 2006 5:39:50 AM
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Greg worshippers have shown similar disloyalty and vilification of Australia by attitude that degrade our democratic values. They prefer their exclusive left-wing views should prevail as a totalitarian State. They see John Howard as the problem. They are obviously frustrated by their inability to enforce their subversive left-wing agenda on the people of this nation. The way they degrade and devalue people as lesser than themselves - a truly racist attitude. PhilB is the typical yobbo in view in Greg's fire but he is blind [probably drunk].

Quote 1: "the vast majority of subscribers to this site. I would call them the Legacy of Howard. Howard has done so much damage to the social fabric of this nation. These people are dancing to his tune of fake nationalism".

Quote2: "I'd rather leave than stay and fight, as I don't believe this country is worth saving from itself. It abandoned that chance when it elected Howard and then keeps reinforcing it's lack of civilisation by re-electing his government."

Quote 3: "The breadth of ignorance and fear in this country is truly shocking - all the more so when you consider the mongrel race we are. As for the 'great unwashed' protecting our 'culture' - the best reason to go. You got to be impressed that the swine can read and type, but I would take the comments as an example of what happens when you lie around in swill for too long".

Quote 4: "No rational argument or thought just the instinctive yob reaction."

Quote 5: "The majority of you will be too stupid to see what's being done to our country until it's too late".

Quote 6: "When I was a teenager in the Army during the sixty's, If I got back to the base after a night out with the troops and didn't have a black eye or broken collar bone I would have thought "what a boring weekend". We prowled the pubs of Melbourne and Sydney and had a right good nights entertainment a fight a feed and a you know, if we got lucky."
Posted by Philo, Wednesday, 11 January 2006 6:55:46 AM
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