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Australia - a racist backwater : Comments
By Greg Barns, published 22/12/2005Greg Barns argues Australians have succumbed to materialism, fear, racism and xenophobia.
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Posted by Yabby, Thursday, 22 December 2005 10:32:32 PM
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Yabby, the only reason you have the freedom to "tell them so" is Not because of your religion, but because of your country's democratic values. One need only look at history to see how bloodthirsty christian religions have been (all in the name of God too...irony ftl). Even today, what is your pope telling you? How to inhibit your freedoms, is what.
Posted by Steel, Friday, 23 December 2005 1:49:05 AM
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Part 1.
You should all be ashamed of yourselves, especially those who say Greg's well-written article was illogical and misleading.. it has a beginning, and an end, with paragraphs of stuff in between, so why shouldn't it be published? As Greg points out, Australia is a racist country, and nowhere is that demonstrated better than by it's continual prejudice against Australians of Musca vetustissiman descent, derisively labelled across the continent as 'Australian bush flies' or worse, simply 'bloody flies'. For over two hundred years now, the foreign invaders (the Vetustissima race have lived on this continent for over 45,000 years) have come up with every imaginable method of killing, maiming and torturing them indescriminantly, showing little remorse or sign of ever holding back. Yet this tragedy is rarely discussed openly. It is indeed our national shame. Despite this, these little Australians have shown themselves to be truly resilient in the face of adversity. In addition to the relentless program of what could only be described as attempted genocide, they are also often identified incorrectly, as a spokesperson for the Vetustissimas recently explained: "People often mistake us as being of Musca domestican descent, also called 'Malaysian house flies' by some. We are currently trying to spread public awareness about this, since', as he pointed out, "Domesticas, or 'Lalats', always hang around rubbish and sewage, and aim for food, whereas we do not. We prefer to derive protein from around people's eyes, a relatively harmless activity", he argued. In reply to that, a representive for the Lalats labelled the Vetustissimas hypocrites: 'They always forget to mention that they spend most of their life cycles in or around cow manure, and that their preference for eye fluid can lead to the spread of the 'trachoma' disease. Why doesn't that ever get mentioned? Not that the Australian Government has ever supported our needs either. All we want to do is to find a place to raise a family, just like everyone else. But the Anglos always accuse us, claiming that we try to steal their beer, even though we don't drink alcohol.' Posted by Ev, Friday, 23 December 2005 2:39:07 AM
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Part 2.
Nevertheless, amongst those in the know, the Vetustissimas have a reputation of being the cleaner race. A Cootamundra local of Anglo-Celtic background, who did not wish to be named, was succinct about the issue, albeit in a morbid way: 'Lalats produce this slimy and icky white stuff when they die. That's why I often don't want to kill house flies. Bush flies don't produce anything. They just, well, die. So that'd surely encourage you to kill them. Lalats are dirty, and die a dirty death. Bush flies die a cleaner death.' Still outraged, however, the Vetustissimas see this as yet another thinly veiled excuse for genocide. 'In addition to the countless bashings and murders, the Australian Government also introduced the Dung beetles into the country, with the deliberate intention of reducing our overall population,' stated the representative, citing the results of a 1998 study: 'At one site in New South Wales a number of experiments were carried out in 1987/88 to measure the levels of egg to adult mortality of bush flies in cattle dung. Adding exotic dung beetles to cattle dung increased bush fly mortality from levels where populations could increase (85% mortality) to levels where populations decreased (97% mortality). In one site in south western Australia around 1980 prior to the establishment of introduced beetles bush fly populations peaked each spring and early summer building up to around 20,000 flies/ha in December each year. Ten years later in 1990 peak bush fly populations were around 1000 flies/ha, considered to be a threshold at which they could become a nuisance.' (original source: Greg asked, 'Why can't Australia be more like Canada?' I think Greg needs to consider that although the Canadians may be more tolerant, this benefit would be offset by the sub-arctic temperatures that pervade there in winter. This would surely have an adverse effect on the Vetustissimas' ability to raise families. 'Let's admit it. Australia has become a pigsty.' On this one point I have to disagree with Greg, although it must surely be at the top of every fly's wish list this Christmas. Posted by Ev, Friday, 23 December 2005 2:42:11 AM
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Greg Barns lives in his own little world. I hope he stays there.
wre is it true what Shonga says about you? Posted by FRIEDRICH, Friday, 23 December 2005 5:50:57 AM
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the author is a self hating australian who really should leave for canada immediately, he will only be satisfied when all of australias culture and traditions have been destroyed or swamped by accepting millions of migrants
the people wanting to emigrate to australia come from countries that are far more racist than australia is the authors diatribe is typical of the hard lefts addictive requirement to achieve the warm inner glow from frequently asserting their moral superiority over all others Posted by harry34, Friday, 23 December 2005 5:56:19 AM
If he is trying to push the islam barrow to achieve it, he's clearly
not too smart either. Go and visit a whole lot of Muslim countries and tell me where tolerance is part of that religion. A bit like
our Catholics really, only we have the freedom to tell them so,
most people in Muslim countries don't.