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Terrorism arrests - moving from the political to the judicial : Comments

By Waleed Aly, published 14/11/2005

Waleed Aly argues the recent arrests of terrorism suspects in Australia may benefit the Muslim community.

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You cannot reason with hate; you can not negotiate with liars; you cannot be nice to those who promote oppression – or make excuses for it. They must be accountable for their own words and actions and those of their fellow Muslims. If they say that Islam is tolerant and peaceful, you must tell them that based upon the facts they are, at best, foolish hypocrites and bigots, if not worse.

“I'm sick to death of hearing about Muslims and their problems.”. Well, get used to it. This is about persecution, pain, suffering and death. The issue are what kind of a country you want to live in and what kind of future you want for your family.

There is no reason to believe that Islam will treat non-Muslims with respect or kindness. They may let you live if you don’t offend them.

Our Muslims friends here have not been honest about their dear leader, and they have not been honest about their relationship with other peoples and other faiths.

Oh yes, read this:

Indonesian Christians Complain Islamic Militants Close Churches, from

“Christian groups in Indonesia say their right to worship freely is being hindered by conservative Muslim groups that have forced more than 30 churches to close this year. However, Muslim groups charge that Christians are violating the law by using shops and houses as places of worship.”

Disgusting! Waleed, FH... Any comments on Islamic tolerance? have you no shame?

Posted by kactuz, Wednesday, 16 November 2005 8:06:30 AM
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Is there any danger that anyone, at any stage, is actually going to post something here that is even remotely relevant to the article?
Posted by Jasper, Wednesday, 16 November 2005 9:15:16 AM
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So, I’m not a xenophobe. I’m really an offensive bigot. Wrong again. You really must get that dictionary. I do, however, accept that my comments are offensive to you, and I can only suggest that you don’t read them. You don’t even have to participate in this excellent forum if you have trouble with my opinions and those of others whom you often mention.

I did not say that Muslims are inherently dishonest, and permanently incapable of change, as your adjective implies. After all, some people do leave Islam after becoming disaffected with its dogma. Nor did I say that practising Muslims are necessarily dishonest. I didn’t use the simplistic word ‘dishonest’, either. I was talking about taqiyya. You, slyly or unwittingly, imply that I referred to the everyday honesty and dealings of Muslims, which I definitely did not.

Nor did I say that I believed that all Muslims practise taqiyya. They are not required to do so. What I did say was “… and I wonder if we should be taking anything Muslims say at face value?”. That’s a question, my dear Duck, not a statement. It was an opening for someone with the sense and knowledge to discuss it. There were no takers. Instead I got you – all criticism and no ideas.

I am intrigued by you final sentence. You write that you are not very keen on religions because: ‘ by their exclusive nature they alienate everybody else.’ This is a strange remark from a person defending Islam against criticism.
Posted by Leigh, Wednesday, 16 November 2005 9:23:09 AM
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Jasper, I wouldn't hold my breath if I was you, when the religious blanks get going, they lose all sense of reality and waffle on round and round in circles getting more violent as they go. We must remember that those that live within demonic fantasy, can't understand reality.

Waleed has some very good points, but he us religious and therein lies the cause and the problem. After all there is little difference between religions, just the historical time factor. Once one faction overcomes the other, it will push its agenda.

Question, which religion is pushing for god to be placed within our national anthem at the present time. Which religions are pushing for religious considerations to be placed in our laws, education and social structures.

Answer, christianity and islam.

Waleed says, "Bring it on. What is there to be afraid of? Let the truth come out. Let justice prevail." How about some justice for non believers, how long do we have to put up with the constant barrage of propaganda from these increasingly violent Ism's.

Waleed there are many different aspects of society that get raided by the police, for whatever reasons, not just the religious. There is no way you nor your opponents can convince us that once these radicals are removed, both islam and christianity will not continue to push for control of our society.

Fellow Human, don't tell me that you answer questions, you along with your opponents always run away when confronted with fact. Unlike real people who are prepared to be wrong, the religious refuse, resorting to scripture. It must be so frustrating and frightening to be unable to support your delusions against reality, but I enjoy a laugh, pity it is such a serious situation .
Posted by The alchemist, Wednesday, 16 November 2005 10:34:14 AM
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You must understand that the very sight of a Muslim (or terrorism) article on OLO puts so many OLO posters in a Crusader-Spanish Inquisition timewarp that very little sense can be made.

There is obviously an undercurrent of religious fervour, perhaps associated with Family First, that leads to such an odd results on this Blog.

You may have noticed my own post in this anti-Muslim maelstrom.

"Waleed may be the new breed of Muslim politician who can appeal both to Muslims and the non Muslim majority.

May assimilation for all follow.

Posted by plantagenet, Tuesday, 15 November 2005 12:54:08 AM"

I'm hoping that Waleed is implying that Muslims can place their faith in the secular, judicial process.

My own position is that the less religion in the world (causing perpetual conflict) and the more secular assimilation, the better.
Posted by plantagenet, Wednesday, 16 November 2005 11:09:44 AM
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The reaction you stated is largely associated with Middle East/ North African culture where religion becomes their identity. Christians in Egypt riot when anything is published in the news about a priest. Can anyone dare put a cartoon even in Sydney, about the Orthodox Christians Pope Shenouda?

I have seen my faith being ridiculed by people like yourself, Kactuz and few others. Muslims can’t ridicule Christianity or Judaism because we will be hurting our own prophets: Jesus and Moses and their scriptures.

Logically speaking, I can’t understand why Muslims of all people can’t be relaxed about faith matters. Muslims believe in all prophets and their scripture and everyone is judged separately so whoever is ridiculing God or prophets, from a Muslim perspective, can only be hurting themselves.


You said : “You cannot reason with hate”

Well said.

Btw, you are ‘preaching to the reverted’ on militant Islam. All Muslims know it is dangerous and have been for a long time. Militant Islam used to blow up schools full of Muslims in Egypt late 80’s and early 90’s, assassinate police officers, hotels, restaurants.


- Taqeyya is an option (not a must) to hide your faith when you feel that your life is in danger simply because of your faith.
- It is mainly a practice invented by Shiite Muslims and is rejected by mainstream Islam.
- Its started sometimes in the 9th-10th century AD when Shiites were persecuted either by Crusaders or even other Muslims.

- “hiding your beliefs out of fear was used by Hungarian Jews during the Nazis, by early Christians during the Byzantine empire.. It was also used by early Christians to avoid persecution of the Roman Catholicism during the 4th century.
Posted by Fellow_Human, Wednesday, 16 November 2005 12:52:25 PM
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