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The Forum > Article Comments > Sydney riots: how do we fix this? > Comments

Sydney riots: how do we fix this? : Comments

By Rafa McNulty, published 20/12/2005

Rafa McNulty argues Australians need to condemn the bigoted sentiments that divide this nation.

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Not even in point form then?
Posted by Mr.P.Pig, Thursday, 5 January 2006 11:08:35 AM
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I have never said that you, or any other person, don't have the right to express views, or to argue with me about mine. Can you please quote where I have said that you don't have this right?

I said that others have the right to argue against Fascist and Racist views, and to attempt to show the fault in those views.

On a personal level, I have the right to be intolerant of you and not to associate with you. Freedom of assoiation also means freedom of non-association.

What I have said is that society should not tolerate illegal actions carried out in furtherence of those views, that is, calls to violence and the like.

If you want to start a Fascist political party and run for a seat in parliament, then go ahead. But if you attempt to stage a Beer-Hall Putsch or a March on Canberra, or perhaps a burning of the Reichstag, (good typical Fascist acts all), expect to be met with a considerable amount of 'intolerance'. Any proposals for disposal of 'worthless eaters' will similarly result in interance of yourself and your views.
Posted by Hamlet, Thursday, 5 January 2006 11:17:56 AM
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- a richer and broader culture
- a more diverse and interesting population mix
- innovative and different ideas
- access to new markets and sources of capital
- willing workers where needed
- an ability to share with and learn from others
- an international reputation for fairness and decency

and much more.


It's over to you!

bRonwyn (RRRRRRR)
Posted by Bronwyn, Thursday, 5 January 2006 11:57:22 PM
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- a richer and broader culture

Incorporating cultures which may be great to look at and experience while travelling overseas but not so great to live next door to or have as a ghetto in the neighbouring suburb.

- a more diverse and interesting population mix

And tribal animosities.

- innovative and different ideas

Sharia, first cousin marriage, clannism

- access to new markets and sources of capital

Family connections back in the home country sure give great access to some quality drugs.

- willing workers where needed

True, then these workers bring over grandma with her need for a pension and medical care rapidly diminishing the benefits. Seen it many times.

- an ability to share with and learn from others

If it wasn't for MC I wouldn't have known just how backwards some cultures are. Also as a recent case shows involving a Congolese refugee, some are more than willing to share their deadly infections.

- an international reputation for fairness and decency

Which, upon the slightest friction between the 'racist' Anglos and the 'oppressed ethnic minority' gets completely trashed by by our own media whores.

To be fair Bronwyn it's given us something but is it worth the cost?

Alternatives? Just don't have it, multi-ethnic fine, but can MC.
Posted by CARNIFEX, Sunday, 8 January 2006 6:51:06 AM
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bRRRRRon.... yes. agreed.. all those things and we can have all that

As LONG as they are in a framework of:

1/ Dominant culture being Anglo/Brit

2/ Controlled numbers to avoid ghettos and any one minority becoming a threat.

3/ We remain in total control of our immigration and settlement policies.

and now..for my ULTIMATE PC SIN.... :)

4/ SELECTIVE immigration based on:

a) Social Cohesian
b) Cultural compatability
c) Political Stability
d) Our national interest.

And none of those 4 final criteria mean we have to miss out on all the yummy goodies you mentioned. It just DOES mean, that there will not be racial or cultural competitiveness which WOULD ultimately spill over into ..... CRONULLA and the such like. It means we will have a harmonious and vibrant society with a rich mix of people, but not to the point where any one group aside from the dominant can say "Ah.. look at us, now we are many, lets sack the city" as the Thai's did in Ankor Wat many moons ago, and as the Ivorian Migrants did when they realized they could put a candidate for president, and gain control of the diamonds...and as the WHITES did in New Zealand with the deceptive dual language treaty of Waitangi, need I go on ?
C'mon girl, join the 'real' world :)
Posted by BOAZ_David, Sunday, 8 January 2006 8:25:33 AM
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"If it wasn't for MC I wouldn't have known just how backwards some cultures are."

This is an arrogant and narrow-minded statement don't you think? In any case, many would argue that a culture that exploits and dominates its environment in a totally unsustainable manner, as ours does, is not particularly advanced. One day, Western societies will be forced to learn from some of those cultures you disparage as "backward". As the resources needed to maintain our extravagant lifestyle become increasingly depleted, we will have no choice but to learn from those who have managed to live in harmony with their surroundings for thousands of years. That's another debate of course, but it is strongly connected to this one.

"Alternatives? Just don't have it, multi-ethnic fine, but can MC."

Once again, an arrogant and as well a counter-productive view. Why should people have to forgo all of their cultural traditions? That is asking people to deny their history and all that makes them who they are. It is a sure recipe for social instability. In time, most migrants will gradually adopt the traditions of their new country and will become less reliant on the ways of their homelands.
Posted by Bronwyn, Sunday, 8 January 2006 3:00:03 PM
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