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Being the wrong kind of Muslim ... : Comments

By Shakira Hussein, published 18/11/2005

Shakira Hussein argues moderate Muslims are as fearful of Muslim terrorists as non-Muslims are.

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It is evident that the only times you appear is to emphasise your advanced evolved intellect. Obviously you cannot communicate with us low class plebs, so please drop off and allow us to evolve.

Quote, "Clearly humans have a lot more emotional intelligence to develop before we can consider ourselves civilised."

Your posts are offensive to our developing intelligence and distracting to open debate.

You only envisage indifference to reign in your advanced society. People like you need a bomb under them, so they ascend to the next higher plain. The subject is, "Muslims are as fearful of Muslim terrorists". Please answer WHY?
Posted by Philo, Thursday, 24 November 2005 9:47:53 AM
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Philo, I can't answer on behalf of Scout or the moderate muslim community but I can toss my observations in.

As significant proportion of the direct and indirect victims of extremist muslim terrorism are muslims trying to go about their lives. Doing strange type muslim things such as shopping, commuting to work, having a walk with the kids and other stuff most of us don't understand. They get blown up as easily as a non muslim if they happen to be on the train that morning, they suffer from the downturns in economies when people stop doing the things that keep others employed etc.

Another aspect which is less quantifiable but seems a likely possibility is that often extremists reserve a special hatred and contempt for those who should be on their side but who just can't get it right. Those horrid muslim women who choose not to dress the way they should, even worse are muslims who have non-muslim friends or maybe had a beer when they went to BD's place for that much talked about BBQ. It can be dangerous to be "the wrong kind of XXX*" where XXX is anything which has an extremist element.

Posted by R0bert, Thursday, 24 November 2005 10:15:26 AM
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Ouch! Truth hurts doesn’t it Philo? Glad I have gotten your attention.

Now if you believe that casting aspersions on one another’s religion constitutes debate, well I won’t bother to disabuse you.

However, you manage to return to the topic of this particular debate by the question you posed:

“"Muslims are as fearful of Muslim terrorists". Please answer WHY?”

Well, Philo, all I can do is offer further questions such as,

Why do blacks and Jews fear the Ku Klux Klan?

Why did Christians fear other Christians in Northern Ireland?

Fear and loathing abounds in Sri Lanka, where both Sinhalese and Muslims still fear Tamil Tigers (and vice versa).

Why do many women still fear men?

Why do fundamentalist Christians approve of the death penalty? And why does that scare me?

Could it be about power? Could it be about dominance?

Why DO extremist Muslims indiscriminately kill?

These are complicated questions, which engender complex answers.

I don’t pretend to have all the answers. I do have disgust at the low level of discussion by those who hold that they are superior to others simply because of the religion they claim to follow.

Philo, you maligned Yabby’s intelligence in response to a posting of his/hers – when you stated

“Yabby, you have disclosed your no brain answer, obviously according to you evolution has not as yet developed religion in your thought process. Perhaps you can give us some of your philosophy for how you find answers to you own behavioural problems, since faith and hope has not yet evolved in your brain. Or perhaps you have no answers!”

Yet when I cast doubt upon the emotional evolution of many (not all – I didn’t name names) who indulge in religious squabbling – you reacted in a knee-jerk fashion. You erroneously claimed I was shutting down debate.

If picking faults in Islam is your idea of debate – please continue.

The rest of us can continue to look for reasons for the current crop of terrorism and maybe, together, we can work towards solutions.

R0bert - thanks for the (un)common sense.
Posted by Scout, Thursday, 24 November 2005 11:14:35 AM
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Go Scout and Robert, the voices of compassion and reason.

Why are so many people who like to wear their religious convictions on their sleeve, so judgemental and lacking in compassion and fellow human feeling? Some of you don't make good advertisements for your respective faiths.

Whenever a terrorist attack occurs anywhere, apart from the actual victims and their loved ones, the people I immediately feel sorriest for are moderate Muslims. They will inevitably be made more fearful and risk nastyness and insult when they personally have done nothing whatever to deserve it.

I find it hard to see a substantive difference beween westerners who use a terrorist incident as an excuse to spew vitriol and hatred indiscriminately, and fundamentalists who do the same back to us.

It is tolerance, compassion, sanity, common sense and reason that will defeat terrorism, anything else will simply make it worse.
Posted by enaj, Thursday, 24 November 2005 11:45:58 AM
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Another peace of propaganda: Islam spread by sword!
Then how come Muslim countries (Except Saudi) still have churches and Christian populations? How is Islam spreading for the last two centuries? Or last 10 years?

Christianity spread on the back of colonialism: early Romans, Red Indians, Africans and aborigines did not exactly ‘see the light’. Please refer to ency. Biblica (including Spanish colonialism).

Seems you always had a ‘faithful, open eyes and jaws’ type of audience.


The answer is simple: because we know Islamists are about power and control. Islamists were killing Muslims throughout history (Iraq now?). It seems your definition of history is “11 Sep 2001 onwards”.

Kaktuz & Team,

Most Muslims don’t know these hadith exist, it is only on Anti-Islamic sites as you well know (and seen on my blogspot). I only stumbled across these hadith in my agnostic days when I was riddled with conflicting theologies, religions, prophecies, etc.

You can’t show me a single Muslim (or website) that says hadith is divine or even part of the Islamic faith. Islam=Quran. It is however used as second source for the Shariah law (including the apostasy statement, which, if you follow my other postings, the Quran does not support it but ‘a’ hadith does).

I can understand an Atheist raising these questions but you claim to be Christians. There is nothing wrong with that except on two points:

1. Your misrepresenting comments under ‘freedom of religious debate’ yet blindly follow the Nicea creed:“Oops, God is three”. Why would God since Adam insist “He is One”? At least we kept the commandments intact. Think!
2. You ignore historians (Muir, Sale) writings on Islam, yet you quote the very same sources who were at war with Muslims. They are also the same sources who claimed Jesus (PBUH) never existed (or if he did, he was cruel to animals and pushed a young boy to his death) and virgin Mary was neither a virgin nor a good woman. If your sources were so honest, then your own religion doesn’t really exist.
Posted by Fellow_Human, Thursday, 24 November 2005 1:52:34 PM
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Thanks Fellow_Human for your brief attempt to answer my retorical question to Scout. I was mirroring in previous posts the intellectual abuse by Yabby; who believes religion was a past development in evolutionary thought, and Scout's belief those who hold belief in God are of lower intelligence or emotional development. Scout's blind to her own abuse of people of faith who delve into beliefs that motivate extreme action with her constant childish chant, "My religion is better than yours". Their belief in the theory of evolution so colours how they see others.

Though BD and myself have difference of opinion on issues like the doctrine of God expressed by Trinity, it's not a factor for me to consider him polytheist who deserves death; because I know he doesn't worship three Gods. I've many friends in my Church who believe God is expressed [incarnate] in the character of man, his spirit moves in natural creation, but God is very much other-than mortal man or physical creation. For me it's the same God expressed in Christ [an anointed man in whom dwelt the spirit of God] they wish to identify Jesus humanity in their equasion of God [because of a conception miracle], hense conclude= three persons.

However Islamists believe Christians are polytheist is a motivating factor in Islamic fundamentalists reasoning to murder Christians. Similarly Jewish lawyers accused Jesus of polytheism because he stated, "God was his father", and so had him crucified. The death of Jesus is fundamental in understanding Christ's mission, but his death is denied by Islamists and is another reason they murder Christians.

Even that you highlight the Trinity as a notable point of difference in your post shows your distain, which may allow you to act with indifferent preference to your extremists brotherhood who would kill Christians for what you believe is polytheism.

The constant defence of your Qur'anic position against Christians, rather than identify the passionate beliefs that motivate extremists to murder unbelievers, Christians and other Muslims, it could be interpreted you have subconscious conscent for the ultimate work extremists do to rid the world of polytheism.
Posted by Philo, Friday, 25 November 2005 5:16:47 AM
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